Rank of Military


Sr. Member
Jan 5, 2008
Detector(s) used
Spectrum XLT/ White
My opinion of rank in the military and I hope its not everyones.

Private through E-5 do the work.

E-6 through E-7 are like the guy with the rolled up newspaper whacking the dog for chewing up shoes or messing up the floor.

E-8 big boss, overseeing the guys with the rolled up news papers.

E-9 E-God a secret order only appears when he comes out of his office with a new commandment.

The officers are the Royalty known as Gentlemen.
This is for progression up the social graces (beer to martinis) and signing papers. All the ideas and plans come from the first five E-grades with the credit going to the E-8.

At the social event, at the O Club all the first three O-grades will be in a corner drinking beer telling tales on each other. Laughing, having fun and trying to figure out how to get promoted automatically.

The big brass will be at the best tables smiling and sipping their martinis, not talking just smiling and being gracefull, practicing their growl.

Any one that sees this different is probably sane and don't lie much.
If I offended anyone, thank you very much. Gnewt

gnewt said:
My opinion of rank in the military and I hope its not everyones...

The officers are the Royalty known as Gentlemen...

Any one that sees this different is probably sane and don't lie much.

If I offended anyone, thank you very much. Gnewt

Okay Gnewt, I'll add my thoughts to the Officer ranks:

O-1 Learning not to kill themselves (or others)

O-2 Learning to listen to the advice NCOs give them

O-3 Largest group of "hands-on" workers in the Officer Corps AKA Operators (Missiles/Aircrew/Subs/Ships/Armor/etc)

O-4 Looking for first field-grade Staff/Command assignment

O-5 Will do almost anything to get promoted to O-6

O-6 Two tracks: 1-Waiting to retire OR 2-How many troops do I gotta kill to make General?

O-7 (and above) I am God

That's some gooduns Bob,LOL. This is the reason we bounce off the wall, we look where we've been and not where we're going.
I would think I was serious if I didn't lie so much, I never know. HH Gnewt

Hints.. Two rules I always followed.
1. You got to get a job done in a hurry, give it to the busiest guy in the outfit.
2. If you need to find an easy way to get something done, give it to the laziest
and he will find a way.

>>E-8 big boss, overseeing the guys with the rolled up news papers.

Yep. One of the biggest challenges to being a "good" E-8 is to make sure those newspapers are abused.
I benefited a lot as an E-8 from the ideas of junior enlisted. BUT!!! I ALWAYS made sure they got credit.

Remember: The guys above you have rules they have to follow in order to report anything bad on you. The guys below you can stab you in the back in a heart beat and totally screw your career. Be sure and take good care of those guys. :wink:

One thing for sure, pay respect to information from any of the men, even if their bunk tag has not stopped spinning. In turn they will learn to do the same. That is how all military men should be and most are, it is that team spirit we developed, but what do I know?LOL
On a serious note, I knew this two stripper that had as much wisdom as a prophet. If you didn't pay attention to what he had to say you would have been dumber than a wooden watch. He is not the only one, so that is what I liked about the Service, that is universal in all the branches I worked with.
A know it all never learned beyond their own intellect, and usually didn't make it.
If you are in a group, and feel dumb you will learn, if we feel smarter, and flaunt it
or we're gone. I'm smart and now I am gone.Ha Ha Gnewt

springcypress said:
E-5 in the navy IS the sweet spot.

How true is that ??? I loved E-5 cause I could point to either direction and be ok. Boss told me to or they guys wont listen to me. What a I always told my First and Chief that is what I did.

Definition of Rank
Leaps tall buildings with a single bound, is more powerful than a locomotive, is faster than a speeding bullet, walks on water amid typhoons, gives policy to God.

Leaps short buildings with a single bound, is more powerful than a switch engine, is just as fast as a speeding bullet, walks on water if sea is calm, talks to God.

Lt. Colonel
Leaps short buildings with a running start and favorable winds, is almost as powerful as a switch engine, is faster than a speeding BB, walks on water in indoor swimming pool, talks to God if request form is approved.

Barely clears quonset hut, loses tug-of-war with switch engine, can fire a speeding bullet, swims well, is occasionally addressed by God.

Makes high marks by trying to leap buildings, is run over by a locomotive, can sometimes handle a gun without inflicting self-injury, dog paddles, talks to animals.

1st Lieutenant
Runs into buildings, recognizes locomotives 2 out of 3 times, is not issued ammunition, can stay afloat if properly instructed in the Mae West vest, talks to walls.

2nd Lieutenant
Falls over doorstep when trying to enter buildings, says "Look at the Choo-Choo", wets himself, plays in mud puddles, mumbles to himself.

Lifts tall buildings and walks under them, kicks locomotives off the tracks, catches speeding bullets in his teeth and eats them, freezes water with a single glance, HE IS GOD.

nny stuff.

It's always better to be the low man. Someone is always giving you orders. So you can't screw up. All you have to say is Sgt. so and so said to do this. ;D

the truth and nothing but the truth

Those who can't, are in charge of those who can!!!!!!!!

We the willing led by the unknowing continually do the impossible with very little . Soon we will be capable of doing anything with nothing . AIRBORNE!!!

springcypress said:
I'd say that's pretty spot on.. maybe a few minor variances between branches.

E-5 in the navy IS the sweet spot.

Use to be the sweet spots for the Enlisted in the Army was E4 and E6. Too much rank to do the lower tasks not enough rank to perform the higher tasks. As far as the Enlisted vs Officer, when I got off work the Officers were still there. Yes they got paid more but I had more free time. Here is the ol priceless quote, Work time couple of dollars......Sham time priceless.

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