Sarah Palin defends Duck Dynasty star

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People are not born that way,it's something they learn through trauma of the psyche.

God Bless


So some of you think he deserves to be thrown off the show for being honest about what HE believes in ? Am I the only one who thinks "political correctness" has gone too far when someone can be fired from a job over something he said while not on the job ?

I don't have to agree or disagree- the man has a right to his opinions.

I disagree with the fact that unless he has the conforming views of the network, he can't be on his own show.

You can't walk into a Walmart without seeing racks of Duck Dynasty t-shirts & other stuff. It's one of the hottest sellers at the moment. That entire family needs to get behind Mr Robertson and tell the producers of the show, "see ya, we are outta here".. All those Hollyweird types understand is ratings and dollars. You don't suppose this is all because a good number of the big money in Hollywood are gay people do you ?

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What's really pathetic is folks like you who defend people's right to be homosexual and yell and scream and want a "pound of flesh" from those who speak out against it!!!!! It's a two way street partner. You have NO PROBLEM calling those who don't support homosexual activities "prejudice". And the Dynasty star does not support this activity and this is his private view (as mine)... nothing he did on the show.

Wow, rant much? And YES, I defend the rights of people to be FREE in this country, and do what they wish as long as they are not infringing on the rights of others. Religion does not apply to those who do not accept it or believe in it.

Phil is welcome to have and promote his opinion, and so am I. Too bad you can't grasp that simple concept.

Wow, rant much? And YES, I defend the rights of people to be FREE in this country, and do what they wish as long as they are not infringing on the rights of others. Religion does not apply to those who do not accept it or believe in it.

Phil is welcome to have and promote his opinion, and so am I. Too bad you can't grasp that simple concept.

"And YES, I defend the rights of people to be FREE in this country, and do what they wish as long as they are not infringing on the rights of others" ... Really? So you do believe that this man who is suspended from his job / show had a right to say what he wanted against homosexuality without remorse? Then please feel free to write your friends and explain to them that they should not be "infringing on the rights of others".

I defend the rights of people to be FREE in this country, and do what they wish as long as they are not infringing on the rights of others. Phil is welcome to have and promote his opinion, and so am I. Too bad you can't grasp that simple concept.

"The cloak of religion should not keep prejudice warm and comfy"- Does this not contradict what you just said in the quote? As a religious man I am not infringing on any one persons rights by not agreeing with homosexuality, but you call it prejudice. Is it prejudice for you to tell me that "religion does not apply to those who do not accept it or believe in it"? Well I think homosexuality is not something that you are born with, it's something you come to "believe", so does that mean homosexuality does not apply to those who do not accept it or believe it?

You do have the right to promote your opinion, and I am glad we live in a county that gives us that right. But at the same time, what gives you the right to tell me that I am prejudice just because I don't believe the same way you do?

Wow, rant much? And YES, I defend the rights of people to be FREE in this country, and do what they wish as long as they are not infringing on the rights of others. Religion does not apply to those who do not accept it or believe in it.

Phil is welcome to have and promote his opinion, and so am I. Too bad you can't grasp that simple concept.
So are you agreeing that he was fired unjustly or not ? You have alot to say sometimes but it's not always easy to understand which side of the fence you're on.

Phil Robertson is free to express his opinions. The free market is free to respond to them. Very few things in America today are as fleeting as celebrity - seen Paris Hilton lately? Not since the Kardashians shoved her off the stage. And someone will take their place.

Duck Dynasty came out of nowhere, became a huge hit, made tons of money for a lot of folks. Things can collapse just as fast.

Sure was nice of Duh Gov' to return from the trenches in the War on Christmas to chime in! She's been pretty busy lately battling the The Wise Straw Men. Desperate to maintain some shred of relevance she gives us her opinion on this matter. I seriously doubt very many people care. Her fifteen minute clock is about half past the hour.

Good luck to all,

~ The Old Bookaroo

Not saying it was the way to do it but what if you were sick of being a "star" and did no longer need the money from it or want to be a dancing chimp any more?
These portrayed as hicks are rather clever folk. But walking away should be demanded and attract attention to brand at same time,negative is attention too.
Either way it might be a relief to be on film less.Show ain,t life is it? Living a script going to lead off script when real character comes knocking in an attempt to preserve itself.
Easier for contract holder to break it than actor.

Phil Robertson is free to express his opinions. The free market is free to respond to them. Very few things in America today are as fleeting as celebrity - seen Paris Hilton lately? Not since the Kardashians shoved her off the stage. And someone will take their place.

Duck Dynasty came out of nowhere, became a huge hit, made tons of money for a lot of folks. Things can collapse just as fast.

Sure was nice of Duh Gov' to return from the trenches in the War on Christmas to chime in! She's been pretty busy lately battling the The Wise Straw Men. Desperate to maintain some shred of relevance she gives us her opinion on this matter. I seriously doubt very many people care. Her fifteen minute clock is about half past the hour.

Good luck to all,

~ The Old Bookaroo
Man you need to step away from your computer for a bit and go hit some stores. Duck Dynasty is HUGE at the moment. They have their faces on everything from toilet paper to fishing boats. Their show is at the top of the pile (though I don't watch it). I will agree that fame comes and goes quickly but at the moment they are making millions for ALOT of folks besides themselves. Do you mean to tell me that banding together and simply telling the money grubbers that "we are a family first & foremost and we are a package deal" wouldn't get some attention ? As always I don't expect you to answer..... :BangHead:

But walking away should be demanded and attract attention to brand at same time,negative is attention too.
When Jeff Gordon (the Nascar guy not the TN guy) was still fairly new he once asked Dale Earnhardt how you deal with all the fans booing when you walk out onto the track. Earnhardt said that as long as they are making noise you have their attention. When you walk out and there is silence you have a problem...

I think the biggest issue being glossed over here is that these folks have to sign contracts that state they won't do things like this because the network has to look out for itself. Do you really think the network gives a hoot about protecting anything but their own bottom line?

Phil made a choice to speak out and now he has to live with the consequences. It really isnt up to you or me to say whether or not he was "allowed" to make the comments that he made. That's what the contract is for. If the network has contractual means to take the action that they did, then that is all that matters.

This is about business and money. I know people like Palin want to make this about religion or free speech but quite simply, it is only about business. People like Phil are a loose cannon. If I was his lawyer/agent/manager, I would bury my head in the sand and hope this all blows over.

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