Stone tablet at 90 feet


Jan 22, 2025
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Just a quick question regarding the stone tablet found in 1804, at a depth of 90ft. If someone were to hide a treasure would they declare on a large stone tablet, You're halfway there keep going,"Forty feet below two million pounds are buried"?
Are they deciphering this stone as a 300 year old tablet or a 700 hundred year old tablet? The first two symbols literally read: water, earth with other potential symbols of martydom and persecution as well as variations of the cross. More of a warning? I do know the stone has been lost to time.
Any thoughts?

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The “90 foot stone” was created by the group digging at the time in an attempt to recoup monetary losses after they figured out the treasure story was nothing but fiction.

After producing the stone they went on to ask investors for more money. When the money didn’t come the stone was discarded.

For years it was used in a bindery operation as an anvil that was pounded on.

Then it ended up being used as a stone in a basement wall.

It’s easy to see that a stone with cryptic writings that pointed to the greatest treasure in archeological history was a fake.

The “90 foot stone” was created by the group digging at the time in an attempt to recoup monetary losses after they figured out the treasure story was nothing but fiction.

After producing the stone they went on to ask investors for more money. When the money didn’t come the stone was discarded.

For years it was used in a bindery operation as an anvil that was pounded on.

Then it ended up being used as a stone in a basement wall.

It’s easy to see that a stone with cryptic writings that pointed to the greatest treasure in archeological history was a fake.
The “90 foot stone” was created by the group digging at the time in an attempt to recoup monetary losses after they figured out the treasure story was nothing but fiction.

After producing the stone they went on to ask investors for more money. When the money didn’t come the stone was discarded.

For years it was used in a bindery operation as an anvil that was pounded on.

Then it ended up being used as a stone in a basement wall.

It’s easy to see that a stone with cryptic writings that pointed to the greatest treasure in archeological history was a fake.
Oh ok. Could be. Everything is speculation. I was also wondering how carbon dating, places the coconut leaves at between 700 and 800 years old that were found in the same shaft?

@Justawolf have you read through the OI threads? All this stuff has been discussed ad nauseam. The rock had no writing on it, that was made up. The coconut fibers could be from sea drift or dunnage. There has been no real scientific investigation of much of anything on OI.

Just a quick question regarding the stone tablet found in 1804, at a depth of 90ft. If someone were to hide a treasure would they declare on a large stone tablet, You're halfway there keep going,"Forty feet below two million pounds are buried"?
Are they deciphering this stone as a 300 year old tablet or a 700 hundred year old tablet? The first two symbols literally read: water, earth with other potential symbols of martydom and persecution as well as variations of the cross. More of a warning? I do know the stone has been lost to time.
Any thoughts?
Are you mixing up dates there? There was a a small excavated stone dated 1704 that Robert Restall found, but he suspected it was salted by the Sunday tourists who were picnicking in the Island to pull his leg. The 90 foot stone discovery story is one that is typically given the date 1803. 1803 is 40 years after the arrival of the first settlers in 1763. In my opinion, that is why that date is given. It is made to fit a story based in 40, or 4 T (the emblem of the Triple Tau known to Holy Royal Arch Masons).

It doesn't matter. From the story were supposed to take the 9 levels and the 90 degree angle in divisions of 10. Those 10 degree increments get repeated in the Nolan's cross suggestion where the stem positions create a series of 40, 50, 30, 20 and 90 degree angles with the E-W heading. N and he road that bisects the island (surveyed in 1762).

The inspiration for this suggestion of a flat polished stone of 1/2 the area of a 27 x 27 prefect ashlar belongs in part to an older pre-Biblical narrative (Enoch's shaft and vault), but it is mixed with familiar Masonic details (this to imply a connection between old and new). When this stone surfaced it was supposed to be an omen for the Second Coming (The Return of Elijah and Enoch). Attached to this story are the prophecies of Daniel about how a seventh King must Die before the 8th will come (the Anti-Christ) and the treasure of everlasting life will be accessed when the armies of the archangel Michael defeat the Anti-Christ.

