Permitless concealed carry of firearms now legal in Montana

To think an intelligent civilian population would not want to reserve the right for a “Do Over” when agreeing to be controlled by centralized think they intended to use slingshots and arrows is bizarre regardless of the misguided good intentions. To think they were protecting duck hunting or their own self protection (using period weapons ) is for though hopefully.

A legacy of those lessons...still funded by taxpayers is the Civilian Marksmanship Program, where our authority provides/military surplus weapons/ammo/training to citizens of the US...what a concept that flies in the face of other “United” concepts.

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Exactly! We are on the same page.
If one wants to get emotional about violence...refresh the memory of what occurred not so long ago...the before that...and before that...and...

Blows my mind “educated” people don’t appreciate history.
Better study up before it’s changed.

Ok over and out. Thank you veterans.

Oh you must mean like today in Myanmar where pro-Liberty dissidents are disappearing from the streets at gunpoint.

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Your point being history repeats its self. I get it.

It really highlights the potential outcome, should our personal/private/public education system fail to teach the lessons hard learned. I dare say...if the responsibilities of the gazettes are shirked.

If the public is not persistently reminded as part of societal norms...they will forget within two or three generations.
There is a reason we all repeated the pledge from kindergarten on and salute a symbol of the good struggle. If lessons are taught and understood, perhaps we stand a chance at not repeating mistakes needlessly.

These boots are not much good for tip toeing in.

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Story time-

Once upon a time in a land far away there was a land with economic inequality. One day those who felt they were at the bottom of the economic ladder decided that they were at the bottom rung because those at the top rung were stealing from them. So, those at the bottom rung rounded those who had climbed to the top rungs of the economic ladder and put them to death and split to the loot.

Then one day those who were still on the bottom rung saw that those who had killed the guys at the top were now in the middle of the economic ladder. Then those at the bottom got jealous of those in the middle rung, so they killed them and split up the loot.

Then one day it seems that those still on the bottom wrung of the ladder decided that those at the next wrung up had stolen and were deserving of death. But an old man who had witnessed all this, the destruction of the top, middle, and soon the destruction of the bottom wrung of the ladder addressed the mob that was forming by saying-

"I saw this show before. You all seem to beleive that by plunder you can climb this ladder, but look- each band of plunderers is poorer than the last."

So they dug a hole beneath the ladder where they buried the old man from among them whom they had killed for blasphemy. But while they were digging the hole they looked up and saw....

....the bottom wrung of the ladder. :hello:

The main issue with gun control is if you are going to limit what the 2nd Amendment gives you the right of, Where are you going to stop.. That would open up a door to limit all the other Amendments as well.. Would it be right to limit the 1st Amendment, you have the right to free speach except for this, this, and this.. Or how about the 4th Amendment, the local police have to have a warrant to search your house, but the state police and sheriff don't..

See that's the thing about the Constitution of United States of America, it was put into place to protect us all from a tyrannical government over stepping it's bounds, by men that had just gone through the exact same thing..

Now, if you weren't aware, the 2nd Amendment was written to protect all the other amendments, which is the reason why it is only preceded by the 1st, why.. Because you have the right to verbally convey to your government what they are doing wrong, and if that doesn't work you have the weapons to defend yourself/remove said government..

Now on to the flintlock muzzleloader comment, as you know that is what the army had at that time.. And that is what the 2nd amendment was referring to, not specifically flintlocks, but what the army was armed with.. Why, because we would need weapons that were on par with the governments army..

Boy ol Escape sure made some friends huh ?

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Not to for get the 60 million or so citizens killed by their governments in the last 100 years. Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Pol Pot, Castro and more. These monsters all disarmed the population of their country before they started their mass genocidal programs.

So good people should be trusted with weapons. We should all agree on that.

That it’s only the few bad people with weapons that would actually use them for evil deeds?

What kind of logic is it to try to remove certain weapons from the face of the planet instead of the bad people that would do evil?

Its not about gun control ,its Never been about gun control.........ITS about TOTAL control !

So good people should be trusted with weapons. We should all agree on that.

That it’s only the few bad people with weapons that would actually use them for evil deeds?

