The Beale key... Found

Your all going to research it don't lie. And no I'm not going to share how I found out. And what am I suppose to do take pictures of a kjv bible and post that side by side with the beale code its like thirty five pages long and the numbers go up to like two thousand that's why I don't have time I read enough to know what I was looking for I found it and now im not in that area any more or there isn't anything else here to accomplish so that's why im sharing the info so you can; if you live by a tree marker as I do; figure out the hundreds of treasures listed mine was the second one so that's why I stopped decoding preciate the abnormal dysfunctional concern but im being a doll and expounding a couple of years worth of information and research so just be a doll and find some gold or coins or something and post pictures of that!


Not to get to far off the track of this thread, but Reb, I know you are a Mason, Not sure who else is. Have you looked into this from a Masonic angle?
Granted I'm not a Mason, but many in my family are/were, along with a few other groups who were associated with the Masons. But there are for me a lot of Masonic items in this tale, the way the story is told, how it came about, numbers, codes, cyphers, and folks "involved" and so on.

Is it not a Masonic way, to make something so obvious that folks will tend to ignore it, or down right believe it and miss the whole actual meaning?

Not to get to far off the track of this thread, but Reb, I know you are a Mason, Not sure who else is. Have you looked into this from a Masonic angle?
Granted I'm not a Mason, but many in my family are/were, along with a few other groups who were associated with the Masons. But there are for me a lot of Masonic items in this tale, the way the story is told, how it came about, numbers, codes, cyphers, and folks "involved" and so on.

Is it not a Masonic way, to make something so obvious that folks will tend to ignore it, or down right believe it and miss the whole actual meaning?

THEN it was... NOT done, today. I did a presentation to my Research Lodge (AMD) on FreeMasonry & Treasure Hunting (Swift's Silver Mines, Beale/Beall Treasure, Bacon's stuff, etc.); they were AMAZED! Gave RAM Chapter BIG notebook (copy of mine); one AMD Bro (Sov. Master) took it home and read it through by his fire-side. FIRED UP & ready to go LOOKING!

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Kinda what I was thinking, at the time of it, it was a Mason thing, and in the tid bit I know, when looking at/for something old you have to put yourself into that time frame of mind. Otherwise you'll miss the hidden that is so obvious.

And yep the new Mason and the Ancient are worlds apart.

I don't know, I'm just a straw brain, but reading the pamphlet and such, I just kept picking up on the way it was written, how it was written, and what was said. Numbers that are in it that I know had/have meanings. And you never read something and only take it to mean one thing, cause often it doesn't.

Have to be careful with looking at history, history is nothing more then someone's take, and the writer can lead you to believe something, true or not.

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Kinda what I was thinking, at the time of it, it was a Mason thing, and in the tid bit I know, when looking at/for something old you have to put yourself into that time frame of mind. Otherwise you'll miss the hidden that is so obvious.

And yep the new Mason and the Ancient are worlds apart.

I don't know, I'm just a straw brain, but reading the pamphlet and such, I just kept picking up on the way it was written, how it was written, and what was said. Numbers that are in it that I know had/have meanings. And you never read something and only take it to mean one thing, cause often it doesn't.

Have to be careful with looking at history, history is nothing more then someone's take, and the writer can lead you to believe something, true or not.

Well, THIS I can tell you from my R & I (BEALE PAPERS); James Beverly Ward (Agent for the author), F.C. Hutter & E.S. Hutter (brothers) were ALL grandsons of James Beverly Risque (had the duel with Thomas Beale. Sr. in Fincastle, Va.). E.S. Hutter saved VLoN (SECRET CSA book from burning in Danville, Va. as the CONFEDERATE WAR was "winding down"); ES told his brother, FC Hutter about it (BOTH Reb officials... FC Hutter was CSA PAYMASTER)... and FC was the AUTHOR of the BEALE PAPERS; his cousin, James Beverly Ward, was his AGENT (for the author). NOW! As boys growing up on Grandpa Risque's Farm/Plantation - Hunter's Hill in Campbell County (south of Lynchburg, Va.)... they PROBABLY read EA Poe's THE GOLD BUG, and stories of the Lewis & Clark Expedition/GREAT WEST. Remember the BEALE PAPERS was written/released in 1885! Masonic allusions ARE in the "BP" (BEALE PAPERS), in phrases & WORDS. JB Ward WAS a Master Mason until suspended for non-payment of dues (COMMON, "back then")... NOT sure of the Hutter Bros; I think they were. MORE R & I, for me! TWO Masonic Lodges (Master Mason) in Lynchburg, Va.; Marshall Lodge (1793) & Hill City (1859); The original Marshall Lodge on 9th Street burned down a few years ago; original Hill City Lodge (1879) is STILL standing, and is HAUNTED! HA! Beautiful building that I would buy and "fix" up as a "gentleman's reading club". It has Square & Compass on front entry outside floor; I AM NOT SCARED OF THE "GHOSTIES", who are PROBABLY deceased brethren, upset that the OLD LODGE was used as a DANCE SCHOOL for girls, with LOTS of mirrors (NASTY "doorways" for ANGRY "Spirits"). FIRST I would get rid of all the mirrors; SMUDGE all of the building (old Ward building). Then renovate; I have a VISION for ALL of it... :thumbsup:

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#442 got me total confused. Best of luck to all those seeking this treasure. I live in Stratford, Connecticut. So, do not worry about me digging up this treasure.

Think the third paper is the story of Sampson chapter 14 judges kjv

Look I don't really have the time or energy to figure out the code so here it is song of Solomon of the king james version bible is the key to the other two papers counting foreward and reading the numbers backwards.
Third = story of Samson? or song of Sol?. Easy tiger,patience required even if you don,t want to look, yet do.
Credit for effort though.

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Im not sure it all makes since to me I start reading the code and it brings things to my mind that wouldn't be normally thought and like my first post was asking why there was a carving of the name paul but later to realize when the code said "is of" I knew paul was a Sadducee so I added up the gematria as a allways do plural because he was of the sadducees equaled a t one so that gave me the code on the kgc cipher they were bery biblical minded people and used that to their atvantage like if you weren't an expert in the religion it was meant to root you out so that only those worthy could find the treasure

Im not sure it all makes since to me I start reading the code and it brings things to my mind that wouldn't be normally thought and like my first post was asking why there was a carving of the name paul but later to realize when the code said "is of" I knew paul was a Sadducee so I added up the gematria as a allways do plural because he was of the sadducees equaled a t one so that gave me the code on the kgc cipher they were bery biblical minded people and used that to their atvantage like if you weren't an expert in the religion it was meant to root you out so that only those worthy could find the treasure

"Those worthy"...?

LOL this was halarious, sounds like a bunch of kiddies fighting over a piece of candy!!

I found the paper I was writing on and what I got was something other than just is of' but maybe my mind made a decision that it would be invasive upon my own self preservation to write exactly what I wrote there is a verse that says once you find wisdom never let her go hold fast meaning like. Anyways um non arte sect marte

I found the paper I was writing on and what I got was something other than just is of' but maybe my mind made a decision that it would be invasive upon my own self preservation to write exactly what I wrote there is a verse that says once you find wisdom never let her go hold fast meaning like. Anyways um non arte sect marte


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