Seeking the many questions


Oct 17, 2018
Primary Interest:
I've been going back and forth between this and several other LDM forums. Trying to get a handle on the the truth. I need help. I have a lot of questions. I will apologise in advance if it comes across as rambling. I've done a lot of research in 24 hours. No sleep and at this point I'm getting upset. So again, sorry in advance.

-What compels/motivates YOU to search for the LDM

-What do you think compels others to search

-What keeps you going? What do you believe keeps other people going?

-Have you ever seen anyone or heard of anyone that seemed to go too far in their search? Will you elaborate?

-Its obvious that mining brings people together and great friendships are formed. Have you personally lost friends through mining or seen it happen to others?

-Why would someone on a mining forum have multiple usernames? Besides the obvious infighting between group members?
-This is a pattern I have noticed among several different sites and once I became aware of it I was unable to not see it occuring and reoccurring on thread after thread. I have a theory or two but I would like to know what members think.

I have more questions I'm sure, I just can't think of them at the moment. I'm tired. Thanks in advance for your time and help.

Everyone needs adventure in their life. Some watch it on TV others participate in some way. Some go all in. Some are just nuts. Some will help you others kill you. Some just need a break from their wife or job. The Legend show has millions of bored housewives as fans. They look at their husband rotting on the couch and think. Why can't you be like them. So which some are you?

Frank, you're right, my Mom loves Woody!:laughing7:

Thruthseeker24, welcome to the forums! I'm kinda new around here myself, although I was a lurker on the other forum for many years...

Some people use many different names as a public the rest of us know not to trust them...

Most normal folk use the same screen name on all the different forums so everyone knows who they're dealing with and don't get confused...

You will get to know everyone better after reading through all the posts...I've been on here about a year, and I'm still not done reading...nor can I remember it all, it's like a fire-hose of info...but it's worth it...

Most of the "old-timers" that have been doing this for decades are good guys and they will help you as long as you're not too much of a jerk...every one of them are nice guys and there's probably not one of them that hasn't helped me at least a dozen times or more...

Get some don't have to do it all in one day! Take care, Jim

It's no different than hunting or fishing or playing golf. Just have fun with it and for me personally it's more about making friends and learning the history. If I wanted just the gold I'd probably stick to my neck of the woods and be hunting tailings and old mines in North Georgia.

Too far for me would be to endanger personal relationships and/or life or limb for a folly. Welcome to the forum and most of all have fun!! There are great people on here.


I found as a kid that old antiques interested me for some reason unknown, I moved on to something more interesting when I found my first arrowhead, the fact I might have been the first person to actually pick it up since it was used several hundred years ago or even a few centuries back, kind of excited me. But for a fact, the one time you actually find Gold and also find out its related to history is one good feeling. This alone led me to purchase a metal detector, and I've been pleased ever since using it . I even continue to run across arrowheads while metal detecting/ Gold "searching". Its hard to get it out of your blood but then why would I? I like this. Regarding your question about the posts, some of the most interesting stories you'll read come from this site. For the most part , these old timer are really sincere and honest PLUS they put BOOTS on the ground searching. They know that theres always one place no one has searched or was overlooked.

I've been going back and forth between this and several other LDM forums. Trying to get a handle on the the truth. I need help. I have a lot of questions. I will apologise in advance if it comes across as rambling. I've done a lot of research in 24 hours. No sleep and at this point I'm getting upset. So again, sorry in advance.

-What compels/motivates YOU to search for the LDM

-What do you think compels others to search

-What keeps you going? What do you believe keeps other people going?

-Have you ever seen anyone or heard of anyone that seemed to go too far in their search? Will you elaborate?

-Its obvious that mining brings people together and great friendships are formed. Have you personally lost friends through mining or seen it happen to others?

-Why would someone on a mining forum have multiple usernames? Besides the obvious infighting between group members?
-This is a pattern I have noticed among several different sites and once I became aware of it I was unable to not see it occuring and reoccurring on thread after thread. I have a theory or two but I would like to know what members think.

I have more questions I'm sure, I just can't think of them at the moment. I'm tired. Thanks in advance for your time and help.
you must work for the

I've been going back and forth between this and several other LDM forums. Trying to get a handle on the the truth. I need help. I have a lot of questions. I will apologise in advance if it comes across as rambling. I've done a lot of research in 24 hours. No sleep and at this point I'm getting upset. So again, sorry in advance.

-What compels/motivates YOU to search for the LDM

-What do you think compels others to search

-What keeps you going? What do you believe keeps other people going?

-Have you ever seen anyone or heard of anyone that seemed to go too far in their search? Will you elaborate?

-Its obvious that mining brings people together and great friendships are formed. Have you personally lost friends through mining or seen it happen to others?

