Spanish Missions


Full Member
Mar 22, 2018
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All Treasure Hunting
Here is a pic I have posted before according to historical Spanish archives there was @ least 12 Spanish Missions located north of the Gila River, I personally have located 2 of these missions within 5 miles of this heart. The bell towers are there but the bells are missing ??. 0329181809a_resized.jpg Notice the cross ??

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Here is a pic I have posted before according to historical Spanish archives there was @ least 12 Spanish Missions located north of the Gila River, I personally have located 2 of these missions within 5 miles of this heart. The bell towers are there but the bells are missing ??.View attachment 1621438 Notice the cross ??

Can you specify what historical Spanish archives that information came from? It would be a really interesting research project to nail down even roughly where the 12 Spanish missions were north of the Gila as the vast amount of information readily available says there were none.

They might be visitas, a mission without a padre. That could explain the missing bells, too. If there's no padre to say mass, there's no need for bells to ring.

They might be visitas, a mission without a padre. That could explain the missing bells, too. If there's no padre to say mass, there's no need for bells to ring.

San Pedro Presidio comes to mind. Lots of old mines named silver bell. Coincidence? Maybe, or maybe the bells were left in the mines. There was a special mission for Kino's side kick Manja or Manji whatever his name was. His Mission or mining Hacienda, was located outside of Kerny AZ. lots of strange activity at that site with many gold mines in the area.

View attachment 1622325

San Pedro Presidio comes to mind. Lots of old mines named silver bell. Coincidence? Maybe, or maybe the bells were left in the mines. There was a special mission for Kino's side kick Manja or Manji whatever his name was. His Mission or mining Hacienda, was located outside of Kerny AZ. lots of strange activity at that site with many gold mines in the area.

View attachment 1622325
bill..please dont post the location of the mission..the only reason it is still there is because nobody knows it is there

bill..please dont post the location of the mission..the only reason it is still there is because nobody knows it is there

Dave, I left the coordinates out on purpose so no one could find it. Although other Treasure Hunters on Tnet have investigated it coming to the conclusion it was not a Mission structure without going there to see for themselves. It's location is on one of Kino's Maps known as the "House of Manji" or Mission of his companion and military officer. So much for missions being placed away from the gold mines. This one was located in the middle of a canyon full of gold deposits and mines. It's very old and hard to reach by foot.

It probably contains a treasure room somewhere close by.

Anybody up for a Treasure Hunt?

Dave, I left the coordinates out on purpose so no one could find it. Although other Treasure Hunters on Tnet have investigated it coming to the conclusion it was not a Mission structure without going there to see for themselves. It's location is on one of Kino's Maps known as the "House of Manji" or Mission of his companion and military officer. So much for missions being placed away from the gold mines. This one was located in the middle of a canyon full of gold deposits and mines. It's very old and hard to reach by foot.

It probably contains a treasure room somewhere close by.

Anybody up for a Treasure Hunt?
someone already got the treasure....years ago a friend of mine hiked into it....he found a fresh dug hole...whoever dug it left in a hurry because they left their digging tools ...picks..shovels..etc

someone already got the treasure....years ago a friend of mine hiked into it....he found a fresh dug hole...whoever dug it left in a hurry because they left their digging tools ...picks..shovels..etc

Sounds to me like they found something. Leaving all the tools lets you pack out their weight in ore/gold. Plus if/when you go back and find them missing, that instantly tells you someone else has been there.

Sounds to me like they found something. Leaving all the tools lets you pack out their weight in ore/gold. Plus if/when you go back and find them missing, that instantly tells you someone else has been there.

i've been to the site a few times...i'm not convinced it was a mission...when i was there most of the walls were still was a pretty good size structure with multiple had a fireplace...there is also a well outside..most of the locals in the area think it was a looked more like a ranch house to didn't look old enough to be a mission..someone did dig something up but who knows what..nobody leaves their tools unless someone came up on them and they had to flee...i used to think it was a mission but now i'm leaning toward a ranch house..

i've been to the site a few times...i'm not convinced it was a mission...when i was there most of the walls were still was a pretty good size structure with multiple had a fireplace...there is also a well outside..most of the locals in the area think it was a looked more like a ranch house to didn't look old enough to be a mission..someone did dig something up but who knows what..nobody leaves their tools unless someone came up on them and they had to flee...i used to think it was a mission but now i'm leaning toward a ranch house..

