So few California mds?


Bronze Member
Nov 11, 2010
Detector(s) used
Excalibur 2 1000
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
So few California md's?

I'm from Cali, North bay area, and dont live there at this time, but still interested in what goes on there. Have all the caches and treasures been found, or is everyone still out hunting, and no time for post? Anyone detecting along the north coast beaches? I know its not Fla, but you gotta go where you can go.

Re: So few California md's?

The CA hunters aren't on this forum, for the most part. If you want to see who's bragging about what, what's being found, beach erosion condition banter, tech-talk as it applies to CA, etc.... then you have to get on the Kinzli forum. That's where most CA hunter post, share, brag, chime in, lurk, etc.... To get to the main pages (past the beginner pages, where no one reads), you have to sign up to be a member (something about spam control). But it's easy. Just pick a name and a password, and you're on.

As far as "treasures" in CA (like, caches, legends, etc...), most hunters here (and most everywhere for that matter), are coin/relic/jewelry hunters. That's not to say we wouldn't belittle finding a jar or box of coins, but ........ it's just evolved so most hunt for coins and jewelry, unless they have some sort of specific reason, or lead, to think there's a cache some particular place.

All the lores and legends you can read of (lost or hidden mines, military payroll heists, and all such superstition), are just that: Mostly embellished superstition, that make for good reading in old treasure mags, dime-store books, etc... There are many more caches found, if that is your goal, by simply getting a 2-box unit, and simply going around the ruins of where old homesites used to be. Because a 2-box unit won't find anything smaller than a soda can or jar-sized item. So by their very nature, they are discriminating out pesky coins, nails, rings, and other such small items. Oh sure, you'll dig hub-cap and big cr*p till your arms fall off. But if you want a cache, you're going to have better luck trolling old ruins and ghost towns that way, than by chasing superstitions and old legends commonly seen/read about in old coffee-table type books.

We look forward to seeing you on the Kinzli forum.

Re: So few California md's?

Thanks Tom for the information. When my computer is well again, I will check the site out, but right now, cant check anything. I understand what your saying about the rainbows that people are out there chasing, and all the wishfull thinking of treasure hunters. Seems that there are a lot of superstitious people wasting their time looking for the "lost" this and that. Lost rings are out there, but I'm not so sure about all the lost mines and payroles.

Re: So few California md's?

The CA hunters aren't on this forum, for the most part. If you want to see who's bragging about what, what's being found, beach erosion condition banter, tech-talk as it applies to CA, etc.... then you have to get on the Kinzli forum. That's where most CA hunter post, share, brag, chime in, lurk, etc.... To get to the main pages (past the beginner pages, where no one reads), you have to sign up to be a member (something about spam control). But it's easy. Just pick a name and a password, and you're on.

As far as "treasures" in CA (like, caches, legends, etc...), most hunters here (and most everywhere for that matter), are coin/relic/jewelry hunters. That's not to say we wouldn't belittle finding a jar or box of coins, but ........ it's just evolved so most hunt for coins and jewelry, unless they have some sort of specific reason, or lead, to think there's a cache some particular place.

All the lores and legends you can read of (lost or hidden mines, military payroll heists, and all such superstition), are just that: Mostly embellished superstition, that make for good reading in old treasure mags, dime-store books, etc... There are many more caches found, if that is your goal, by simply getting a 2-box unit, and simply going around the ruins of where old homesites used to be. Because a 2-box unit won't find anything smaller than a soda can or jar-sized item. So by their very nature, they are discriminating out pesky coins, nails, rings, and other such small items. Oh sure, you'll dig hub-cap and big cr*p till your arms fall off. But if you want a cache, you're going to have better luck trolling old ruins and ghost towns that way, than by chasing superstitions and old legends commonly seen/read about in old coffee-table type books.

We look forward to seeing you on the Kinzli forum.
Where is the Kinzli forum you speak of mate? I am very interested to join as I am moving to California.

Where is the Kinzli forum you speak of mate? I am very interested to join as I am moving to California.
I see this is a really old thread that got brought back to life.

Jeff Kinzli ran the California Kinzli Metal Detecting forum for many years but is was shut down awhile ago.

I see this is a really old thread that got brought back to life.

Jeff Kinzli ran the California Kinzli Metal Detecting forum for many years but is was shut down awhile ago.
Appreciate the update.

So where have all the Californians gone to? For such a large state with history of rich gold there doesn't seem to be any active discussions on TNet.

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