Parallel Universes, extra dimensions, & related UFOs, disappearances etc

Re: Parallel Universes, extra dimensions, & related UFO's, disappearances etc

Aha! Eminently logical, and might explain the source(s) of 'stray' X-ray radiation. Thank you for explaining! :icon_thumright:

I knew that anti-matter exists, they have successfully made tiny amounts in accelerators, but by rights there should be almost as much anti-matter as matter in our Universe, yet where is it? Perhaps we will know the answer some day?

Re: Parallel Universes, extra dimensions, & related UFO's, disappearances etc

Oroblanco said:
Aha! Eminently logical, and might explain the source(s) of 'stray' X-ray radiation. Thank you for explaining! :icon_thumright:

I knew that anti-matter exists, they have successfully made tiny amounts in accelerators, but by rights there should be almost as much anti-matter as matter in our Universe, yet where is it? Perhaps we will know the answer some day?
Dear Oroblanco;
And that is the 64,000$ question my friend. We know so little about antimatter, for all we know there may be entire galaxies comprised of antimatter, which is also a distinct possibility, according to the currently accepted theories.
Your friend;

Re: Parallel Universes, extra dimensions, & related UFO's, disappearances etc

Perhaps, Black Holes are where matter is fed into an antimatter universe and a White Hole is where antimatter is fed into our universe. The energies released in each hole is what powers the respective ports of entry / exits.
Just positing.

Re: Parallel Universes, extra dimensions, & related UFO's, disappearances etc

Wow - what would an anti-matter STAR be like? Would it emit light, like our stars and Sun, or would it emit something else, or maybe even -nothing- like a Black Hole? Just wondering, never thought about the anti-matter star before.

Re: Parallel Universes, extra dimensions, & related UFO's, disappearances etc

Dear Oroblanco;
Not an antimatter star, my friend, but an antimatter GALAXY! Matter and antimatter cause annihilation, therefore the two particles cannot co-exist together. Or else, BOOOM! Space between galaxies may possibly be comprised of dark energy, which may act as an effective barrier between matter and antimatter particles, therefore theoretically it is possible for antimatter galaxies to co-exist with matter galaxies.
Your friend;

Re: Parallel Universes, extra dimensions, & related UFO's, disappearances etc

:coffee2: :icon_thumleft: ;D Well... you BOTH may be "talking" about a parellel "universe" or a parellel dimension, which has the "anti" thing... MAYBE the BLACK HOLE, is like a WORM HOLE; sucking light & energy into it... into the NEXT universe/dimension... DUNNO. :dontknow: :coffee2: :coffee2: Coffee?

Re: Parallel Universes, extra dimensions, & related UFO's, disappearances etc

Dear Rebel-KGC;
My personal thoughts about what happened BEFORE the Big Bang theory are these:
There existed a universe before ours, that once it had finished expanding and all of the core energy dissapated, it became stable and unmoving. Then after an age, it started to retract once again back to the core.

Eventually all of the galaxies in the universe contracted to the size of a single atom about the size of a grapefruit and when the internal heat of this incredibly heavy mass overcame it's gravitational containment, BANGGG! The Big Bang occurred and the universe started anew.
Your friend;

Re: Parallel Universes, extra dimensions, & related UFO's, disappearances etc

:icon_thumleft: GOOD! What IF... we had a "reverse" BLACK HOLE sucking light & energy from another dimension into OUR dimension, with a BIG BANG, and a FLASH OF LIGHT? As Ss "said"... WHITE HOLE! Ah well... :dontknow: :read2: "G" said... let there be LIGHT! And WAS LIGHT! :wink:

Re: Parallel Universes, extra dimensions, & related UFO's, disappearances etc

Hmm - if there are Anti-matter galaxies, made up entirely of antimatter, I wonder if the anti-matter behaves the same as matter? As far as I know the only anti-matter created (so far) in the lab has been anti-hydrogen or anti-helium, nothing like a heavy element.

A negative black hole - spewing out matter, light, energy etc - perhaps our stars are black holes in an alternate universe, and our black holes are stars there?

