
When I was a young boy, my dad was living at my uncle's house. We used to go there and visit him on the weekend for a while. I guess he only lived there for a couple of months, so I was probably only in the house a few times at most.

I don't know when it was built, but the house was really old (it is no longer there). My uncle was a member of the "Brother Speed" motorcycle gang, so there was usually a disassembled HD motorcycle in the dining room and shady characters lurking about. My dad was pretty rough and tumble, so he fit right in with the rest of the dudes hanging around the place. My brother and I were pretty young, maybe 11 and 10 respectively, so dad would usually not let us hang around when the place was full of bikers, but we did spend some time there.

My dad, uncle, and most of the dirtbags claimed that the house was haunted by a ghost named "Jake". Jake was harmless except for the fact that he didn't like the windows to be closed in the upstairs attic area. Actually it wasn't an attic, but simply the second story of an old two story house. Everyone called it the attic though and that is where Jake suppossedly hung out. Of the few times I was there, I remeber being more leery of the freaky dude rolling a joint on the coffee table than I ever was of the thought of a ghost, but one time I was there I did get to witness something strange.

This particular day it was just me and my brother and my dad at the house, all of the dirtbags were off getting arrested or raping and pillaging or something. Well, we felt a draft and my dad mentioned the fact that Jake had probably opened the windows in the attic again, so we went to check it out. Sure enough, there were a couple of windows open so my dad shut them. We then went back downstairs to watch TV. I was not too worried about ghosts, because I wouldn't put it past my dad to try to scare us by making the whole thing up. I didn't think too much about it until a couple of hours later when we felt the draft again. We went back into the attic and sure enough the same few windows were wide open again! That got my attention because I know for a fact that there was no way anyone could have went upstairs without me knowing it. The TV room was right at the bottom of the stairs and I was right there watching TV the whole time. I was a little freaked out, but I still could imagine my old man somehow rigging things to make it look like there was a ghost. At the time, I was never really convinced that there was a ghost in the house, but I'll tell you that I wouldn't go into that attic by myself either! Later in life my dad still swore that there was a ghost named Jake, so I guess maybe I did witness something strange.

That's my ghost story.

Very strange ? I have a friend now retired from the Airforce . He was stationed in Nevada. I remember him speaking of a assignment where they blindfolded them and flew them to their post. His job was to stand guard at a buried bunker ? or something like that . Rumor was > it all had something to do with UFO findings, that were constantly being guarded and all was top secret ? He is a wonderful and honest person, so I have no reason to ever question his story. Strange things out there for sure.

Here's one when i was a kid,we lived in a two story house in the country ;D,still do but myself and my two brothers here this loud bang in the middle of the night!Well the parents say it's just a dresser that fell over.Guess what it's in the attic and has all four legs,falls over on a level floor,my parents say it's nothin! Now that i'm older they tell me the truth!! BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;)

I Believe, and have a picture to prove it ;D

This is or was supposed to be a picture of my now 7 yr old daughter when she was around 2 1/2 yrs old. I do not know who the person is in the picture with her. I and most other's thinks it looks like a man but a few people say it looks like a woman.
My husband and I tried to recreate the pic with the same webcam and my husband trying to be the "face" but his head was too big and he couldn't get in the right position to match up the way the face appears.

There would be toy's in the toy box that would turn on during the night, our TV would change channels by itself and also turn on/off in the middle of the night, weird dots of light would be around on occasion and strange dark shadows. Oh and once while I was at the computer around 3am (everyone one else was in bed asleep at that hour..insomia stinks) I heard something behind me and turned to look if someone had gotten up and a pepsi bottle cap from a 2 liter bottle flew off the counter and across the kitchen. I figured it was bedtime and went to bed LoL

