Quick question about wet sand.


Full Member
Jun 26, 2017
Detector(s) used
Equinox 600. Garrett ProPointer.
Primary Interest:
Metal Detecting
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Just be mindful to always ground balance as needed (not just auto, but manual as well) and to keep an on your sensitive depending on the environment and the feedback you encounter.

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Salt water and the ATP are not the ideal combination. You'll need to lower the sensitivity to quiet the machine down. I'd stay out of the water.

For sure, it went crazy and when I lowered the sensitivity it wouldn't pick up anything.

For sure, it went crazy and when I lowered the sensitivity it wouldn't pick up anything.

Probably won't work on the beaches in your area. I use mine strictly for dry sand hunts.

Works great in fresh water and on dry sand, but not in the ocean. I've done ok on wet sand, but I hear others say otherwise. My experience is enough that I am in the market for a real beach machine and I'll use my AT Pro back home. :laughing7:

All beaches are not the same however I am successful with manual ground balance to 7-9 and sensitivity 1-2 notches below max. The beach I hunt is not very mineralized though, your results may not be the same. I see you are from Oregon and I know they are infamous for that mineralized sand so take my advice with a grain or salt and sand....see what I did there.

Thanks for the info! What are good settings for dry sand? There is a peninsula that had a small town on it that got washed out in 1918, and I wanted to hit it later on.

Thanks for the info! What are good settings for dry sand? There is a peninsula that had a small town on it that got washed out in 1918, and I wanted to hit it later on.

With dry sand, you could likely get away with just a quick auto-GB and adjusting the sens. as needed.

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Is it possible to Notch out Salt?

Not quite sure what beach you are hunting but on the east cost of Florida I use an At Pro in wet sand. Zero Mode, iron disc 15-20, sensitivity down 2 notches. Also be sure to ground balance it over the wet sand. I regularly find coins in wet sand 5-6 inches deep.

Alright! Thanks Bohdi, ill have to try those settings out.

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