Complete Pocket Watch, Silver 5 cent piece, and large cent! The Video!


Jr. Member
Mar 30, 2015
Random Island, Newfoundland
Detector(s) used
Bounty Hunter: Lone Star(sold)
Tesoro: Lobo Super-Traq(own)
Minelab:X-terra 30(sold)
Tesoro: Outlaw(own)
Tesoro: Original Silver Saber(own)C
C-Scope: 3-MX i Pro
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Hey guys. So I posted some pictures of the relics and coins on found on a new field on Todays Finds and it became my most liked and commented post so far. I happened to bring my camera that day and I filmed the good finds as soon as they came out of the ground. So here's the video. You may find my accent interesting. haha. :treasurechest::treasurechest::treasurechest:


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