[h=4]#2 Copper[/h][FONT="]This grade of copper can be identified by its somewhat dirty appearance. It should be comprised of miscellaneous unalloyed wire, pipe or solid metal that continues to have solder, paint or any kind of coating on it. Additionally, its minimum copper content should be 94-96%. In order to qualify for this grade, wire must be bare of insulation and be thinner than a 16th of an inch in diameter. The ends and fittings of #2 copper are generally accepted at dealerships, and oxidation of some wire, pipe or tubing is allowed as long as damage is not excessive.[/FONT]
[FONT="]#2 copper is the third most valuable grade available.[/FONT]
[h=4]#1 Copper[/h][FONT="]#1 copper is the second most profitable type to trade in. To be classified as #1, the copper should be comprised of bus bars, clippings, commutator segments and wire of at least 1/16th of an inch in diameter. It should also be clean in appearance, unalloyed and uncoated.[/FONT]
[FONT="]The most valuable type of copper pipe – clean copper tubing – may qualify as #1 copper as long as it is free of fittings, insulation, paint, solder and other materials. In fact, most copper tubing and copper pipes can be of #1 grade providing they show few signs of corrosion and have their fittings removed. Trace amounts of oxidation on the tubing are generally acceptable.[/FONT]
[h=4]Bare Bright Copper[/h][FONT="]Bare bright copper is by far the first among the types a scrap dealer would like to find. Also referred to as “bright & shiny copper,” it is the most valuable and high-paying grade around. It refers exclusively to bare, uncoated and unalloyed wire or cable – no thinner than 16 gauge in thickness – which is of #1 copper quality. Copper piping is not included within the classification.[/FONT]
[FONT="]As its name implies, samples must be stripped of insulation and other materials. Furthermore the metal must be free from any paint, impurities or signs of tarnishing. This includes any visible oxidation, and very negligible amounts of patina on the copper are allowable.[/FONT]