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Very intense discussions going on. Good morning folks. 05262c019873b65d5a6771250be11306.gif

A few days ago a man was arrested for animal neglect for cats. This morning they announced that they are STILL finding cats in his house. To date the count is around 194 deceased and 160+ still alive or barely alive. So many are just tiny kittens. A law was suppose to pass in our state to increase the penalty for animal abuse, but at the last minute it got shoveled under the rug. Simple misdemeanor charges are all that can be applied ! We were bombarded with rain all the rivers were flooded, Mississippi, Missouri, among just a few. Anyway, a few months ago during a flood a conservation officer was patrolling an area being flooded and found two cute puppies in a cage left in a field that was being flooded. He rescued them and they survived, but what kind of person does something like that ? That is so wrong. No conscience !

That's awful!

So whats on the agenda today boys & girls :tongue3:

Hard to imagine until you see it on the news. The kittens look so cute but are HELPLESS. Just makes one mad. I can't begin to describe the conditions they found them in and the amount of trash they were buried under. Some had crawled inside the wall which the rescuers said was to get room from being crushed by all the other cats as well as they were just trying to get air to breathe. :sadsmiley:


This video is for RR considering his crush encounter the other day Im sure he can relate....:laughing7::laughing7::laughing7:


I got to tell you guys what happened last night. I was holding my grandson's phone to use the flashlight so he could see to untie his stringer. His friend kept calling and I kept declining it. Finally, he sends a text. Now let me back up here. My other grandson, his brother, didn't come up because there is festival going on. He is 13, will be 14 in Sept. So the text reads, "Your brother kissed a girl." Lol! No wonder he didn't want to go to the lake!

Seriously, you don't have a laptop ? You are doing good. Never used a Kindle so not familiar with how fast/slow they are our what their limitations are.
I didn't want to lug it around. This kindle is 6 years old and out of storage and memory, much like the operator.

Simon, just think how many other are abusing animals. It happens in this area also.

So let me guess...........Grandma is going to confuse him with subtle remarks and make the poor guy think his brother squealed on him :icon_scratch:

So whats on the agenda today boys & girls :tongue3:

Well, I still need to work on my mission. And I seriously need to start getting motivated here. I had to take a few to go buy worms and a breakfast of champions and run it down to the kid.

Simon, just think how many other are abusing animals. It happens in this area also.
I just did not think it happened on this kind of scale. As far as cats, this is like the third large report in as many months and then earlier this year someone had around 100 Samoyeds. They were so cute. After that confiscation aired, all the dogs were spoken for even though they still had to go through the quarantine period and then be fixed.
In your area are the laws stricter ? Here it is like a $ 10.00 fine and a slap on the wrist.

Good morning, rook.

Good morning, RTR.

Did I say good morning to Bill? If, not... Good morning, Bill.

made this yesterday and it came out excellent (if you like pate) .Left out the 'girly' sherry and used 1.5 shots of Brandy :)
How appropriate Roger, you left out the "girly" drink but yet both have girly names. :occasion14:

So let me guess...........Grandma is going to confuse him with subtle remarks and make the poor guy think his brother squealed on him :icon_scratch:

That's an idea. This one, though, is a cassanova. He would just brag about it, not be embarrassed.

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