Quartzville trip


Bronze Member
Nov 28, 2008
Tillamook Oregon
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All Treasure Hunting
Hit Quartzville creek for a few days.Did find a little color but not what i was hoping for.Hit one crack and found everything but gold in it.They must do a lot of shooting there.Also dredged a nice pyrite cube.Have been fighting a sore shoulder from my last trip,couldn't get down into the deeper canyons that i was hoping for,but maybe next time.


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thats a bunch of lead LOL

looks like your dredge is doing good at picking up the fines.

what rig are you using?

2" Keene backpack dredge with a power jet.I also have the suction nozzle but have to get a few more parts so i can use it.

bud just keep doin what you are doin because its workin out pretty nice.

The flare jet looses it's prime in shallow water,that's where the suction nozzle works the best.You can bring the suction nozzle out of the water and go right back to dredging.I would like to get all quick disconnects because its a pain going from one to the other.When you get in behind a big rock that's sticking up out of the water sometimes that water is pretty shallow.That gets to be a job when your fighting to keep the hose under water.Here is the spot that i got all the trash.


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have you tried digging around those big rocks on the bank and running it through your dredge?

if you are getting bullets then you are in the right spot and i bet you can find some pretty good color along the edges of the creek if you dont mind a little digging and using a prybar.

looks like there are some pretty good cracks there that could hold some pockets of the fine stuff.

hope ya hit the bigun bud

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