strangest fast food restraunt

rocky raccoon

Hero Member
Jan 24, 2012
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
a few years ago,this lil mexican joint opened.....well we would go there for lunch or whenever...had very good food,buritos like on man vs food,yeah i am talking 1 nite me and a buddy cruise over there to get some grub,so,we are going thru the drive thru and i notice they have shots of patron on it so i look to my buddy and said lets check this out,so i ordered 2 shots w/ the grub...we pull up to the window and the waitress comes over & hands out 2, to go cups of patron,and says our food will be a me & dude are sittin there in the drive thru @ main street sat nite @ 7pm and say after the shot & shock,we start laughin...the girl comes back to the window and gives us the grub,so i give her back the empty cups....she says you want another 1,and i said no we are good......I pay for the food and we pull out,I am paranoid as all get out, like we are gettin set up...this is coastal NC...lil place closed about 1yr later


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Shot throuh a drive through is a little extreme. I thought a drive through liqueur store was bad enough. The sign on the one a few town over said if you cant walk or stagger in drive up and get your beer. That one is also closed.

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