Plane attacked by birds because it was carrying a smuggled cargo!


Gold Member
Dec 23, 2019
Surrey, UK
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Interesting example of why you shouldnā€™t believe everything you read on the internetā€¦ even when there are pictures.


Itā€™s a completely fake story, perpetuated on YouTube and by syndication across a number of ā€˜newsā€™ sites. Note the general absence of details such as the date, location, flight number etc and the pilot only referred to as ā€œJasonā€.

Itā€™s a completely fake story
Was it originally presented as true? I hope not. There are so many holes in the story it's hard to imagine it being presented as true. Not the least of which is that there aren't a lot of birds that can keep up with a passenger jet. Like ... no birds at all.

Was it originally presented as true? I hope not.

Sadly yes, and like many stories this type they get further circulated as such... even on sites that should know better.

Sadly yes, and like many stories this type they get further circulated as such... even on sites that should know better.
ā€œA lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is still putting on its shoes

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