Skid-Z Mystery Hunt


Apr 19, 2017
Hemet, CA
Primary Interest:
This summer, Skid-Z will be bringing an amazing and thoroughly entertaining mystery hunt game to the Hemet/San Jacinto area, that is of course if enough people are interested. This event will be held outdoors in which participants will race from one clue to the next. Clues will consist of riddles, codes, puzzles and more.

The Hunt is designed for the adult and young adult audience. However, no special skills are required making it doable for all ages. Any children entering will need the assistance of an adult to help them with clues.

This hunt welcomes participants throughout the community as a great get-together for family, friends, co-workers neighbors and even visitors.

If you are interested in competing in the Skid-Z Mystery Hunt, please let us know! We need at least 60 area residents to sign up in order to bring this mystery hunt to the Hemet / San Jacinto CA area. Sign up by visiting our website and adding your name to the list.


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