As you say, the stone bears 40 characters in 8 groups. 8x5 is a repeated detail in this story as it is also the aspect ratio of Nolan's Cross (8x5), and the celestial declination of the Northern Cross asterism which is the symbol for the cross of crucifixion in the heavens above your head.

Why would have this sort of story been exploited? Well, that is where history actually helps us. In the early 1840s there was a great North American frenzy about a calculation that had been made (the Millerite prophecy) which foretold that the Second Coming would occur in 1843. This seems to be the date that was cleverly used to create the backstory which , quite pleasingly splits the events in two forty year periods (mimics the exodus story). Additionally, 1795 as a origin may have been selected to involve 33 years after the planning of the Island by Morris, in 1762. It would in fact be using the numeric symbol of the "mystery of mysteries" if it was doing that, and pinning the origin to Morris's survey.

It is my opinion that additional details were added as the story evolved in the hopes that some aspects of this would immediately be identifiable as a clever geometric suggestion. Cleverness is supposed to imply intent. A disappearing vault at 153 feet is an example of that. 153 is the biblically flavored symbol of plenty, so why not place the elusive vault and its contents there, right? It's supposed to be there, and it was said to have sunk in the abyss when approached, something the Laginas have even been toying with as a suggestion too. Recognize from what fiction that is coming from.

We know the alleged stone was only "deciphered" in a novel by an author many years after. This effort seems to have not understood that the 90 foot stone of legend was supposed to be undecipherable. It's point is to drive you nuts trying to decipher it, because the vault must remain elusive before the time chosen for its opening.

I think that anyone could satisfy himself that this was already given as an explanation to the public in 1847 by Haliburton in order explain the Masonic shenanigans at OI. It is for us to appreciate that even then no one was greatly fooled, except for a public that was further away and not so well read that they wouldn't stumble on the very revealing criticism.

As details, a lot of these things have their place. Is any of this really there? Not very likely at all. Morris' plan was real, and it might involve some Masonic signaling (in the vein of Washington D.C. was planned later). We should all be very suspicious of the Archibalds if you ask me. They had enough brains, understanding and local connections to pull it off.

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Hi Justawolf
Welcome to the "Show"!
The 90 foot stone was originally found by the 3 young men in 1795.
The translation claimed to be written on the stone was never intended to be
deciphered by anyone who was not an expert in mathematics.
I would believe it to be a warning to those that knew...not to proceed further!
Only those instructed would stop and look for the side Tunnel running to the Treasure Vault!

Oak Island 90 foot stone.webp

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As previously discussed in the thread, the 90 foot stone was a fake created to fleece more investors out of money.

When the scam didn’t work, it was thrown away.

Being thrown away should indicate the stone’s credibility.

The stone was as fake as all the fictional treasure tunnels and vaults.

The only tunnels ever built on the island were the ones built by searchers looking for the fictional treasure.

Hi Justawolf
Welcome to the "Show"!
The 90 foot stone was originally found by the 3 young men in 1795.
The translation claimed to be written on the stone was never intended to be
deciphered by anyone who was not an expert in mathimatics.
I would believe it to be a warning to those that knew...not to proceed further!
Only those instructed would stop and look for the side Tunnel running to the Treasure Vault!

View attachment 2190457
Everything you repeat here is unsubstantiated, and in some cases contradicted by what we know. What we know is that the 40 characters are a later detail that was allegedly passed on to the individual, a novelist, who popularized his solution to what no one can confirm is given from any historical context. So, it's invention based on a detail with no provenance. There is no mathematics to do on symbols, per se. You would be limited to trying to interpret them as numbers or to simply count them.

I'll give you my amateur mathematical take on this. Count the number of symbols in each grouping. 6, 4, 5, 3 (18) for the top line; 7, 6, 3, 6 (22) for the bottom line. 2 lines of 4 groupings that can be summed: 13, 10, 8, 9. That's an embraced 13 +9=22 and 10 + 8=18. So, 22 and 18 again. If you reduce to digital roots, you get 4, 1, 8, 9 which sums to 22.
22/18=1.222222 with repeating decimal of 22.