-Why would someone on a mining forum have multiple usernames? Besides the obvious infighting between group members?
-This is a pattern I have noticed among several different sites and once I became aware of it I was unable to not see it occuring and reoccurring on thread after thread. I have a theory or two but I would like to know what members think.

I have more questions I'm sure, I just can't think of them at the moment. I'm tired. Thanks in advance for your time and help.
Maybe this will help


I've been going back and forth between this and several other LDM forums. Trying to get a handle on the the truth. I need help. I have a lot of questions. I will apologise in advance if it comes across as rambling. I've done a lot of research in 24 hours. No sleep and at this point I'm getting upset. So again, sorry in advance.

-What compels/motivates YOU to search for the LDM

-What do you think compels others to search

-What keeps you going? What do you believe keeps other people going?

-Have you ever seen anyone or heard of anyone that seemed to go too far in their search? Will you elaborate?

-Its obvious that mining brings people together and great friendships are formed. Have you personally lost friends through mining or seen it happen to others?

-Why would someone on a mining forum have multiple usernames? Besides the obvious infighting between group members?
-This is a pattern I have noticed among several different sites and once I became aware of it I was unable to not see it occuring and reoccurring on thread after thread. I have a theory or two but I would like to know what members think.

I have more questions I'm sure, I just can't think of them at the moment. I'm tired. Thanks in advance for your time and help.

Mine is the thrill of the chase mixed with some history with a chance for a legendary payoff possible.

I've been going back and forth between this and several other LDM forums. Trying to get a handle on the the truth. I need help. I have a lot of questions. I will apologise in advance if it comes across as rambling. I've done a lot of research in 24 hours. No sleep and at this point I'm getting upset. So again, sorry in advance.

I see that others have already posted excellent answers, and everyone has their own views so I am going to add a bit.

-What compels/motivates YOU to search for the LDM

I started out as a prospector rather than a treasure hunter, and it is a natural progression. After all, a prospector is hunting for a rich mine, why not look for a rich one that was already found and is now lost? The LDM is however the granddaddy of them all, with so many thousands of seekers and hundreds that claimed to have found it, yet none of them seem to be able to prove it beyond doubt.

-What do you think compels others to search

It is speculation but basically the thrill of the "hunt" and the possibility of immense wealth, and/or fame for being "the" one who found the LDM.

-What keeps you going? What do you believe keeps other people going?

New information comes to light every year, sometimes even several times in a week. The geology itself is the biggest incentive, for while most of the search area is very unlikely to have any kind of gold deposits, gold veins can occur anywhere because of the way they are formed. The fact that you can pan gold in a number of places in the Superstitions is proof that gold does exist there, the trick is finding the source.

-Have you ever seen anyone or heard of anyone that seemed to go too far in their search? Will you elaborate?

No, not really but "too far" is a highly subjective thing, everyone has a different idea of what would be "too far".

-Its obvious that mining brings people together and great friendships are formed. Have you personally lost friends through mining or seen it happen to others?

I have lost friends to treasure hunting, but they died doing what they loved, does a death get any better than that? You are correct in that the friends made in this type of avocation/vocation are the best you can get, would not trade them for any others.

-Why would someone on a mining forum have multiple usernames? Besides the obvious infighting between group members?
-This is a pattern I have noticed among several different sites and once I became aware of it I was unable to not see it occuring and reoccurring on thread after thread. I have a theory or two but I would like to know what members think.

When I see someone doing this I suspect it is a 'wannabe' type of person, someone desperate for attention and is happy to fake it from fake people. Or even just to "help" him/her to "win" an online argument, which is rather silly if you think about it.

I have more questions I'm sure, I just can't think of them at the moment. I'm tired. Thanks in advance for your time and help.

Interesting set of questions you have posed, I get the impression that you have never gone on a treasure hunt? I would highly recommend to do a little research on some lost treasure or lost mine, and start planning on your first. It is a true adventure that everyone can partake in, and if it is a bit dangerous, that only adds to the "spice" because if it were perfectly safe, it would hardly be as exciting.

Please do continue:

:coffee2: :coffee: :coffee2:

-What compels/motivates YOU to search for the LDM

-What do you think compels others to search

-What keeps you going? What do you believe keeps other people going?

-Have you ever seen anyone or heard of anyone that seemed to go too far in their search? Will you elaborate?

-Its obvious that mining brings people together and great friendships are formed.
Come to the Dutch hunters rendezvous if you can and meet some of the best people who can answer your questions.
November 2,3,4 at Superstition mountains, details are on another thread.

I don’t think Democrates hunt for they? :dontknow:

While he was a great mathematician, little is known about that shady character...Democrates may indeed have been skulking about the Supes, making obscure Pythagorean treasure symbols...or it was Bob Ward...

While he was a great mathematician, little is known about that shady character...Democrates may indeed have been skulking about the Supes, making obscure Pythagorean treasure symbols...or it was Bob Ward...
Is my spelling really that bad? Haha

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