Snowy Treasure México Toluca

Mr. Tat

Apr 2, 2010
Detector(s) used
Master Hunter CX, Discovery 1100 & Dowsing
Snowy Treasure
Mexico Toluca

Everything began at the end of the school year 1942. Gilbert, a friend and fellow student, invited me to holiday in a small ranch near the Nevado de Toluca, heartburn and happy to exercise, make the journey on foot. This little farm had been owned by his father, who in turn had inherited from his grandfather, by his grandfather. Every day we got up early to hike through the mountains, sometimes on horseback and others pie.Después we took a bath in a spring

One of many days dawned rainy and we decided to stay home. To distract boarded the galleys
where their ancestors kept everything that I was no longer useful. For us, this place was very attractive, we find things of great interest and great value, but our attention was powerfully by way of a box pirate chest containing papers, read them eagerly because it is the story of the Gilbert family. Among these documents we find a statement written over 150 years, on plain paper, written in pencil, however over the years, it read clearly. The document had the yellowing of old papers, the splitting was separated into parts, accommodated by us could decipher its contents.

Start reading with great surprise and we find the following:

"Year 1760, I, Bartolomé Juan del Castillo, in the name of God the Father who raised me and kept me, I make the following confession:

Being the chief of thieves operating in the Sierra del Nevado, I as a repository of great theft of behaviors that brought great treasures that led to Spain and spent by these fields and several points of minerals.

I declare on behalf of God Almighty, true all I'm going to write.

I declare that in the Cañada del Jicote which is in the Mountains of Estrada, his place where two waters meet a girl and a larger, hence below where it jumped boy, is an underground, the door is small, can hardly fit the body of a man at the foot of a short Peñita, the door is covered with a slab which in turn is covered with earth, here is a very big interest. And jump up in this same valley is one that has rock, is on the hill or the side of the ravine, is where many herbs otatillo. From there, up toward the west, reaching the summit of the hill from Ridge, being there over the south, take a right down a hill until he guy who has lots of trees, where it will seek an oak tree with two arms that are elbows, one is looking at the Veladero Zacualpan and another at the foot eight jars of money are buried. Course is taken down to give a very small bums out of the same hill and goes to jump a child, one side is the entrance of the cave, half are in the big jump, if you find you will get rich, there
is the convoy that the viceroy was removed in step O Donojú male, this was like a million of money, in front an altar was found mixing it stands on the lord of the hospital, which is the most venerated before. Also find supplies of silver and gold which the viceroy was served in the interior is the large amount of silver bars to form a ridge, was also a large stock of ornaments and beside an altar with gold Christ Viceroy, there is also the skeleton of Don Cristobal de Nova, who died bound by the Spanish want to give this treasure.

My son, there are few remaining days of my life and my soul is devoured by remorse. In this fatal condition and I think I remember your orphan from the death of your loving mother, dead from you, which gave birth to you, I want to reward you and my sister Agnes, for his humanitarian actions.

My son, you know you're a parent you do not know, still lives, but sent in a sea of crime, do horrible memories the honorable title of father. I committed several crimes, sometimes driven by revenge and others by the defense had to do myself.

Finally, my dear Pauline, you understand that I want to do you good and I pray God keep you many years.

The treasures are many, you can go with those who like, no matter how many, for all reaches, I ask only one condition, which send many masses for God's forgiveness, both to the criminals who walked with me, like me. All the sacred objects belonging to the Church as chalices, monstrance, chalices, patens and other religious ornaments, I beg you dear Pauline, do care to be delivered to the Church and may be used for what they were made, with all to be remedied on because as I said: there are so many other treasures as formal accusations New Mexico.

Principia your tour of the Cerro del Manzano, is a hill that has a crabapple, is near
Barranca del Muerto, in the trunk has a horseshoe nailed to the foot of the trunk, six jars of gold coins. I, your father, I was in so much danger I do not know why God preserve my life. I suffered many wounds, but could stand because one of our colleagues was a healer and knew the healing properties of many plants in these mountains, so thank God I was able to preserve life.
All that is there is yours, remédiense on their needs and continues to seek and do not forget, dear Pauline, to help the poor, I first commission as required and sends many masses for the soul of your father and all While other criminals who need it. "

HOLO, muy interesante Puedes mandar me una copia del documento en el Espanol? No voy en la campana, no mas de curiosidad, ya tengo demasiado.

HI: very interesting, can you send me a copy in Spanish? I do not intend to follow it up, but just out of curiosity, I already have too much to do.

Don Jose de La Mancha

buenas noches mi Amigo: Estaba muy interestante. Me dan muchas ganas a buscar los, pero voy a estar ocupado por el resto de mi vida aqui. Gracias

Good evening my friend: That was very interesting. It make me want to go down there and look for them, but, unfortunately, I have more than enough here to keep me busy for the rest of my life. Thanks.

Don Jose de La Mancha

Welcome to Treasurenet Mr Tat! :thumbsup:

Muchas gracias for posting this story, very interesting indeed!

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