18/22 reduces to 9/11 and that is equal to 0.81818181... repeating 81. What can we glean from this bit of sorcery? With a repeating decimal of n=2 units, 10^2-1/ denominator (11) is supposed to give you its numerical partner 100-1/11=9.
So 9 and 11 are very harmonious polycyclic pair in number theory (their roots harmonize).


18/22+4/22=1, as it should
18/22-4/22=14/22 and that is the height to base ratio of the great pyramid's profile, because half of that is the Kepler triangle of 14/11 which comes from the relationship of Phi, the golden ratio, in the Kepler triangle. Phi is the hypotenuse length of the Kepler triangle. It's height is he square root of Phi.

14/11-9/11=5/11=0.4545454; and that is reciprocal of 2.2

Can we say anything else about this? Yes, this Phi based math was not appreciated in modern times before about 1608. That's quite helpful to know that we are dealing with something that is not ancient Templar anything. It tells us that whoever is tugging on your leg has a post secondary level of education too. That is not to be unexpected in Victorian times.

Anyway, I'll just close by saying that the story we are given is based in 40 where 8 by 5 is used as a the simple approximation for Phi, 8/5=1.6 which is the 5th one given by the Fibonacci sequence.

Kepler's writing is probably behind the folky idea we are handed that says there are "more than one treasure" at OI. In Kepler's opinion there where two great treasures given to men to know the world with. They were the Pythagorean theorem and the golden ratio. He compared them to gold and silver in alchemical parlance. That's the gold and silver you will dig for if you mind the details of the OI stories, as opposed to mine the ground. And again, this was all described in 1847 when the thing was dissected critically by a contemporary of the Archibalds who knew their Masonic leanings. Pythagoras is considered a symbolic brother in the fraternity of Masons. Pythagoreanism is at the root of a lot of the symbolism we are get presented with in Masonic allegories. Your 9 levels of 10 units for the hole is a call out to the repeating 9 digits in our repeating cycle of numbers. 9 has the connotation of being the last step before a return to the monad with ten (a return to the zero of the monad).

Is this even clever? No, not really. It should probably jump out right at us. Problem is we are very far from having a smart and informed hoi poloi. You can show this to people and sill not have them pick up on anything that isn't more in line with a Disney suggestion.

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Plus one should be able to correctly spell "mathematics" before using the term to attempt to validate a fictional story.


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Everything you repeat here is unsubstantiated, and in some cases contradicted by what we know. What we know is that the 40 characters are a later detail that was allegedly passed on to the individual, a novelist, who popularized his solution to what no one can confirm is given from any historical context. So, it's invention based on a detail with no provenance. There is no mathematics to do on symbols, per se. You would be limited to trying to interpret them as numbers or to simply count them.

I'll give you my amateur mathematical take on this. Count the number of symbols in each grouping. 6, 4, 5, 3 (18) for the top line; 7, 6, 3, 6 (22) for the bottom line. 2 lines of 4 groupings that can be summed: 13, 10, 8, 9. That's an embraced 13 +9=22 and 10 + 8=18. So, 22 and 18 again. If you reduce to digital roots, you get 4, 1, 8, 9 which sums to 22.
22/18=1.222222 with repeating decimal of 22.

18/22 reduces to 9/11 and that is equal to 0.81818181... repeating 81. What can we glean from this bit of sorcery? With a repeating decimal of n=2 units, 10^2-1/ denominator (11) is supposed to give you its numerical partner 100-1/11=9.
So 9 and 11 are very harmonious polycyclic pair in number theory (their roots harmonize).


18/22+4/22=1, as it should
18/22-4/22=14/22 and that is the height to base ratio of the great pyramid's profile, because half of that is the Kepler triangle of 14/11 which comes from the relationship of Phi, the golden ratio, in the Kepler triangle. Phi is the hypotenuse length of the Kepler triangle. It's height is he square root of Phi.

