"The 10 Commandments, Jesus, and the Holy Bible"


Sr. Member
Apr 21, 2005
Abiquiu, NM
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What ever is needed for the project I am working on--I am a cache hunter
Primary Interest:
Cache Hunting
Here is a boulder that has caught my attention;

1. I think the large, white, book like pair of stones represent the 10 Commandments

2. I think the Diamond--represents the " The Son of God " --Jesus

3. I think the two square black stones represent the Bible ( usually a black covered book )

4. So continuing my chain of thought I think this is a cache site.

Now what is more important --is what the Dowsers here--indicate what is correct---
or maybe they ( you ) will confirm my hunches or show me where my hunches or
analysis is in error.

Since we are all here to learn--I hope you enjoy the photo--and let me know which of
my four listed hunches are correct and which are in error

I have walked out here on a limb--so let the criticism please be constructive



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Barton I think your picking up something and like we all do, trying to make it fit into our own belief system. Probably something worthwhile there and I hope you find it.

A component of my belief's --are the Early Spanish were often Catholics,
and they made many religious--rock / landscape arrangements--depicting
stories from the Bible.

I just posted a photo of a tree / landscape illustrating a snake coiled around a cedar tree as an example

Just as easily I could have posted a illustration of Jesus and Mary praying over the manger where Jesus was born
with a shepherd in the field and further up the hill the round rock beside the tomb where Jesus was placed after
being crucified.

Had I chosen to do so I could have posted stone art work--of a Knight on a horse, stone art work similar to what is
found at Ankor-Watt in Cambodia or stone animals like fish, turtles, ducks, rabbits, owls, witches, wizards, "U" notches, Spanish Compass stones
and the list goes on---any good tracker--getting out in the field--could probably do the same thing--and many do take more
and better pictures and see more unbelievable objects and images than I have described.

The important question -- is my intuitive analysis correct? If not and I am in error--what is the correct meaning of these 5 different stones. In addition my thoughts are--this was in the past and possibly now in the present, a cache site.

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It is my belief that many dowsers--have the ability to accurately ask and get answers to simple yes / no questions;
and many dowsers have ability and skills far beyond that.

When I wanted a good water well for example, I had Bob Ater come dowse the location of where I had my water well
drilled on my property--and i was very happy with his work and with the well that produced abundant good water.


Barton, The big boulder with a small white rock next to it I am pretty certain is a marker. It also has a faint X on it, plus a bird with beak on it's left edge. Your commandment stones are most likely making a type of gunsite or rather a "V" shape to line something up from the large boulder. Follow the lines of X both directions and see what they lead to. Most likely they will lead to other markers. It's could be a corner of a triangle, 30,60,90, and it would be the 90 degree corner with that x.

As a side note, the bird part of the large boulder makes it look like a giant hatched chick, and the commandment stones look more like a cracked open egg laying on the ground. I would look for something that looks like a nest that it came from along the x lines, or perhaps even another egg shape rock or partial egg sticking out of the ground or perhaps a large wing or adult bird image. The boulder has faint heart shape as well.

Barton might be halfway right on this.....try searching for the more ancient forms of the Hebrew alphabet. Here is the Calendar of Gezer (so close to Phonecian, scholars don't know for sure if Hebrew or not). I took some photos of one ancient form from a book, a Hebrew-English dictionary, the L looks exactly as a large snake with a tiny snake next to it. Couldn't find that particular Hebrew alphabet form (for L) on the Internet, some apparently are more ancient than others.


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I downloaded from my camera the chart with the L which is supposed to represent a shepherd' crook. I turned the snake and you can see they are very similar, the ancient writing form on the left, printed in the middle, hand written on the right.


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This is the chart.


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Solves the mystery of the upside down fish on the knee of the shadow man carving at the LDM site and what appeared to be a Tau Cross (or anhk).


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Red Desert,

I like your mind--you do not just say yes or no off the top of your head ; you put serious thought into your answers.

That you took the time to examining ancient language / alphabet shows you think outside the box.