I have always had the feeling of like a cat walking around on my bed since I was little. Never could figure that one out as I never had a cat until I was in my teens.
My 7yr old used to talk about her friend Olga, Olga was 1 of 5 friends (and not so friendly) of my daughter. She even had names for them, John & Sasha ...they were newlyweds and kissed alot, Shadow ... he would just hide in the corner of the bathroom, never talked only watched and Bossman... he was the mean one who yelled at the other's a lot. This all came from a 2 1/2 yr old that knew nothing about ghosts. She used to crawl (before she could walk, she was a preemie and took a while to catch up) out on the front porch everyday with her blanket to play and take her naps. She would play with bumblebees, never once got stung and still hasnt at age 7 and would have butterflies all around her.
There were lots of things that happened after my daughter in the pic above was born, but since my father passed away in 2004, all has been fairly quiet.

That's why I believe, this all could be explained naturally I suppose by skeptics but too much has happened to be all coincidence.

Not to alarm you teddy but 1st thing i thought was that other person in the photo is your daughter in the future.Dont know why but is that crazy or what???

teddy ---your child may be "gifted" spirit wise there are many forms of it ---stronger in some than others ---it seems to pass down thru the family often---do any others (esp--grandparents have the "gift" of having spirits "drawn" to them or had alot of odd unexplianible things "happen" when they were around---the "gift" often skips a generation or is not as strong often between ---ie you might not have it as strongly---as she does.
It can be rather hard to "deal" with a "gifted" child esp. if its strong ---often very strong in children as they are more open and do not attempt to block or question it as adults do---as they age they learn to "sheild" the fact that they are "gifted" from others (sometimes even from their own family) by not talking about their abilities / and events that happen for fear of being shunned or thought of as "weird" by the general public (or worse by their own family in some cases)----talk to your child and tell her that she was given a "special gift" and that while you understand that---many others don't---alway be there for her to talk about it ---she will need your help to cope with it ---tell her shes special---not a freak or weird as fools would say---Ivan

hey teddy we have a stereo that comes on by its self ???

True story > my brother collects old victrolas . He also had the records that you would play on them. For display my sister in law would just have them open with the old records. One New Years Eve they had gone to bed to watch on TV , Dick Clark and the Apple fall In New York. The very second that the countdown ended , music started to play in their living room. The song Auld Lang Syne. No one else was in the home and this victrola had to be cranked to play. It scared them half to death !!! As this was the record they had put out for display > they had never played it ?

aa battery, someone else has mentioned that same thing to me before. I dont know if it's possible or not ???

tenbears, I only wish it just my stereo that came on by itself. We have had 3 different TV's that hve done this. The strangest thing it ever did was, the channels were switching real fast and I thought the buttons on the remote were stuck so i started banging on it, then took out the batteries but it kept switching channels. I yelled at my hubby, thinking he had another remote and was playing with me but he was busy making supper and said I was crazy cause the TV was fine from where he was at. He didnt see the channels switching and neither did my other 2 kids. It lasted for about a minute or 2 then stopped. Funny thing is, I was seeing the channels switching and they were telling me what was happening on the shw they were watching at the time. When it stopped, it was back on their show like nothing happened. I can't explain it, and I can't say I have the ability or gift myself. Things just happen out of the blue once in a while.

I had sent this picture to a paranormal group to analyze it for their opinion and they responded back with they believe it is an Indian Male, my daughter's guide. I never mentioned to them about the area we live and no mention of indians. Where I live was once very active Indian territory, so I have always wondered if this person is her Indian Guide?

ivan, I'm not sure if my daughter has the ability and if so if she will keep it or not. I wanna say she did have the gift when this picture was taken because of all the things that took place surrounding her but then again, it may be wishful thinking on my part. I hope she does, we have talked a lot about it since it came to light when she was younger and she know's it's pretty cool and ok. If she doesnt, she knows that's ok too. But since my dad passed away, he told my daughter he would watch over her and take care of her so things have been quiet and not much has taken place since his passing. She doesnt even really talk about it much now.

