The Real Camelot discovered in Wales

Alan Hassell

Jr. Member
Jun 13, 2010
Detector(s) used
pulse star 2, impulse, spectrum. goldscan, PI 3000
For those with a big memory I'm Alan Hassell, the guy who started shallow water metal detecting in Australia and had the first website with all the articles I had published on it for others to read.

That was years ago and can be confirmed by the Admin of this site. I moved on since then and teamed up with a couple of Brilliant historians and together we have made many discoveries.

As a gesture of goodwill you can visit my new website at its free you don't have to believe me but you can check everything out and you will find it to be correct.

if you visit youtube do a search for Alan Wilson Historian and you will find many video's and lectures there telling how we found the grave of King Arthur, The Ark of the Covenant and more.

You may question why I put this here and I don't blame you if you do? History was changed for political and religious correctness. Historians today only used modern books and fail to realise the importance of the ancient documents regarding British History.

You judge for yourself I am not here to brainwash you if you do your own research you will find everything correct.

Remember without history there would be no treasure hunting or treasures to find. History is the key to your success.
good luck and enjoy.. regards Alan Hassell

PS I was a member years ago and because of my work was too busy to come here, the same applies today.

Marc said:
Alan Hassell said:
That was years ago and can be confirmed by the Admin of this site.

LOL, yes it was, and yes I can - Hi Alan!

Hi Marc,

Long time no see LOL :icon_sunny: it's good to be back to give a bit of input for a change. Thank you for the welcome too.

There's much to see on my website and to teach people the real history, not the rubbish invented by the English Establishment.
Much of it concerns America too.

Back in AD 562 following the Battle of Camlan a Comet or meteorite of gigantic proportions devastated Britain this is written about by Nennius, its in the Tysillio Chronicles, the English Chronicles, (Bruts) and even in Mallory's Morte d' Arthur and many more ancient documents.

I deal in facts not myths, fairy tales, inventions, fabrications of the Roman Church or Governments who have their own agenda.

Naturally, there will be skeptics and some who find my writings offensive depending on their religion and beliefs, I can help that, the truth has to be told and the public informed.

I don't expect everyone to believe everything I write people can make up their own minds it is a free world.

Once more thanks for the welcome sit back and enjoy be happy lol ;D

No offense to you sir, but every time I click on a link I get popup advertisements trying to get me to download screensavers etc.....

Treasure_Hunter said:
No offense to you sir, but every time I click on a link I get popup advertisements trying to get me to download screensavers etc.....

Hmmmm, i am sorry sir, but i get the same thing myself its an irritating thing about I always ignore it and close it with a click on the magic X top right hand corner. Apart from that I think you will find my site informative and educational which is its main purpose. just enjoy whats there and be happy ;D

For many years I have always had a website that offered free information mainly about shallow water metal detecting.
Originally there were five websites that hosted the articles I wrote and had published in magazines.
Unfortunately, there were some individuals that did not want others to learn much of the information that I was giving away.
Slowly one by one my websites were forced into closure because I get fed up repairing the damage hackers did to them.

It appears that once you tell the truth about how to find gold some people don't want others to know about it.

My last website was closed by geo-cities when they were taken over by a bunch of greedy individuals out to make money.

The research that I have been doing for many years upsets the English Establishment and many Academics who we have named and shamed over the years.

Research is a very costly business especially when it comes to travelling which involves accommodation travel food and other expenses. These were all paid for out of my own pocket no one offered my any money and no one offered me any thanks for the information I supplied either.

There comes a time when even a camel gets tired of carrying the burden of an extra feather when gratitude goes out the window and people are taken for granted.

No one works for nothing and no one will that's why anyone visiting my website in future are asked to buy E-Books intstead of finding my articles there for free.

Anyone looking for free information in future will have to get it in the form of a CD or DVD the price is £10 BPS sterling plus £3 p&P.

There will be one on the complete Shallow water metal detecting articles and another on my historical articles.

apply to [email protected]

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