So where did humans come from?


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May 3, 2016
Arizona, California, Alaska, Oregon, Florida, Loui
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I have to say we were created by a race that we look like. Bible says we are created in his image. It also talks about the Giants breeding with humans. We can't come from apes, there wouldn't be anymore apes. Why don't we see half ape looking creatures that are only halfway formed into humans running around? We can't just all evolved at one time.
The oldest text we have is in accent Sumerian clay tablets and they have Just now proved with all our technology today the star charts are correct. How did the Egyptian people know what planets looked like and the distance in mesurments between them unless they were told or saw for themselves?
We went from riding a horse to iPads in 120 years but none of the people before us for 1000s of years could come up with ideas and inventions we have today? All our ancestors were dumb? The same people that wrote the bible that nations go to war over today about couldn't write blueprints to a basic engine?
What do you think? I'm curious as to what people logically think were we came from now that we have all this technology.


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Evolution, not aliens. Just as the crossbow changed history, so did gunpowder. WWI pushed the designs for aircraft forward, and WWII pushed us into the nuclear and space age. Men planned and built the pyramids, Mayan, Egypt, Cambodian. Why do so many believe we have had help from the Stars?


Evolution, not aliens. Just as the crossbow changed history, so did gunpowder. WWI pushed the designs for aircraft forward, and WWII pushed us into the nuclear and space age. Men planned and built the pyramids, Mayan, Egypt, Cambodian. Why do so many believe we have had help from the Stars?

Why do we still have apes then? Once something has evolved it left its former being. That's what evolution means right to change or developed into a new form? So why don't we have half monkeies running around or humans that are a couple hundred years behind us drying their knuckles still. I agree some peoples brains haven't evolved yet my ex was one of them.
So tell me why man built the pyramids and all these wonders but couldn't build a form of transportation other than sandals and crossbows? We went from horses, bows and arrows to the Internet. ALL those years people being the "lazy" "luxury motivated" people we are were content, no way.
They were happy looking at the back end of a gassy horse, making road apples 5 feet in their face, 5 miles a hour for hundreds of years? Then all the sudden we are smart? You say no help, no reverse engineering from another universe? You have to wonder why man all the sudden went from that to this in such a short time?

If I'm gonna ponder these MYSTERIES; gonna be a LONGGG night... Coffee Buffet opens soon; 27 different flavors, Sock Coffee, TOO! Decaf is available in 15 flavors... INSTANT, etc. Iced Coffee upon request.

The age old question. Mommy, Where did I come from? I have to remember my schooling for some of these questions......:laughing7:

How much are Scientology dues now? Where did we come from? Well here in Texas we came from a bunch of steak eatin, barbeque makin, beer drinkin rednecks and we ain't got a clue where we're goin and don't really care. We love horses, hot women and don't even mind diggin pull tabs.

If I'm gonna ponder these MYSTERIES; gonna be a LONGGG night... Coffee Buffet opens soon; 27 different flavors, Sock Coffee, TOO! Decaf is available in 15 flavors... INSTANT, etc. Iced Coffee upon request.

Aliens brought coffee to earth with them -- "STAR" bucks... :laughing7:

How much are Scientology dues now? Where did we come from? Well here in Texas we came from a bunch of steak eatin, barbeque makin, beer drinkin rednecks and we ain't got a clue where we're goin and don't really care. We love horses, hot women and don't even mind diggin pull tabs.

Do the cows still back up to the fences in Sumerset when you hit the horn?

To answer part of the 2nd half of your question, why so many centuries of no significant technology to what we have today, the Bible, which you mentioned, said in the end days, knowledge would be increased. Chalk that one up to accuracy.

The bigger question is WHY are you here? And if we only have one lifetime to figure it out, better hurry.

Everyone at least once in their lifetime should stop at a farm where some cows are doing their cow thing, roll down the car window and "moo" at the cows. Just don't do it with the police nearby listening to you.

If I'm gonna ponder these MYSTERIES; gonna be a LONGGG night... Coffee Buffet opens soon; 27 different flavors, Sock Coffee, TOO! Decaf is available in 15 flavors... INSTANT, etc. Iced Coffee upon request.