As far as my family goes, no one else has ever mentioned having the ability or gift that I know of or just never talked about it if they did.

you dad "may" have been the one with the "gift" in the past---(as I have said "some folks hide their abilities EVEN from their own families" for fear of at the very least being thought of as odd --to the worse being thought of as "NUTS" and your family locking you away) ---most likely "the gift" skipped a gen or is "light" in you --- seems to be rather strong in your daughter === yes--native americans tend to believe very stongly in the spirit world and very in tune with it---her abilities seem now dorment some what----your dad might be protecting her / sheilding her from them till shes older and can cope with them better.----just my thought on whats happening by what I have read----glad to see they are "good spirits" nothing wicked or harmful thankfully.---- Ivan

You could be right ivan, I guess time will tell when she is older. ;D

CarolinaDigs, that would have creeped me out :o

I know what was happening with us here, we got used to. It was never anything major or harmful and became so routine it was just "normal" and we began to not even notice it then it eventually stopped for the most part. It's been 3 yrs since the last time anything happened.

My mom told me this. I would say it a story but it really happened. When my mom and dad first married they lived with my dads family on an island near Morgan city. Anyway They would sit out on the porch at night and watch the boat past with their spotlights on scanning the bayou and the sides of the bank. One night they decided to go to bed. As soon as they got into bed and turned the lights off the spotlight from a boat shwon throught the window on the wall with papa walking on the bank. They got up because they thought papa was comming for a visit. No sooner than they got dressed and sat on the porch my dad heard his brothers and sister screaming running towards the house crying papa had just died. I know this sound madeup but I sorry to say they both saw the light and his image as a shadow.



find photo of your dads grandmother look at it you might be surprized ---female her ---male --your dad ---female your daughter

I have always wanted to get a reading from a "gifted" person. I dont really know what has stopped me this far. Maybe I dont want to hear what they have to say, I really dont know. I definitely do believe in what they do and maybe I will soon. I know there is some things in my life, especially in the last year there has been many serious events that happened to me that I would like to know more about those circumstances andwhat may come out of them in the future. Sorry just rambling here :P

See ya, Twister

I have one.My hubby and i were in the woods and around the river of in Haw River ,North Carolina about 45 miles from where we live.As usual i go my way and he goes his as we hunt bottles and i do some metal detecting.He went towards the RR bridge .Well about 20 to 25 minutes into the hunt the hubby comes over and says that he heard a very FAINT splash in the river and light hazy voices of people yelling for help also he felt a tremedous dread and he thought someone was watching him.(My hubby is part Cherokee Indian by the way).Well when we got home i did some research on that bridge.It turns out that it has had three train wreaks there one in the early 1900's one in the1930's and the other in the 60's ! Heres the link to the pictures ! That old building in the 2nd pic is still there right along the riverside !


1/4th native american myself ---grandmother father side full blood---highly gifted in spirit matters she was. ---Ivan

spooky places :o

I know what it feels like to hunt certain spooky spots.two foundations and two family plots,very
near each other.one foundation I get the creeps(being watched etc),but the cemetary gives a
peaceful feeling (not md'ing in it) and it is the family plot of that foundation.the other foundation I get no vibes but the family plot I get a feeling of dread and is stronger in the back corner.I took my brother there and asked how he feels,he related the same feeling.I
asked him if it felt like it was stronger anywhere,he pointed to the back corner.

I am a firm beleiver in ghosts and get vibes (good,bad,nothing at all) from certain sites.sometimes an area of woods gets me looking over my shoulder.I rarely leave
but one time a branch landed in front of me (oh goosebumps) that seemed to have an arced
tragejectory before landing that had me shoving off :o .

to get logical,when you have headphones on you hijack one of your senses and heighten or
throw off your other senses causing these feelings.

two seperate occasions (and regions) one md.ing and one hunting I heard every 10 minutes
or so what sounded like either a tree trunk getting whacked or two rocks being clapped together.has anyone here ever hear this in the woods?

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