Re: Parallel Universes, extra dimensions, & related UFO's, disappearances etc

Dear Oroblanco;
Theoretically, white holes can exist, my friend. Also, the theoretical white hole would act exactly the oppposite of a black hole, being that instead of sucking in space/time, it would be ejecting space/time, along with light and particulate matter.
Your friend;

Re: Parallel Universes, extra dimensions, & related UFO's, disappearances etc

That is just FAR OUT amigo! I have to ask a 'theoretical' question and hope you have the answer - would a "white hole" be seeming to spew out matter from "nowhere"? I know that black holes seem to 'eat' everything, which seems impossible, so am making a presumption about the opposite, white holes. Thank you in advance,

Re: Parallel Universes, extra dimensions, & related UFO's, disappearances etc

:coffee2: :icon_thumleft: ;D Ya'll realize, we have generated the INVISIBLE UNIVERSITY on TN; which CAN become the "e" ROYAL SOCIETY; I "see" an e-book coming out of all of this. ;D :wink:
ANYWAY... Back to "TOPIC": Oro, you asked if a WHITE HOLE would seems to "spewing out"
out matter from "NOWHERE"... it MAY look that way to us, in THIS dimension. HOWEVER! Assumning that we live in a MULTIVERSE, with at least TEN dimensions (saw on TV, yesterday, SOME
PHYSICISTS believe, we MAY have an 11th dimension). (M-Theory, etc.) :o :tongue3: ::) I "posit" that "anti-matter" THERE, MAY become MATTER, HERE... DUNNO. :dontknow:

Re: Parallel Universes, extra dimensions, & related UFO's, disappearances etc

:coffee2: :icon_thumleft: FURTHER, on "TOPIC"... "disappearances"; the Bermuda Triangle, the Devil's Sea, and about TEN more "strange areas" are also known as (AKA) VILE VORTICES, which I think are "portals" to the NEXT dimension (aka TIME/SPACE WARPS). I also think that "strange disappearances" like Judge Crater, et. al. were "accidental wandering" into "portals" or "Black Holes" into the NEXT dimension;
NOT "Alien Abductions" like on CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE THIRD KIND. I DID love that movie, tho... brought back "memories" of MY "youth"... "sniff". :'( "Google" VILE VORTICES 65,600 "hits";
"STRANGE DIAPPEARANCES" 87,100 "hits". :read2: :coffee2:

Re: Parallel Universes, extra dimensions, & related UFO's, disappearances etc

Gracias amigo Rebel, :icon_thumright:

You reminded me of famous flight 19 in the "Bermuda Triangle" and the radio messages that said the sky and the sea didn't "look right" and their instruments didn't work right. I know, the 'pat' answer is they simply ran out of fuel and fell in the sea, but no trace of them being found? Every one of those planes had an inflatable rubber boat for the crew, and they had life vests too. A massive search was done and one of the first planes sent out to find them also vanished, a PBY flying boat. I know the "pat" answer for that is it blew up in the air but again no piece of the plane found? In most cases of a plane crash, debris is left behind - even in cases where they picked up most of it for evidence, some small bits or even large pieces remain (like engines). I can't prove these disappearances are a result of accidently crossing into another dimension but it would sure explain things.

I have to get back to work, will 'stop in' later this evening.

Re: Parallel Universes, extra dimensions, & related UFO's, disappearances etc

Oroblanco said:
Gracias amigo Rebel, :icon_thumright:

You reminded me of famous flight 19 in the "Bermuda Triangle" and the radio messages that said the sky and the sea didn't "look right" and their instruments didn't work right. I know, the 'pat' answer is they simply ran out of fuel and fell in the sea, but no trace of them being found? Every one of those planes had an inflatable rubber boat for the crew, and they had life vests too. A massive search was done and one of the first planes sent out to find them also vanished, a PBY flying boat. I know the "pat" answer for that is it blew up in the air but again no piece of the plane found? In most cases of a plane crash, debris is left behind - even in cases where they picked up most of it for evidence, some small bits or even large pieces remain (like engines). I can't prove these disappearances are a result of accidently crossing into another dimension but it would sure explain things.

I have to get back to work, will 'stop in' later this evening.

Methane gas? If it can sink a ship, it could sink debris from planes, after stalling their engines. Maybe...maybe not.

