picked up a weird rock with my metal detector, help??


Jul 28, 2013
Reaction score
Golden Thread
Detector(s) used
Ground efx 100 swarm series, garrett handheld pinpointer
Primary Interest:
Cache Hunting
i use a ground efx 100 swarm series, and had it set to only pick up jewelry and coins, we were hunting on bird creek in owasso chasing a old civil war legend and it started going off saying "quarter, nickel, and zinc" i got excited thinking i had found some really old jewelry, the area we were searching is where owasso was originally settled in the 1800's. i dug about a foot down and found this. i hit it with the metal detector and it rang up exactly what was on my screen before we dug. there was little rust around the edges, but the rest was highly shiny. its not lead, it isnt heavy enough, we hit it with a blow torch and it didnt melt or really burn, so its not aluminum or sauter, were stumped...... any ideas??????? IMAG1348.webp

The color is off, so I can't be sure, but it appears to be a piece of hematite, an oxide of iron. It might (?) of come from a meteorite, but I sort of doubt it as it doesn't look like anything I've seen.

Interesting, however, are nickel meteorites. Most detectors won't detect them (although a pulse unit usually will), but they stick to a magnet. This is why I ALWAYS carry neodymium magnet with me.

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we checked it further and got the dirt out of it, its a clump of melted down metal, the rusted parts are folded we found more buried there, were just stumped because it isnt rusted at all. pretty sure we hit an early 1900's trash site, lol. i just wanna know what kind of metal it is :)

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and it isnt magnetic at all

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Are you Around the old Luther Barnes black smith shop.if so It may be some kind of slag.Look for a rock outcropping over the creek.Good luck And welcome to Tnet

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Looks like aluminum cans after being thrown in a fire to me. If you just hit it with a propane torch, you probably didn't heat it enough to melt.

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if you really want to know send it off to your state geologist with return postage and they will ID it for you at least they do here in OH, would check with magnet though.
Happy hunting!

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Not saying it is, but for some reason coal will sound out on my AT Pro. I have run into your rock's cousins here on the East Coast.

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Coal sets off my DFX as well. It's been making me more than a little crazy at this PA homestead I've been hunting.

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Slag.There are so many of similar bits of metal around where an old smelter used to be located you can't even use your metal detector as it continually sounds off.

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took it and got it checked out.....97% aluminum :(

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