14/11-9/11=5/11=0.4545454; and that is reciprocal of 2.2

Can we say anything else about this? Yes, this Phi based math was not appreciated in modern times before about 1608. That's quite helpful to know that we are dealing with something that is not ancient Templar anything. It tells us that whoever is tugging on your leg has a post secondary level of education too. That is not to be unexpected in Victorian times.

Anyway, I'll just close by saying that the story we are given is based in 40 where 8 by 5 is used as a the simple approximation for Phi, 8/5=1.6 which is the 5th one given by the Fibonacci sequence.

Kepler's writing is probably behind the folky idea we are handed that says there are "more than one treasure" at OI. In Kepler's opinion there where two great treasures given to men to know the world with. They were the Pythagorean theorem and the golden ratio. He compared them to gold and silver in alchemical parlance. That's the gold and silver you will dig for if you mind the details of the OI stories, as opposed to mine the ground. And again, this was all described in 1847 when the thing was dissected critically by a contemporary of the Archibalds who knew their Masonic leanings. Pythagoras is considered a symbolic brother in the fraternity of Masons. Pythagoreanism is at the root of a lot of the symbolism we are get presented with in Masonic allegories. Your 9 levels of 10 units for the hole is a call out to the repeating 9 digits in our repeating cycle of numbers. 9 has the connotation of being the last step before a return to the monad with ten (a return to the zero of the monad).

Is this even clever? No, not really. It should probably jump out right at us. Problem is we are very far from having a smart and informed hoi poloi. You can show this to people and sill not have them pick up on anything that isn't more in line than a Disney suggestion.
I was not referring to letter/number counting. but to Basic Math Symbols


  • Math Symbols.webp
    Math Symbols.webp
    7.2 KB · Views: 1
I was not referring to letter/number counting. but to Basic Math Symbols
You don't know what you are given. If those symbols were intelligible to be read as a substitution cipher they would not have been placed on a stone that is supposed to have unintelligible hieroglyphs. What you are showing signs of is pattern recognition, and that was probably desired as an effect by whoever suggested them not that long ago. It looks close enough to something you know to bias you in the direction of feeling it must mean something. That is the justifier in your mind that is trying to write a story with what it is presented with.

On the most basic level, just count them and the number of groups and symbols in those groups. That is what is the most empiric thing you can know about those symbols. On that, no one can disagree.

As an exercise, you can also feed those symbols in a deciphering algorithm for substitutions. It won't generate a unique solution, and that is because of the fact that there is not enough duplication in the symbols in the short sequence of 40 characters we are given. This is highly troublesome to anyone who actually thinks this was solved by a novelist and then included in an unrelated story. What it is consistent with is the fact that the novelist knew what his end message was going to be. He then reverse engineered his symbols by creating them, not quite understanding that to solve in the intended direction is not possible. Being not possible also amusingly aligns with it being unintelligible. You could guess a solution among many, but in the face of that guessing you would need someone to come and confirm you guessed correctly. Not being able to generate a unique solution kills the idea that you have a cipher. A useful cipher is by definition something that produces only one unambiguous solution. Cryptography does not work when the end product is a guessing game.

Amazing that folks attempt to decrypt scratchings on a fake stone designed to get more money out of investors.

Imagaine…..the stone with the key to the greatest treasure in the history of mankind being thrown away after investors said no to more money.

The 90 stone had to go away, investors were threatening lawsuits against searcher companies for fraud and there was no bigger fraudulent representation then that stone. That's also why there was the flurry of affidavits between 1925 and 1933.

Amazing that folks attempt to decrypt scratchings on a fake stone designed to get more money out of investors.

Imagaine…..the stone with the key to the greatest treasure in the history of mankind being thrown away after investors said no to more money.

The 90 stone had to go away, investors were threatening lawsuits against searcher companies for fraud and there was no bigger fraudulent representation then that stone. That's also why there was the flurry of affidavits between 1925 and 1933.
It has lived on in suggestion, and that is the only thing that is required to string people along with the possibilities. "What if it was real?" used to be how you'd angle to try and suck people in. The Prometheus method is to repeat ad nauseum that it is a starting point in what is known. There's a reason why the show starts with the blurb it starts with, and it's the same reason why the same bedrock notions get presented over and over throughout the show. What they are drilling into is your mind to plant a seed for a tree that produces a golden apple that it would take Hercules and his 12 labors to find.