Lol, really huh way too long! Good answer.

How much are Scientology dues now? Where did we come from? Well here in Texas we came from a bunch of steak eatin, barbeque makin, beer drinkin rednecks and we ain't got a clue where we're goin and don't really care. We love horses, hot women and don't even mind diggin pull tabs.

Texas doesn't count! We always knew they were different just look at their cheerleaders! They came from a different planet all together were they shoot you first then drag you on their property after.

I've seen a lot of places, I've been around the world
I've seen some pretty faces, been with some beautiful girls
After all I've witnessed, one thing still amazes me
Just like a miracle, you have to see to believe
First He made the sunshine, then He made the water deep
Then He gave us moonlight for all the world to see
Well, everybody knows that the Lord works in mysterious ways
He took a rest, then on the very next day

God blessed Texas with His own hand
Brought down angels from the Promised Land
Gave them a place where they could dance
If you wanna see Heaven, brother, here's your chance
Well, I've been sent to spread the message GOD BLESS TEXAS!

Little Texas - God Blessed Texas Lyrics

this is a very interesting read and a great book, whatever your opinions ;

one point he gives is based on the pyramids and the sophisticated construction... yes built by man, but for thousands of years before nothing, then the pyramids, then for thousands of years after, again nothing?

he says its like having the technology to build a cart for your horse, then suddenly having the skill to build a Porsche, then going back to the cart?

who suddenly appeared to give them a helping hand...? Star Gods?

this is a very interesting read and a great book, whatever your opinions ;

one point he gives is based on the pyramids and the sophisticated construction... yes built by man, but for thousands of years before nothing, then the pyramids, then for thousands of years after, again nothing?

he says its like having the technology to build a cart for your horse, then suddenly having the skill to build a Porsche, then going back to the cart?

who suddenly appeared to give them a helping hand...? Star Gods?

THATS WHAT IM SAYING! I will check it out, thanks! Yeah it's like we keep going in a cycle from sticks and stones to iPads then get to a point of so much technology, we end up blowing ourselves up! Always because of greed or religion and then we start with sticks and stones again. I think humans have done this for who knows how many times.

But I also think we have to had help in the last 100 years. Either we just got to the point were we attracted other people's attention from out there (space) or they have always been working with us. Why would people be coming out like the prime minister of Canada, the leader of Soviet Russia stating extraterrestrial people exist? They have nothing to loose coming out after being retired than to look stupid and these were people whole nations depended on their sanity. You know? Either way the government wouldn't tell us because of mass panic. I don't fear the government as much as I fear MOB MENTALITY like people in riots. When a mass panic or mob happens then they start looting and doing things normally they would never do.

Did you know we landed on a meteor in space that was moving at who knows how fast here recently? We landed, drilled the core to extract hydrogen and use it as fuel like a HHO cell to refill? Look at DARPA projects. Obama funded the project with 2 billions dollars and we did it. Don't hear about it on the news? But you see it in the recent NASA project files online if you look, but you have to enter the right phrase in the search fields.

This is an interesting read and will make you think. Now most won't read it all because we don't like the headache of thinking but it is worth the thought process. I had forgot about this one. His other books are good too.

Fingerprints of the Gods. Graham Hancock

Everyone at least once in their lifetime should stop at a farm where some cows are doing their cow thing, roll down the car window and "moo" at the cows. Just don't do it with the police nearby listening to you.
Oh WHEW! I was worried I was the only one...... :laughing7:

Also, make the rooster (cockle doodle do) sound, to the neighbors chickens, when I ride by..... :laughing7:
bark at dogs, meow at cats, whinny at horses, nahhh at goats, grunt at gators.... I feel, it's rather rude and pretentious, to not at least attempt to speak to another species, in their own language. :notworthy:

Just don't be smiling at no monkeys..... :laughing7: Seriously, the teeth showing is a sign of aggression. Last thing ya need, heading outta the house, is a monkey tangled up in your hair for the day. :laughing7:

Oh, the original question..... :icon_scratch:
Eta Carina, where else? :dontknow: :laughing7:
Who said we all evolved? :laughing7:

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