What kind of logic is it to try to remove certain weapons from the face of the planet instead of the bad people that would do evil?

It's a magic trick. The gun grabber's sleight of hand is to convince the crowd that their is no such thing as bad people. You just focus all your attention on the "Evil inanimate objects" while the gun grabbers slip your Liberty into their pockets and make you disappear. It's not about the guns. I mean how do you figure they plan on rounding up every gun in America?

The only way to round up all the guns is by using, you guessed it, - GUNS!

Anyone believing that Americans need to give up their firearms because politicians say so should be wearing panties, not briefs...

Anyone believing that Americans need to give up their firearms because politicians say so should be wearing panties, not briefs... MIGHT say that, but we (my wife and I) have two pantie wearing friends that are ready to suit up in camo and lead the revolution. Those two woman scare me a little bit, but I like them. Would not think this topic would ever be a male/female thing, goes way beyond that. MIGHT say that, but we (my wife and I) have two pantie wearing friends that are ready to suit up in camo and lead the revolution. Those two woman scare me a little bit, but I like them. Would not think this topic would ever be a male/female thing, goes way beyond that.

Don’t ever discount our female counterparts.

I get the “saying” and I don’t think there was any ill intentions.

America is not about Freedom as some claim, but America is about Liberty. That's how come one of the mottos on every U.S. coin is "Liberty". Liberty is the freedom to do want you want to do, anything you want so long as it does not wrong your neighbor's rights to life, liberty, and property. This is why our constitution has a Bill of Rights, in order to enumerate Liberties.

If you take a firearm, load it, cock the hammer, then take the saftey off and lay in on a table, so long as nobody touches that firearm it won't do anything but rust. Guns are not dangerous and possession of weapons is not dangerous in and of itself.

People are dangerous. People that wrong others by violating other people's rights to life, liberty, and property are armed and dangerous. Therefore, in the name of equality, all people ought to be armed. Therefore, I have come up with plan-

All persons in America achieving the age of 18 years and no longer their parents responsibility should be issued a firearm from their state's National Guard armory at the age of majority, which is 18 years of age. You will be at liberty to refuse to be armed. You are not at liberty to use these arms paid for by the public treasury for any behavior other than as tools of defense against the violation of rights to life, liberty, or property. Such violation of the law will result in felony conviction and the relinquishing of public arms privileges.

Put that in the oven and cook it...

I think only making flintlocks legal would satisfy the 2nd amendment and put an end to mass shootings. And of course you would have the right to carry your flintlock anywhere in the USA. Its a win , win idea.

You're joking, right? You can't be this seriously brain damaged.

I always find it amusing when people exercise their 1st Amendment right to explain why the guardian of the 1st Amendment (2A) should be abolished.

...couldn't have said it any better, myself! That's the "meat and potatoes" of this whole issue!

Some people seem to have bought into the Lie that the right of keeping guns comes from the government. This Lie is a complete mirror image of the Fact that it is only by the Citizen's consent that government is allowed to be armed. In Fact our constitution clearly states the our elected representatives are NOT allowed to fund a standing army for a period of more than two years time. This is how come the defense budget comes up every two years.

It is the right of The People to arm government, not the other way 'round. I'll consent to be governed but I will NOT consent to be ruled over by mere mortals.

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Don’t ever discount our female counterparts.

I get the “saying” and I don’t think there was any ill intentions.
I bought my wife a new gun for Christmas. This was the 1st magazine she shot through it. 20200117_180207.jpg

Mind me asking what model/caliber?
I’m on the hook to buy my daughter a handgun.
I think a ruger bearcat 22 is a great starter gun for a daughter or son. Western looks, Single shot, Reliable, Easy to clean. and fun to shoot.

I think a ruger bearcat 22 is a great starter gun for a daughter or son. Western looks, Single shot, Reliable, Easy to clean. and fun to shoot.

I should say she’s in her 20’s and is a hunter...shot .45 ACP, .357 mag, .38 special, 9mm

This would be CCW.

Women have unique needs per hand size and strength.

She actually is on her way to a small collection and doesn’t know it.
She also wants something for the mountains for black bears...western style would be right up her alley (and mine), but I think CCW is the focus now.

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