Dave, I looked to me like a stacked-stone depression-era house that turned into a line-shack...I thought the room built on the side of the cabin was a horse-stall...I also saw a lot of stacked-stone drift fences that looked just like the little shack etc. and I would imagine they spent a lot of time trying to get cows un-stuck in the mud down in the wash, which to me explains why they built the drift fences...but then again, all the stone drift fences and line shacks in the Supes are sposed to be Jesuit also, I guess at least one of those cowboys could have been Catholic!:icon_thumleft:

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Any sources or information related to missions or visitas N or the Gila? I was hoping Ink might provide some direction as to where to look in the archives?

Dave, I looked to me like a stacked-stone depression-era house that turned into a line-shack...I thought the room built on the side of the cabin was a horse-stall...I also saw a lot of stacked-stone drift fences that looked just like the little shack etc. and I would imagine they spent a lot of time trying to get cows un-stuck in the mud down in the wash, which to me explains why they built the drift fences...but then again, all the stone drift fences and line shacks in the Supes are sposed to be Jesuit also, I guess at least one of those cowboys could have been Catholic!:icon_thumleft:
i also remember the well was lined with rock...and the rock wall wasn't very may have been taller years ago...

i also remember the well was lined with rock...and the rock wall wasn't very may have been taller years ago...

yup...I only went down there one time, we rode our 3-wheelers up there...the guys that took me up there, their Dad or Granpa worked up in the pit at Ray...anyway, they swore up and down that they were taking me to an old Spanish mission, but it's not...way too new...I joshed 'em about it, but they still think it's a mission...

If I were looking for treasure around there, I would look over by Kane Spr. for stashed stage robber loot.

yup...I only went down there one time, we rode our 3-wheelers up there...the guys that took me up there, their Dad or Granpa worked up in the pit at Ray...anyway, they swore up and down that they were taking me to an old Spanish mission, but it's not...way too new...I joshed 'em about it, but they still think it's a mission...

If I were looking for treasure around there, I would look over by Kane Spr. for stashed stage robber loot. area that rich in history has alot to offer in the way of treasure

Is this “lost mission” site on state property or private ranch land ? I can imagine what would happen if you got caught digging for relics or unlicensed prospecting, whatever, on state property (arrest)... but doing that on private ranch land ? Could you still catch a bullet doing that today ?

Lost Gold after 1883 Stage Hold-up

For anyone looking for treasure in that area, this is one of many...they recovered the silver, but the gold was "lost" my knowledge, it was never recovered....

View attachment 1622667

someone already got the treasure....years ago a friend of mine hiked into it....he found a fresh dug hole...whoever dug it left in a hurry because they left their digging tools ...picks..shovels..etc

Damn that Blake! He's been around since first Dutchman Hole was dug!
There's holes in them their hills...
every Thunter in the area has dug as hole there it's a well known area to the locals.

House of many holes

Do a little research online to find out the property owner its not that hard. Obviously, you have access to a computer and the internet. Just takes a little time and its something to do when you cannot get outside to do stuff.

Is this “lost mission” site on state property or private ranch land ? I can imagine what would happen if you got caught digging for relics or unlicensed prospecting, whatever, on state property (arrest)... but doing that on private ranch land ? Could you still catch a bullet doing that today ?

It belongs to a large mining company...Freeport, I believe... they own everything out there. It had a road to it at one time, but, it's long washed out now.

It was Geronimo's Golden Pizza at one time I think:dontknow:.

Before that it was Manji's Hole in the Ground Bar and Grill!

Is this “lost mission” site on state property or private ranch land ? I can imagine what would happen if you got caught digging for relics or unlicensed prospecting, whatever, on state property (arrest)... but doing that on private ranch land ? Could you still catch a bullet doing that today ?

BLM...ARPA probably applies, as well as needing a treasure trove permit to dig up anything on fed lands...that's why a lot of people don't bother trying to do the right thing, all you get in the end is trouble...the laws and regulations need to be changed so T Hunters get some kind of reward and anything valuable from an historical perspective can be preserved...

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