please can somebody ID this blue-green rocks


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Sep 27, 2008
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please ID this strange rocks-crystals..i was MDing and when i across this rocks it started to beep like is the best metal.. i turn discriminator to he highest step and still it beeps excellent.. even the smallest rocks..
please if somebody knows anything about this kind of rocks.


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It could possibly be Lapis Lazuli, normally a blueish stone with Pyrite throughout, if I cut a slice off and polished it I could tell you for sure, try google images, lapis lazuli rough and see if you can get a match?

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TAKODA said:
Looking at the pics ..... it looks like it has some iron on it . That could make it hot on the MD .

Maybe ... Liroconite ... Hauyne ... Cyprine . Did you find it in an area with limestone ?

This stuff in the following pics has a speck or two of gold on it . Don't look like the same make up ( matrix ) of yours , but I would take a good look at that stuff your on if I were you .

we talking about Bosnia and there are things you cannot imagine.. well i will search throw these names and try to recognize some.. but first..
i am on the zone where there is no stones and rocks just soil only samples of many color flint stones ( white, green, blue, gray etc and red..with these res you can easily start the fire)
but mile away we have land with such blue-green-black stones and some yellow limestone as you say.
maybe 50- 50%.
it is like this: in attachment i added same stone but black one and it is difficult to see that is actually blue one.
but these blackish rocks does not beep so well as blue-green!! so if i discriminate this black stones it wont beep..just some noise..on other side this light bright ones have no problems with higher discrimination even smallest pieces..
black rock is also easy to brush and make something out of them while lighter blue ones are more though and they can crack into crystals..

another big thing: on same place people live with no trouble 100 years and there is on same spot a spring of water that we used to drink - all people from villages around.. then some guy took sample of this water to USA and won first price of a 600.000$ and next year also first, then he was second..but with our water he became rich as..well maybe someone knows but Clinton used to drink that water and promoted it like the best one on the world! now a days this water has a name and it is OAZA..
another one: this place has also many other water not only mineral..and there is also some gold..yes gold..but on my site i didn't found it just some red gems??!! not sure if these are from blue rocks because i can see samples of red color. but this creek water i was looking for is not the same. This flows to the north and gold one on the south! Still cannot tell you if it is really golden because i still have to search this one.

Ed T said copper..well there is some mines but more on the south cca 30 Km away.. on this site is only daily surface mine of an Anthracite! We used it like coal but it melts our furs so we rather use plain wood.
shall i look this type of rocks with copper in it??

(Wikipedia) Lapis lazuli is a rock, not a mineral: whereas a mineral has only one constituent, lapis lazuli is formed from more than one mineral. hmmmmmmmmmmmmm
i looked some pictures and i thought that there is only bright blue colors!! but it seems it can be also dark as mine specimens!
could be this solution???
if i remember some other detail i will post.
thank you very much for all help and info!! hope that it turns to be a good stuff :o


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Ed T said:
Hy LaZoOro,

Because there is a shiny grey metal in the ore, I would guess Linarite which contains both lead and copper. That is just my guess and I am no professional, you should have an assay done. I would do a spectrographic or whatever type of assay which list minerals from A to Z. If you want to know if it is silver send it in for a fire assay as well. :icon_thumleft:

Good Luck with whatever it is. :wink:

Ed T :)
many thanks!
cannot match Linarite with my samples.. but i had idea to crush stones into powder into little bits and try to melt in fire.. asked my friend but he needs to make new one because old melted down from a high temperatures.
i wonder what can it be?? shall something remain or shall all burn with fire?? not sure where you get idea of silver but that really sound good..maybe too good!
i will contact again this my friend and ask him for new fur if it is ready..i really cannot wait..if it turns good sure it will be end of my troubles..
wish you all god and thx again

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any other ideas??

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Magnetite is a common pain in the royal rear with the MD. :)
Magnetic? Streak colour? :read2:

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Eu_citzen said:
Magnetite is a common pain in the royal rear with the MD. :)
Magnetic? Streak colour? :read2:

i tried to melt it by myself till i find someone to melt it...stones became very light and reddish..unfortunately my dad threw away ash so i don't know if something left behind :-(
non magnetic

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If you gently strike it at a side, does it smell anything special? Arsenopyrite can look similar and smells like garlic when struck. :headbang:

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