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You all are overthinking this - it is a really simple cryptogram.

Granted that the longer a cryptogram is the easier to solve, but this one has other clues.

Consider your mindset as a solver. You know it's about treasure, most treasure maps are "from the rock (or tree), count x paces, then...", so you are semi expecting numbers to be in the solution.

So guess a little. "Forty feet" gives you 6 letters, "two" another, "below" two more, "million" another quantity word, etc, etc, etc. Easy peasy.

Note how much more difficult it would be to solve it if all the letters were run together - this implies that it was intended to be solved by ANYONE who saw it.

Interesting that it translates back to English, not Spanish or French.

You all are overthinking this - it is a really simple cryptogram.

Granted that the longer a cryptogram is the easier to solve, but this one has other clues.

Consider your mindset as a solver. You know it's about treasure, most treasure maps are "from the rock (or tree), count x paces, then...", so you are semi expecting numbers to be in the solution.

So guess a little. "Forty feet" gives you 6 letters, "two" another, "below" two more, "million" another quantity word, etc, etc, etc. Easy peasy.

Note how much more difficult it would be to solve it if all the letters were run together - this implies that it was intended to be solved by ANYONE who saw it.

Interesting that it translates back to English, not Spanish or French.
It is not a substitution cipher that is solvable to one solution. Put the characters in tool and test it That is what you have to ascertain on your end instead of saying that it is easy to produce a solution. . When you have ascertained that you then you should conclude that it is would be useless as a cipher. If I send you a coded message that has a many possible solutions which one will you settle on? Is it going to be the first one you produce on the merit that is was easy peasy? People tend to assume that there's a way to logically confirm that what one produces is in fact correct, but there isn't? I imagine they get this from having experience with "cryptoquote" solving (in many daily newspapers for many years). In that case there is a way to test your solution. You can verify that the quote is actually a known quote. It is highly unlikely that any two solutions (if that was possible) will not be known quotes. Aside from that, those are always going to have enough characters and have enough duplication to be uniquely solvable.

It translates back to modern English for a reason. And it contains a reference to 40 for a reason too. Aside from the fact treasure maps don't exist outside of stories and that treasures don't get buried with word games attached to them, one has to conclude that it is pretty obvious that multiple layers of suggestion are being implied in the OI fabrication over the years to create interest and involvement. You are to be drawn in by your own curiosity. This works. Making all sorts of recognizable enigmatic suggestions invites you to prove to the world that you are potentially clever.

Don't forget that it was never intended to be solved by you. A solution was given to you by someone who had enough of a misunderstanding about tall this to give you a starting point that is not even playing by the rules of cryptography. A symbol was arbitrarily removed. No puzzle ever presented to anyone had that added layer of subjectivity.

I would also add that you don't even know its a cryptogram. The number of characters given makes it possible that this is a for a parlor game of geomancy, a sort of esoterically based divination game (popular in Victorian times). Who knows what that is, and should we trust that you have sorted this all out for us?

SSR (and others) I can't even begin to imagine how many years it took to cram
all that data into your brain cells. Kudo's for your tenacity and determination. :occasion14:

The writing on the faked stone was never intended to be solved. It was gibberish carved on a rock by the company excavating on the island at the time to attempt to fleece more money out of investors to cover their scam dig.

"Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar." Simond Freud

There are suspicions that this particular message is not the original one, due to too much hidden history of it.

Robot's symbols above may have significance as to ascertaining the maker of this cryptogram, as they point to math and a higher education. (When making a cryptogram and need substitute symbols, you tend to use those symbols around you.)

If the original message was lost, one could speculate a situation such as FDR's frat brothers pulling a gag on him, and you NEVER spoil a gag by revealing the trick 'cause you want to see how far it will go.

And yes, it's a cryptogram because it solves like a cryptogram. It may ADDITIONALLY carry another message. It would be helpful to show REAL WORLD examples where/how this was done.

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