Roots, rocks and not wut u expected

Bobby S said:
Have any of u gone through the time and digging, just tryin to get through roots and rocks and end up findin nuttin good?
Nope Bobby...You are the only one...The rest of us only have dirt like warm butter ,and every hole produces gold coins. All the rusty iron finds I post are just a front for my gold mine. ;)

Nope Bobby...You are the only one...The rest of us only have dirt like warm butter ,and every hole produces gold coins. All the rusty iron finds I post are just a front for my gold mine. ;)
[/quote] are a riot! gain without pain...we have been there too.

Antny said:
Nope Bobby...You are the only one...The rest of us only have dirt like warm butter ,and every hole produces gold coins. All the rusty iron finds I post are just a front for my gold mine. ;) are a riot! gain without pain...we have been there too.

[/quote] Antny...Tell Me I am wrong...Don't try to fool the kid....He is evidently in the wrong forum if he thinks any of us is sweating over root infested holes...broken pick axes....bruised knuckles and aching backs...Nope ...We are all in the elite club where sometimes those gold coins just rise to the surface when I run my detector over them...cripes ...sometimes I don't even leave my truck...I just roll down the window and call"here gold ,here gold'...and those little beauties rise from the ground like its resurrection day ,just a leaping into the back of the pickup. Yes sirree Bobby....Now about that mountain land we were negotiating on the bayou......Just stick around here Bobby...Maybe some of our good fortune will rub off on you newcomers.....

Thanks thought i was the only one. Those tree roots are the worst, right over the good stuff (or the bad) I started carring a hatchet, 'cuz pulling on them made me real cranky. Started bringing a pick when the rocks got to big. Finally had to grab the old man's John Deere or would have hung it up. matter how much fun we have with you........keep on digging and get as dirty as possible. (more so if you don't do your own laundry).

P.S. Don't forget........ always put a find or two in your pockets they go through the wash well. Like you all have not done it?

It's funny you should mention that.....

Yesterday I was at a particular spot that I have hit hard the last two or three visits, figured I had all the trash worked out and now it was time for the goodies.

Listening very intently for those softer sounding coin signals, I hit one! After pinpointing, it was obviously a deeper coin! So I dug, and out pops a nice 1944 wheatie from about 6 inches! Woohoo! I just knew today was gonna be a silver day!

A little while later, it happened. A nice crisp, clean signal, and deep... registered 6-8 inches deep pinpointing. So I dug. Used my hand held pinpointer- nothing. Checked the hole again, signal still there, crisper and clearer than ever! Nice! I thought, maybe a deeper half, or even a dollar! So I kept at it, going more slowly now, widening out my hole, while trying NOT to scrape the center. I carefully worked out the dirt so I could get my extra wide hand down into the very bottom, trying to make it even easier to get my hand held to where it counts....

Finally, at eight inches or so, I get that vibration that tells me I'm gonna be rewarded within an inch! And man, even after turning down the sensitivity, I can tell this ain't no quarter..... I'm just about drooling by now!

Well, here she is, ain't she a beaut?


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My least favorite is the push in part of a soda can detatched from the can. My machine just screams like a silver dollar at two inches. usually 4 or 5 inches deep. Man, if scrap aluminum ever goes up to fifty dollar a pound I'll get rich fast.

Murphy's Law...Bobbysocks....The best signals are always among tree roots, under hard-packed parking lots, and among stones and rocks. ;)

Good Luck!

Okay...The real truth is....All of us have fought the whomping willow,wrestled with the briar patch and removed tons of stones collectively in order to guessed it...popcans.....I broke my favorite knife digging in roots only to find a Schaefers Beer can....You think if I dug that hard and deep I would find something at least worth drinking..dontcha? But heres the killer....we do it over and over....a little teched in the head ..maybe....Hahahaha....

Yeah, there's nothing like digging like a madman at the base of a tree with goodies dancing in your head, only to unearth an antique beer can. Good times. ;D

I just like the thought of MDing. I would never really go out and DIG for anything. That is for the pups. Instead I hunt flea markets and yard sales. There I can cheaply purchase 20-30 year old pennies, nickles, and dimes. Sometimes I stop by the scrap yard and get a couple pieces of broken aluminum, nails, and cans to post here.

Once I even stole some of my neighbor's pea gravel because I was too lazy to dig it up myself.

Unfortunatley,Bobby, We are MDing Gods, Goddesses, and Geniuses and you are not....sorry....that's just he way it is...

and by the way...i didn't know those things detected rocks...guess i'll need to lie about getting one of those too....laaaater. :)

GL and HH

p.s. if i actually did dig....i would put one of those foil covered chocolate coins in every one of those holes.

Really, though, keep on keepin on. i haven't gotten the good stuff yet either. hopefully one of us will find the gold before the other!!

I don't even have to dig anymore. When I locate a gold coin with my detector, I command it to rise from its earthen grave. :D

Roots, they run in fear...

:o A few years ago I kept getting a faint Signal under some Tree Roots. This Tree was about 3' x 50'. The deeper I went under the Tree, the louder the signal. There were Roots everywhere. Finally, I realized that I would have to Take Out the Tap Root. I decided to stop.I don't think GPHS would appreciate having a tree topple down. I was down about 12" & under about 18"! I still think there's a nice Silver Half there!

Joe >:(

I have been watching The Ten Commandments and I think I have mastered the part where Moses parts the Red Sea. Just wait till I get back to that soccer field now!!. I will wreak havoc upon the tot lots!!! ooooh, all ye golden things shall rise before me and eliminate the evil tumultuous toil which has so plagued me all the detecting days of my life!!!

I don't wanna see anyone stealin my moves....

rock on....


nope, never run into roots out in the wood.

Carry wire cutters, a small saw blade, pruning
shears, so if I decide to build a cabin.............

have a good un...............

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