Rattler gold screens


Full Member
Oct 31, 2012
Palmdale , CA
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Goldbug 2
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Hello Gold miner's , I't has been 8 years since I have made the "Rattler" gold screen sets , They are back for sale on E-Bay , Take a look & let me know what you think, The last time I made them I sold about 70 or so not one ever came back !
rattler 2018 003.jpg

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xracer550, shall I make the assumption that each of the 'five' green threaded items are each a different screen size and that they fit on top of a standard sample bottle and the flared item on the bottom keeps the sample bottle from falling over and that the squirt bottle is used to flush the contents from the screens? What do you charge for a set?....................63bkpkr

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The screen set has a stand for holding a gold vial if you put a funnel in it so it won't fall over, the first part of the set is a funnel cap with no screen that let's the small gold go directly in to the vial , the 2nd & 3rd (screen body's) each have a different
size screen , The 4th body has no screen (last time I made them , on this site many folk's suggested I use this size or that size screen , this way you can put any size that You want in it.) The last item is only a cap to make look finished.
if telling folk's they are available again is a no no I hope the moderator will let me know.
rattler 2018 006.jpg

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