Silver rings during hunt plus found and returned a purse today


Gold Member
Apr 24, 2006
It was beautiful here in Michigan this weekend. Unfortunately, I had to attend funeral proceedings Thursday thru Saturday for my relative, 32 years old, who passed away suddenly earlier this week. So very sad it was. :'(

This morning I did manage to get out and hunt two schools. After the hunt, a long hard day out there, lots of digging, I came home and took a nap. After that, I got up and went grocery shopping. After I finished shopping, I went out to my truck to load my groceries and in the shopping cart caddie near my truck, I noticed a purse that someone had obviously left in their cart by mistake. I stood around for a while but no one came to claim it. I snached it up and headed back inside. As I was walking in, I took a peak inside and it was a nurses purse. There was a checkbook, about a dozen credit cards, and a wallet with some cash in it... don't know how much. I took it to the Service desk and turned it in intact and didn't steal any of the lady's stuff. The gal at the service desk said a lady had just called a few minutes ago all frantic asking if anyone had turned in her purse. She left her number so the gal was going to call her. I was glad to be able to help another person out today and I am sure she was relieved to get it back. I did not have my camera, so no photo of the purse, sorry.

I had a fun hunt this morning. The weather was perfect. Maybe the last hunt of the year, you never know this time of year for us. It is supposed to snow here this week, so I was really glad to get out. The first school was mostly a bust. I did mange one bent up ring hallmarked 925, with a flower design and a few coins. The second school was great. The woodchips were so so but there was a lot of nice grassy areas to cover, Several soccer fields. It was an older school, 1950's I think so I was finding some nice older items. Lot's of digging but it was worth it, tons of targets, coins, and goodies. I got another ring hallmarked Sterling, a signet type ring with no initial. Also popped out two silver coins, a 1962D quarter and a 1944 Mercury dime and 9 wheatbacks. One religious medallian also. Lot's of cool keepers today!!

Keepers Nov 4.jpg

Another cool find was a large German coin found on one of the soccer fields. A 2 Mark coin from 1974, a commemorative coin about the size of a half dollar, that says 1949-1969 on the front.

2 Mark F.jpg
2 mark B.jpg

So I hunted about 7 hours total and dug a lot of stuff.
250 coins for a face value of $22.60. Only 100 pennies plus 54 quarters and 57 dimes.
My coin total today put me over the 9000 coin mark for the season!!

Other finds included 3 junque rings, a few pendants/fobs things, two cub scout neckerchiefs, some cool older things, and a really interesting pocket knife thing. I also got 3 other foriegn coins including a chinese one.

All in all, a great day today. Lots of smiles!! I hope yours was a good one too, thanks for reading. HH!!



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Leon said:
Very sorry for your loss...

Great group of finds as usual, WTG!!!
I dig that little flower ring...
& shush,,, your too close to me to be talking about the "S" word... ;D

Continued Good luck, & Happy hunting~

Thanks Leon!! The ring is bent up but can be fixed I guess but it's a silver keeper and that's all the counts. I am always relieved when I get that first keeper of the day and know there won't be a skunk appearing .. lol


Jack(IN) said:
Nice thing to do, returning that purse!! Congrats on the silver and a great overall day!! Sorry to hear about your young relative, very sad!!

Thanks Jack!!
I hope you can keep on your hot streak buddy!! Good luck!


yearightsucka said:
That is a butterfly knife. Illegal in most states. Good finds

Thanks for the info on the knife.
It's a small thing but interesting.
I wonder why they are illegal?
That's about the 10th knife this year for me found at schoolyards.


Clad 2 meet u said:
Bobby, Condolences bud! So young too... :'(

Glad to see your still swinging and still pulling in the bling and cha-ching! I hit a few local area tot lots and my old relic area. Not much to show so I didn't post the clad or trinkets.

I did post on some relics though, hope you got a chance to see-um. Maybe you can shed some light on my button and mini frypan.

Kindest Regards,

Greg (C2MU)

Thanks buddy!! I saw your little frying pan and it looks like an insense burner to me, but there were some other good theories in your thread too. Cool find!! Take care my friend. See you soon!


Ant said:
WTG Bobbydoo, great going on the Silver and the other finds. Thanks for sharing.


Thanks Ant, it was a pretty good day out there. Best of luck to you buddy!


Natman said:
Nice finds BDoo..and sorry about your loss. It's always tougher when people pass away so young.

Anyway nice variety of finds..I have a butterfly knife similar to that, I used to be good at flipping it around from a closed position to expose the blade. And those Wolf neckerchief slides..I have a whole collection of ''d think at recess they'd just not wear that part of the uniform, but kids don't think about it.

Nice return of the purse..of all the people to find it, it was good someone like you discovered it or that woman might have been in big trouble.