Re: Parallel Universes, extra dimensions, & related UFO's, disappearances etc

:coffee2: :icon_thumleft: ;D Well... I NOT certain, but I think the planes WERE found in @1991, on the "ocean floor"; it COULD have been "faked" & I DUNNO about planes ID "numbers". Judge Crator was a "bad" example, as he COULD have been like a "JIMMY HOFFA" case or something... NOT sure if his body was
EVER found. Strange disappearance of David Lang; ships drifting around the sea, without crew (ready to eat... plates, etc. lunch cooking, etc), MOSTLY in the "Bermuda Triangle"; ENTIRE villages GONE! WELL! ??? ??? :dontknow:

Re: Parallel Universes, extra dimensions, & related UFO's, disappearances etc

Kentucky Kache wrote
Methane gas?

Absolutely possible for those disappearances in the Bermuda Triangle, at least in tests it showed that it would cause a ship to sink, an aircraft engine to stall out etc. What I can't figure though is the inflatable rafts and lifevests - they would not sink even with massive amounts of methane being released, if they did sink due to the methane bubbling up, when it stopped bubbling they would float to the surface - yet NONE of them were ever found.

Rebel - KGC said:
:coffee2: :icon_thumleft: ;D Well... I NOT certain, but I think the planes WERE found in the LATE 1990's, on the "ocean floor"; it COULD have been "faked"... DUNNO. Judge Crator was a "bad" example, as he COULD have been like a "JIMMY HOFFA" case or something... NOT sure if a body was
EVER found. Strange disappearance of David Lang; ships drifting around the sea, without crew (ready to eat... plates, etc. lunch cooking, etc. MOSTLY in the "Bermuda Triangle"); ENTIRE villages GONE! WELL! ??? ??? :dontknow:

You may have it right on Judge Crater - he did have some powerful enemies. I remember seeing that on satellite TV where they found a group of five TBM Avengers (one of the largest single engine bombers of WW2) in the 1990's but it turned out that the ID numbers on the group found were NOT the missing planes! What is even weirder is that those five had all crashed at different times, ending up all in one small area. It kind of suggests that something bad for aircraft is affecting them in that area, which is not an impossibility. There are magnetic oddities/anomalies around the world, for instance, which cause compasses to act strange or point the wrong way etc so I would think it must be possible that some kind of anomaly <which is not necessarily supernatural, it could be totally natural just very odd and/or rare> has a very bad effect on aircraft; perhaps as Kentucky Kache suggested, a place where a lot of frozen methane is present on the sea floor, which gets released due to some minor earthquake activity, bubbles to the surface where it then rises in the atmosphere and the aircraft engine sucks it in and stalls out. In the "wrong" mixture of oxygen and methane it is explosive too so that is a possibilty.

Wasn't there a case of an entire regiment of British or Anzac soldiers that vanished in WW I? I am working from memory so welcome any corrections on this, but <if I recall it right> a whole regiment of soldiers went in to the attack in the Gallipoli campaign in Turkey, in full sight of other soldiers and officers not in the actual attack, they advanced into a cloud or fog bank, and 'poof' they were never seen again. Of course this has a 'pat' answer too, that it was probably a gas cloud fired by the Turks and that simply killed them off, or the Turkish machine gunners must have mowed them all down without a single survivor etc yet NONE of their bodies were ever found and the Turks don't have a record of the Brits or Anzacs making the attack on their front.

If even a single case of a disappearance were proven to be crossing into another dimension or alternate universe (which may be the same thing) our whole mystery here would be settled. What about cases of strange appearances? The case of the strange green children who "appeared" in Banjos, Spain are one; Charles Fort (famous for his investigations of such things as rains of frogs etc, for which our term "fortean" falls is named) recorded and investigated some very odd incidents of things just appearing out of the air including coins raining out of the air. I could sure use one of those rains myself, but could it be that these too are due to the alternate universe?

Thank you all for the VERY interesting replies, this thread has been a real pleasure and very thought provoking. I look forward to your responses, and again thank you in advance, :thumbsup:

Re: Parallel Universes, extra dimensions, & related UFO's, disappearances etc

Oroblanco said:
Kentucky Kache wrote
Methane gas?

Absolutely possible for those disappearances in the Bermuda Triangle, at least in tests it showed that it would cause a ship to sink, an aircraft engine to stall out etc. What I can't figure though is the inflatable rafts and lifevests - they would not sink even with massive amounts of methane being released, if they did sink due to the methane bubbling up, when it stopped bubbling they would float to the surface - yet NONE of them were ever found.

