Small Bottle

1900 to around 1920.
Watch out! now that you picked one up, you might end up with 20 boxes full!!! It's addictive like detecting.

You've Been Bit

Bit by the bottle bug! :lol:
Soon you'll have them on every shelf.
That there is a cure bottle. Cure bottles are neat for all their different shapes and sizes. Many are embossed with the product names, which produce no shortage of entertainment. People would try just about anything, and there were no restrictions then.

I don't see many bottles when I am out and about.But I will pick the ones up that look old or neat.

This one is kind of cool looking.I was going to ask what it was used for.It's a cure bottle,huh.Was a cork used to seal the top?

10 years ago there was a old abandoned house on my uncle's land.It was ready to fall over,but I went in it and looked around.There were bottles all over the place.I did not pay much attention to them at the time.It has been leveled now.I bet they were old,I wish I knew then what I know now.

I have been wanting to go back and detect where it was also.Who knows ,maybe a few of them survived.Its now farm land.

Her is a picture,,again,,it got lost from the old forum,in the transfer.You will see that allot,because most,not all of the pictures did not make it when the new forum was started.

Thats a nice bottle. I collect bottles...There are abandoned farms where I live and I have been trying to detect there but havent had to much luck..That bottle is from around 1900...Go to where the house was on your uncles land and dig wherre the back yard was...they always threw trash in a big pile back there,.

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