TD coin machines

I always thought that the machines at TD were good to me. They seemed to count higher than the amount I figured I had. One time I was dumping coins and the machine got full, they came out and emptied the bags and then I continued to dump again, came out way more than I guessed i had, I started to question it, she says what, is the amount wrong? I reconsider as I wasn't totally sure, and said no it's fine. I thought I had around $80, machine said $120 I believe. I did find another bank with a coin machine, they take them behind the counter/teller wall and dump them while you watch from 25 ft away. I use coinstar if i want an Amazon certificate.

That very lawsuit was the reason why they did away with the machines. Some idiot that made it bad for everyone else. We don't have TD in my neck of the woods, but 5/3 bank removed almost all machines when it was announced. BoA even quit selling cwrs (for awhile)!

Yeah, that moron screwed up a nice little setup that I had. Had (2) TDs in my normal route of pickup/dump banks. Was very convenient for me to hit TD, drop a dump (lol that just sounds wrong) take the $$ and go to my pick up bank. Plus the lollipops guaranteed that I had two helpers that did not object to coming along with me and "help daddy with the monies" as they would say. Now my dump bank is in the complete opposite direction of my pick up banks. I also never had an issue with either of the TD banks I used. Towards the end (before they took the machines away) a machine at one of the TDs always added an extra quarter to whatever I dumped which was nice hehe. Oh well, adapt or I have adapted.


I had a sweet bag dump setup at one TD, but as soon as the machines got removed they stopped allowing bag dumps too. That hurt.

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