Patriots by James Wesley Rawles = WORST BOOK OF ALL TIME


Bronze Member
Apr 24, 2011
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A mentally disturbed friend of mine bugged me until I read this awful tome. It has to be the worst book I have ever read in my life. I only finished it because I have never started a book and not finished reading it, otherwise, I would have stopped a quarter of the way through this piece of garbage and torn out all the pages and used them to line the bottom of the kitty litter pan.

I don't know if any of you are familiar with a book called The Turner Diaries, but this is allegedly the book that inspired Timothy McVeigh to blow up the Oklahoma City Federal Building back in 1995. All I could think about while reading Patriots was that I was reading the new version of Turner Diaries.

I'm not going to give any "Spoiler Warnings" because I won't have spoiled anything by revealing plot details of this book. Here is how the "plot" breaks down:

The US falls into complete anarchy after suffering a financial collapse and hyperinflation. A small group of ultra-religious gun nuts who have been training like a militia for years and preparing for an event like this retreat to their hideout/future apocalyptic kingdom stocked full of canned goods and weapons in Idaho. From there, they wait out the crisis while harassing any innocent passersby unlucky enough to encounter them.

There is also a subplot involving two brothers who are EXACTLY like two real-life militia survivalists named the Kehoe brothers. There is a part in the book that is eerily similar to the real life traffic stop of the Kehoe brothers that took place in Ohio that ended in a police shootout. Even some of the dialog in the book matches the video below, all the way down to the "I don't want to be violated" statements. (skip to the 7:30 mark for the shootout)

Anyway, after setting up their miniature fascist state in rural Idaho, our "heroes" go on to do battle with - wait for it ------ Communist Cannibals LMAO! These villains couldn't be plain old communists or cannibals - they had to be both. I'm surprised they weren't Devil Worshipers as well.

Later, the international bankers and the UN invade America, but all of the NWO soldiers realize how awesome these militia members are and switch sides, thereby building an "New America" that is (in the authors view) much more like the Founding Fathers intended....

The plot is awful. The characters are one-dimensional to the point that I couldn't even tell them apart. The book reads like a third grader bragging about all his G.I. Joe toys. It has to be the most poorly written and edited book that has hit the shelves in many, many, years.

I used to be proficient at spelling, but after reading this book my IQ was lowered to the point that I must now copy and paste from a Word document after performing spell check. The damage this book has wrought on my mind cannot be reversed, and I just wanted to warn other members of this forum so that they could avoid the voluntary lobotomy that is reading Patriots by James Wesley, Rawles - a man so cool he has to put a comma after his middle name.

You have been warned.


well when the economic melt down occurs August 2ed at least you got T P to wipe with.

Sorry for the mental meltdown.

As for Aug. 2, the debt ceiling may be raised by the president under the 15th Amendment provisions. Something about national security. Worked for someone else, only fitting to use it again. That's gotta hurt a bunch of egos.

Book could turn out to be prophetic or even a realistic view of our future after Obama and his progressives (fancy word for communist) have their way in their attempt at destroying our economy, history, and American culture.

Cool Hand Fluke said:
Book could turn out to be prophetic or even a realistic view of our future after Obama and his progressives (fancy word for communist) have their way in their attempt at destroying our economy, history, and American culture.

Every prediction he has made may one day come true, but this is still a book that reads like it was written by a mentally challenged person. Dude should have at least paid a local community college English Professor to copy edit the thing.

Another disturbing part about this book is that the author seems to actually WANT America to collapse.

Even more disturbing- Why does this clown place a comma between his middle and last name? I wouldn't consider reading this book just because of that!


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Arizona Bob said:
Even more disturbing- Why does this clown place a comma between his middle and last name? I wouldn't consider reading this book just because of that!

I have no idea. I thought that was pretty stupid as well.

hombre_de_plata_flaco said:
Cool Hand Fluke said:
Book could turn out to be prophetic or even a realistic view of our future after Obama and his progressives (fancy word for communist) have their way in their attempt at destroying our economy, history, and American culture.

Every prediction he has made may one day come true, but this is still a book that reads like it was written by a mentally challenged person. Dude should have at least paid a local community college English Professor to copy edit the thing.

Another disturbing part about this book is that the author seems to actually WANT America to collapse.

A lot of people WANT America to collapse..especially "survivalists". It's what they live for.

that sounds like a movie I saw on SYFY

fiction books are a crapshoot

I have probably read way worse books that this one lol, but since you didn't like it, I will wait for the movie! :laughing7:

Dano Sverige said:
hombre_de_plata_flaco said:
Cool Hand Fluke said:
Book could turn out to be prophetic or even a realistic view of our future after Obama and his progressives (fancy word for communist) have their way in their attempt at destroying our economy, history, and American culture.

Every prediction he has made may one day come true, but this is still a book that reads like it was written by a mentally challenged person. Dude should have at least paid a local community college English Professor to copy edit the thing.

Another disturbing part about this book is that the author seems to actually WANT America to collapse.

A lot of people WANT America to collapse..especially "survivalists". It's what they live for.

After I read this book (I use the term "book" loosely - more like a survival manual with an attempted plot) I recommended to my weirdo pal a novel called The Postman. You may remember the crappy film version starring Kevin Costner. In this novel, the country falls into chaos, and all the survivalists actually thwart the attempts to rebuild the nation and restore order. America then devolves into a feudal society ruled by tribal warlords. I thought it might offset the BS in Patriots somewhat. Don't know if he ever read it.

A lifelong friend of mine sent me the same 'book'. Thought it was the 'do all-cure all' how to novel .
I found it as lame as you did . Sorry , worn out lead and then a catalogue list of survival gear available on any website that would lead us to Utopia .......
We probably will face a collapse , the way things are going . Few will have the option of choosing their
structured scenario to survive .
Battle plans are a great academic exercise . Once the fight starts you go where the fight takes you .....

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