Rebel - KGC said:
:coffee2: :icon_thumleft: ;D Well... I NOT certain, but I think the planes WERE found in the LATE 1990's, on the "ocean floor"; it COULD have been "faked"... DUNNO. Judge Crator was a "bad" example, as he COULD have been like a "JIMMY HOFFA" case or something... NOT sure if a body was
EVER found. Strange disappearance of David Lang; ships drifting around the sea, without crew (ready to eat... plates, etc. lunch cooking, etc. MOSTLY in the "Bermuda Triangle"); ENTIRE villages GONE! WELL! ??? ??? :dontknow:

You may have it right on Judge Crater - he did have some powerful enemies. I remember seeing that on satellite TV where they found a group of five TBM Avengers (one of the largest single engine bombers of WW2) in the 1990's but it turned out that the ID numbers on the group found were NOT the missing planes! What is even weirder is that those five had all crashed at different times, ending up all in one small area. It kind of suggests that something bad for aircraft is affecting them in that area, which is not an impossibility. There are magnetic oddities/anomalies around the world, for instance, which cause compasses to act strange or point the wrong way etc so I would think it must be possible that some kind of anomaly <which is not necessarily supernatural, it could be totally natural just very odd and/or rare> has a very bad effect on aircraft; perhaps as Kentucky Kache suggested, a place where a lot of frozen methane is present on the sea floor, which gets released due to some minor earthquake activity, bubbles to the surface where it then rises in the atmosphere and the aircraft engine sucks it in and stalls out. In the "wrong" mixture of oxygen and methane it is explosive too so that is a possibilty.

Wasn't there a case of an entire regiment of British or Anzac soldiers that vanished in WW I? I am working from memory so welcome any corrections on this, but <if I recall it right> a whole regiment of soldiers went in to the attack in the Gallipoli campaign in Turkey, in full sight of other soldiers and officers not in the actual attack, they advanced into a cloud or fog bank, and 'poof' they were never seen again. Of course this has a 'pat' answer too, that it was probably a gas cloud fired by the Turks and that simply killed them off, or the Turkish machine gunners must have mowed them all down without a single survivor etc yet NONE of their bodies were ever found and the Turks don't have a record of the Brits or Anzacs making the attack on their front.

If even a single case of a disappearance were proven to be crossing into another dimension or alternate universe (which may be the same thing) our whole mystery here would be settled. What about cases of strange appearances? The case of the strange green children who "appeared" in Banjos, Spain are one; Charles Fort (famous for his investigations of such things as rains of frogs etc, for which our term "fortean" falls is named) recorded and investigated some very odd incidents of things just appearing out of the air including coins raining out of the air. I could sure use one of those rains myself, but could it be that these too are due to the alternate universe?

Thank you all for the VERY interesting replies, this thread has been a real pleasure and very thought provoking. I look forward to your responses, and again thank you in advance, :thumbsup:
Dear Oroblanco;
The missing regiment was the 1st 5th Norfolk (United Kingdom has some wierd unit designations) and about 100 sets of remains of soldiers from that regiment were ultimately recovered (AVM) at Gallipoli. From the remains recovered, it was evident they were engaged in a battle and it is also surmised that any POWs from the regiment ultimately perished in Turkish POW camps. A heart-wrenching history to be sure, but hardly a mystery, my friend. It seems that the Turks may have fibbed a bit, or more likely, the battle went unreported or was even misreported by the Turkish officers of the engagement.
Your friend;

Re: Parallel Universes, extra dimensions, & related UFO's, disappearances etc

:coffee2: :icon_thumleft: ;D I had ALSO read about the Brit. Unit of WWI; they DID alledgely go into a THICK fog bank (ALSO reported in SOME "incidents" in the Bermuda Triangle); was NOT aware of ANY human remains found "at the scene". I have ALL of C. Fort's books, thought of joining the FORTEAN SOCIETY, in "my younger days"; NEVER did. I STILL read up on INTERESTING stories of that "nature". "Google" CHARLES FORT 17,600,000 "hits". :read2: :coffee2: Oro, I changed some
info in my "posting", a few "postings" back... MORE coffee? :coffee2: :read2:

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