Swift silver mine (KY)

I am currently searching/researching the swift mine. I am working the eastern kentucky area. Any additional input would be greatly appreciated. E-mail me if I can be of any help.

I am also researching the swift silver mines. It is such a twisted story, and I have so many different versions. What I have found points to 3 possible places in KY. One of which I am leaning very hard toward hiking through. ANd YES, It has been said that small amounts of silver has been found and one person found a large arrowhead made of pure silver. Now, most of these stories could be legend, but there is alot of indications that the Swift Silver Mines Are REAL. In my opinion, they are, and there in south east KY.
I am also looking into a large SINKHOLE that is said to possibly be a meteorite crater. If this is true, or not, I am going to detect it soon..
Let me know what your thoughts are on a location for the swift silver mines. I am going to take a road trip soon and do some exploring and detecting...
sincerely wes

I am in the Louisa KY / Fort Gay WVA area,that as you probably know is where the tug river meets the Levisa fork of the Big Sandy So I believe I started my search to far north. It is a fascinating tale. Good luck.

Snake35, Louisa is a very good place to start looking for one of Swifts mines. I believe this is the point where his crew spilt on several trips. One group heading on south to the Breaks area, the other heading west of Louisa. Alot of Indians traveled these routes as well. Good luck and happy hunting.

Most of what I know comes from reading Michael Paul Henson. Sounds like It could be real.

I am back in Louisa KY and am getting ready to start my spring swift search. Even if I do not find his silver mine I come across alot of interesting stuff. Good luck and good hunting.


Good luck with your search! I have just started searching for Swift locations myself. This guy was everywhere back then!

O.K. Fellows? Has there ever been silver found in paying amounts to be mined in Ky.??? If not, why look for a silver mine where there's no silver?
Might not Swift gotten hold of bar silver someplace and done a little counterfitting in the hills?
If there was mineable silver to be had wouldn't someone be mining some some where in Ky. today? From what I've heard, there is no mineable silver in Ky? Tell me if I'm wrong. Good luck.

Actually there are silver mines known in this area. Without going through all my papers and research, from the top of my head, I know there is one located on Elkhorn Creek - Property owned by the Sloan family.

Also, I am more interested in Swift's caches of silver - especially a large one I have almost pinpointed within a couple of square miles.

I would assume the main reason that large companies are not operating silver mines in this region has to do with the terrain. Very cliffy. Also, the old silver mine locations are well hidden by forests.

I can assure you from research (seeing items and pics of items) that there was silver melted in several areas within this region by Indians, Spanish, Melungeons and Swift & Co.

Monk there is location i was in about 30 years ago. It is in a national park. The guys looking between Ky & Va. are on the right track. This was a rock house, not an underground opening, but a deep trench. The ore from this area is approximately 60% silver. Want more info PM me.

swiftsearcher, As I remember it was the Sloan property I visited years ago.
there was a legend of a cache of silver buried in a cave there someplace that some have looked for but hasn't been found. We drank some coffee and talked some(The old man and I.) But he didn't say anything as to him ever finding any silver on his place. Just the legend of silver being buried there. Swift said he had silver mines. He must have had good mines someplace to bury what he said he did.
And I hope you can find it. But what I say is there must be silver in area in order for you to find it? The County must have a record of any silver that was ever found in the County. And if the records say none has been recorded found, I think I'd move on. All the best.

SandpitNC, Lordy man, 60% silver! State Park. D#*$ At silver going for $10. an once I think I'd have to camp there at campground and ???
You might check that out more. A park is open to all. How can you sleep at night? 60% Silver! Golly,Golly.

I do know that a small vein of silver was discovered in Tazewell.

I found another reason today why a lot of these silver mines have not been found - they are misidentified. I was talking to my dad about a mine sight I gathered from putting together Swift's directions. I told him the exact location (within a couple of square miles according to one of Swift's journals). Believe it or not, my dad (who is 74 and knows these areas quite well) knew exactly the mines I was speaking of. The problem is, he and others thought it was a coal mines (assuming so, b/c none have ever been inside the mines).

Hopefully, I can find this mine within the next week or so and take some pics. I will also venture in and get some samples of what exactly was mined at one time and see if there is any more evidence.

Like I stated, I am really not into this to be silver mining in the high mountains and rough terrain, I am simply out to find some facts regarding Swift's activities in this area and to try and find some of his hidden caches of silver. ;D

Monk, I stated National park, not state park look between Va & Ky. see which area i am refering too. Check Sand cave area and you are getting close.

I am certain that silver ore, in relatively small amounts, have been found and mined in eastern ky. I have seen native ore that contains small amounts of silver. Most folks, when they think of silver mines, think of veins of pure silver. This isnt the case with the silver ore that has been found. I highly doubt that most folks would recognize silver ore if they stumbled over it. However, like swiftsearcher stated, the main search for most folks isnt as much for the silver ore as it is for the silver that has already been smelted/cached.

I had planned to leave today on a four day trip starting in Louisa and working south. I decided to delay my trip for a week due to bad weather. I am itching to get out, probably just spring fever. Good luck and good hunting.

I am in the same boat Snake - was planning to go out today to a couple spots I found yesterday while four-wheeling with family and friends. However, it is snowing here currently, so I will be delayed as well for a few days.

I did manage to find a couple of interesting markers waaaaaaaaay back in the woods yesterday. Just cannot wait to check them out.

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