To most people a rock is a rock, and it is dismissed from their mind as of no importance--repeatedly you have shown
yourself examining them
and look for a meaning / language

This is strictly my opinion from my observation of your actions and comments--"You have tracked the ancient trails."
To me a expertise derived from experience shows up in your actions.


wow not sure in my small mind if this could be true . sorry but carry on.

Let's not forget the manger on the right. Being that it's close to the ridge look for a spike or use the beak also and sight across it to the next hill and see what you can see. The bush wasn't there when it was put together so a little trimming might be in order. But I would take a reading from all 3. Look for a monument or maybe even just a cactus or old significant tree that can be seen from there. Could also be right there or on the other side of the hill.
I would roll the boulder either way :)

Being one who walks old Spanish trails and visit old camps and mine sites. I would say you have a mine site there. Those squares are very common and a confirmation. Most of the areas I have found marks like these have a story book of symbols that play out as the sun moves through the sky. The trees also look manipulated and Im not sure if you took the picture from this angle on purpose or not. But you will have your work cut out for you as you may register many targets. I look forward to your future post.

Reed Lukens,

Do you track Spanish Trails? Can you label the manger for everyone reading here to see--and anything else you observe. Thank you.


Wow, that you even thought the trees look manipulated is amazing to me. That you talk about the story book symbols seen as the
sun moves through the sky also shows me you too "track the old trails." Would you like to go tracking together sometimes?

I thought I had pushed the envelope--on peoples beliefs simply with the title of this post--so I did not go further and post the picture of Jesus
and an Angel---well actually I did post them here--right here--I just did not draw them in--and most people cannot see what is in front of them.

Most people look at a rock, the ground, the trees, and the shadows and dismiss what they see because their brains are turned off--they simply
fail to see or understand the messages right there in front of them. Certainly I am no expert--but I am beginning to learn to "SEE"

Many times I have been told it is my imagination--there is nothing there--"it is just rocks", "it is just the way the wind and the rain eroded the
rocks and made what you call a face", "they are just trees", "I don't see anything--it is just your imagination"," do you really think if there is
any thing there they would make so many symbols on the rocks?", and so on......"you wasted $ 14 dollars on photos!"


I certainly did not know that there were 613 "Commandments" in the BIBLE.
Can you e-mail them to me so I can go through and read them all?
[email protected]

It seems to me in my experience keeping ten "Commandments" is at least five "Commandments" more then most people are willing to keep.

If I tried to count how many times my property / possessions / money--have been stolen I do not have enough fingers on my hands to do so.
And if I tried to count all the individuals I know--personally know --with dignity, honor and integrity--I could count everyone on one hand.
And such are the individuals ( partners--with dignity,honor and integrity )--I chose to go prospecting / tracking with.

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Hey Barton. Keep on with your research. It seems to make you happy. That is a big part of life. When you find the treasure you can go back to photo’s and see just what they meant. I know there is treasure in the area..Art

I tracked trails when I was younger & found enough to live well. You can feel this picture but standing in those spots and seeing a glimmer is what counts :)
Ten Commandments.jpg

Red Desert,

I like your mind--you do not just say yes or no off the top of your head ; you put serious thought into your answers.

That you took the time to examining ancient language / alphabet shows you think outside the box.

To most people a rock is a rock, and it is dismissed from their mind as of no importance--repeatedly you have shown
yourself examining them
and look for a meaning / language

This is strictly my opinion from my observation of your actions and comments--"You have tracked the ancient trails."
To me a expertise derived from experience shows up in your actions.

Thanks Barton! :coffee2:

You probably noticed in photos the large block shaped stones? Between the hearts and above the king's crown, are stones cut and fit together almost like the stones of Solomon's Temple. The narrow photo is from NM, the larger of Temple Mt stones.

When the Assyrians (people from Syria) attacked another country, as an act of terrorism, they would strike down the trees to cause fear. Planting a cedar tree became a symbol of coming back stronger, along with using the hewn large stone instead of bricks. The Biblical reference is......

The bricks are fallen down, but we will build with hewn stones: the sycomores are cut down, but we will change them into cedars.


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