Hope you get in a couple more hunts..take care and congrats on a great year.


Thanks Nat!!!
It's always fun to find the scout items huh. I probably have about 10 of them maybe.
Best of luck to you out there my friend!


Evolution said:
My condolences on your family's loss BDoo.

You always have such a large assortment of finds. That butterfly knife looks kind of dangerous.....and the bust on that one foreign coin looks like Alfred Hitchcock. ;D

Thank you Evo!!
I just nicked the rim of that coin with my knife too, glad I didn't hurt it worse as it's pretty cool. Found it in the middle of the soccer field.


geo4472 said:
sorry to hear about the loss of a family member.wtg on your finds and returning the purse.yearightsucka
is right those knifes are illegal in a lot of states keep it home in your misc. finds.good luck and happy hunting

Thanks Geo!! Will do on keeping the knife in the treasure case although it pretty small and harmless looking, but if illegal, not good!! ;D

Nick Pappagiorgio said:
My Condolences Bdoo...

Congratulations on a superior day...

Keep swinging the days are shorter and the winter months are knockin at the door...

All the Best,


Thanks Nick... you know it, swinging as much as possible until the ground freezes.
Take care my friend!!


Prober said:
Sorry about your loss Bobby, its pretty awful when someone so young passes away. Looks like the finds are still popping up for you...54 quarters is an outrageous number! Congrats on the silver too. Not sure if I will be getting out anymore this year...although I would really like to quit the year with 7,000 coins...only 89 to go. Great hunting as usual Bobby!

Hi Bob!! Thanks my friend!!
I hope you get to 7000!! you can do it!
I am at 9200 now after today and am thinking about 10,000 now but don't think there is enough wwrm weather left for me to do it. By far, my best year so I am not complaining. Best of luck to you out there!


ModernMiner said:
I'm out of town right now but decided to check in on TN.
Sorry to hear of your loss. I'm actually back in my hometown right now. We had my father's headstone put on his gravesite for his 72nd birthday today. A tough day for my brothers and I, but it seemed to bring some closure for us.

Congrats on all those great finds big guy, and also returning that purse.
I'm glad it was an honest person that found it.
Nice job on the silver!!!


Thanks for stopping in Doug, appreciate that my friend.
Sounds like a somber day for you, glad you were able to take care of that though.


DFX-Gregg said:
I call these posts roller coaster posts...they are the hardest to respond to.... First sorry for the loss of your relative at such a young age... :(

Onto your finds nice job on the silver....also 54 quarters damn...that is alot. As far as the weather change...we are going through it today...with the 35mph wind gusts... when I got off work this morning I actually sat outside the park I was going to hunt until the temperature went above 35... Ended up with 129 coins...but the only good thing was the 33 dimes.... You had a really nice mix of items...nice hunt... :)

Thanks Greg. Yep, life seems to be a roller coaster at times, most times. We just have to enjoy the good parts and deal with the others I guess. Take care dude!


watercolor said:
I'm very sorry to hear about the loss in your family.
It's good you were able to get out and do something that you like to do. . . nice finds and great job for finding the owner of that purse ;)

Thanks very much watercolor!!


Captn_SE said:
Hello BDoo,

I am sorry to hear about the loss of your young relative. We need to enjoy every minute, 'cause we never know when our time is up.

I'm glad you carried on with something you thoroughly enjoy and are very skilled at. I see you found some silver coinage and some wheaties...that's great!! How deep can that old machine of yours detect? Sure looks like you know how to find the older coinage when you move from the woodchips to the turf.

Congrats, buddy!!


Thanks Dan!!

I have to hit this school district by my work more in search of silvers as it has some schools from the 50's and they have very large open areas with athletic fields and park type areas. The ole Garrett sniffs em out. I always wear earphones and definitely listen for the very faint signals for deep oldies. It goes about 6 to 8 inches on a good flat coin which is ok for a 25 year old machine.


Mainedigger said:
BDoo....sorry to hear about your relative, always sad when someone goes so young, but remember that everything happens for a reason and alot of things are out of our control and we jsut have to cherish the memories and be thankful for the time that was granted.
Great job on the purse return, I am sure the lady was relieved and ecstatic to get it back!!!
Nice finds as well...hope the snow holds off for a while so you are able to get out a few more times.

Thank you Mainedigger, appreciate that sentiment and encouragement!!


Sorry for your loss, it's tough anytime, never mind so young.

I have left my purse in a shopping cart on Thanksgiving eve, all the hustle and bustle I was careless :-[ It was also returned intact. Thank you for the good deed, I know I was relieved, I bet the nurse was too.

What a great group of finds, that's allot of clad :o. I hope you get out some more this season, we look forward to your posts!

Thank you CG!! I am honored to recieve a comment like this. ;D

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