Starbucks Mugs?


Silver Member
Dec 9, 2010
I was reading another thread, and Starbucks mugs came up in the conversation.

I am amazed at how much some of the Starbucks mugs sell for on ebay.

On occasion, I find a Starbucks mug while I am out picking, but for the life of me, I've never found the first one that was worth anything. I bet that I've looked up 50 mugs in my life, yet none have been worth buying, not even for $1.

Is there a rhyme or reason to why some Starbucks mugs do well, while others will barely get a $3.99 bid on ebay?

I know that some of the city mugs can be hot, but are they mostly shooting stars, worth a fortune for a short while, then fizzle quickly?

Does anyone know? Thoughts? Ideas? Opinions?

I've have had success selling mugs. It surprises me how much people will pay for them. Stay away for the most part mugs made in China. I've done well with mugs that were made in the 80's such as Far Side mugs. They do take some time to sell. I always put them on a 30 day buy it now, put them on a shelf and forget about it till there sold.

I've have had success selling mugs. It surprises me how much people will pay for them. Stay away for the most part mugs made in China. I've done well with mugs that were made in the 80's such as Far Side mugs. They do take some time to sell. I always put them on a 30 day buy it now, put them on a shelf and forget about it till there sold.

Had any success with Starbucks mugs?

I have known about them for a good while now. I have never found one at a sale. A good one anyway. Also, I believe they are all made in China!

Wow, I just looked them up. A modern day beanie baby fad?! The limited swavarski one that sells for $300 that 400 of them sold! That's crazy for a coffee mug, ill keep an eye out for those and tackle anyone who has one!

Years ago, I had a girlfriend that owned several of the original city mugs. At the time, those were bringing stupid amounts of money.

I wasn't selling on eBay yet, but I tried to convince her to sell the ones she had. All had been gifts from friends who lived afar. At the time, I think they would have sold for $500-$600 in total, and she refused to sell them.

I've often thought about those mugs, and how crazy I thought she was for not selling them.

I have known about them for a good while now. I have never found one at a sale. A good one anyway. Also, I believe they are all made in China!

Dig, there have been some US made Starbucks mugs. I don't think there have been many; the majority have seemed to be Chinese imports. I actually own an American made Starbucks mug, but I don't think it is valuable on the resale market.

Its funny, I have personally bought a mug at an antique store for my wife (paid $12). It was a Max Headroom mug!

I look for them, but generally, I do not find them, until about a month ago. I had one day that I found about 12 of them at 12 different sales. Some were from cities, some were from states, some were christmas... I need to put those up.

mugs are strange market. I once bought 4 70's dunkin donuts milk glass mugs at a thrift store for $1.60 and sold them within a few days for $105 BIN to a buyer in Japan. He happily paid $60 in shipping. I still wonder how much I could have gotten for those.

Keep an eye out for Taylor Ng cups. These can be found cheap and sell for $20.00
and up. Look at these 2 examples, closely. These are often called their "naughty"
series. They had cats, dogs, bears, penguins, you name it. All in various positions,
if you will. I went to a yard sale last year that had a ton of penguin stuff. Turned out
to be an elderly minister and his wife. She collected anything penguin related. I picked
up two nice Taylor Ng cups for .25 cents each. Spoke to them for awhile. Very nice couple.
Their daughter was handling all the money. As I was paying her, I told her, " You know these
are dirty, right ?" She said oh, I'm sorry. I tried to wash everything. I said no, dirty, and handed
Her a cup. She looked at it for a good long minute, then turned white as a ghost. She asked me
to please not tell her mom! She had been using them for 30 years and never knew! We both chuckled.
In college I had a Taylor Ng mug I bought at the book store. It had a cat on it, looking over a table that had
a mirror with some lines on it, a pot plant, some mushrooms....a subtle yet direct reference to drugs. Mine broke
a long time ago. There is one on eBay lately for like $100.00. Sigh.... image.jpg

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