Silver Shield Shut Down

Charlie...Just got an e-mail from Silver Bullet Silver Shield saying they are shutting down. You are tight with these guys...have any idea what's happening. Or at least your opinion.


I'm still in the dark as you are. I'm a member of SBSS and the members are talking about it on the SSG Forum and we waiting for Chris to chime in. Until then it's a waiting game.

Thanks Charlie. It's all over the web bullion and coin forms. No real answers. Even the e-mail was kind of confusing. Bet the Freedom Girl and Slave Queens are already gone from their listed vendors. Might take a chance at a tube of FG from Providence tonight. Worst that can happen is they say their out of stock. That is one fine looking round.

Charlie...where is the ssg forum? Can't find it. Do you have to be a registered member to bring it up?

Tried to buy a tube of Freedom Girls last night and again this morning. Providence showed them in stock. But when I got to the check out they showed up as out of stock. Oh well.

Hmmm... those Freedom Girl coins are absolutely stunning. Looks like their collector value is about to go up too! :thumbsup:

TP69...I originally ordered 5 FG's for a test run. Gave one to an Hispanic girl who was helping me buy Silver Dollars and silver coins (12 SD's and $25 in quarters, not a successful experience as her friends started calling my cell looking to sell flat screen TV's and other such "loot." They thought I was a fence.) Anyway, I sold one to her mother for $30 bucks. Sold two more to friends for $40 each. That smooth unthoughtful move left me with ONE FG and my chances of getting more of these pretty girls look slim. Yep, I'm betting big future premiums.

Update...I kept trying to order Freedom Girls from Provident. Last night and several times today. A few minutes ago I finally got an order confirmed. Picked up one tube, 20 FG rounds at 29.98. Wished now I had bought a 100. There's money to be made there. I say, boy, there's money to be made there. I may go back for the other 80. Have to think about it. Silver is dropping like a rock. Bet Providence is going to hold the high premium on them. I would.

Hey , please forgive my ignorance , but could somebody please put up a pic showing these "freedom girls" I don't remember
ever seeing them. Thanks !

Hey , please forgive my ignorance , but could somebody please put up a pic showing these "freedom girls" I don't remember
ever seeing them. Thanks !


At Lost. SSG is a Paid Private Member Site and Membership is only opened up once in a while for people to join. I think it is open now but getting ready to close again. You can access it from this site: Don't Tread On Me- When You Are Aware You Can Prepare.

As for the Mint no biggy, they still have not caught up with the orders and Chris will not let the mint open until they do as he is taking so much heat from people on his blogs and such. Until all Orders are Complete there will be no further Minting or Selling. He's trying to take care of outstanding customers first.

Thanks Charlie. Think I stumbled on that same web site a while back. Don't remember where I got the link.

I order a tube of FG's from Provident along with a mess of other cheap rounds. A real ordeal getting the order Confirmed. Lot's of windows saying no way to try again later. Finally confirmed with a printed copy. Hope it's real as the check I rushed off to the post office to beat their 24 hour dead line was sure enough real. I planned on ordering another 80 to make it and even 100, hey, cheaper than ASE's, but this morning sanity set in and I never ordered. Hope they keep the FG mintage low. Might be a real money maker.

Good luck with your new toy. I'm sure you know how much fun it is to play with.

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