The real truth about the man made drought in California

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Only gonna get worse unfortunately... Gotta save those delta smelt and meadow foam because if those die off the world will be destroyed or so the enviro nazi's think.

This is all propaganda. It is a drought, if you can't see the lack of historical rain fall, snow pack, water flow, and other indicators for extreme arid conditions then you are blind. I disagree 100% that it is a lack of management and save a fish campaign that is causing this artificially. We are absolutely in an extreme drought down here in California. People are impacted by a lack of rainfall, regardless of the causal factors. Trying to say it isn't happening, or that saving a fish is nonsense is pure propaganda.

I don't know enough about the biology or environmental sciences to say exactly what the issues are, but simple understandings are that a lack of snow pack for several years, added to a historic low level of rain over multiple years are causal factors. Furthermore, the whole debate about historic versus junior water rights is very juvenile. All farms are impacted by a reduced amount of water available, and everyone should feel that equally, not historic less than junior. It is a total ecology not new guys fail first approach.

history repeats itself, during the 1930's drought over planting , over cutting of trees , bad farming method made the dust bowl drought worse. same things, over and over .

Dumping 10,000,000 gallons of fresh water per day into the delta to save a non-native fish is asinine!

Fishing industry vs farming, Can't blame any one thing, poor management during a drought, los Vegas, LA , palm springs, ETC other areas get water for fountains, golf courses, lawns, lots of waste and mismanagement everywhere, very poor planning for drought years especially since the whole southern California is basically a desert anyway. Sooner or later the whole west will pay for foolish development in a natural desert climate. NOW that's ASININE

Dumping 10,000,000 gallons of fresh water per day into the delta to save a non-native fish is asinine!
The people in Kal have a childish clown for a governor. Same with the Assemby and Senate. No one will make an intelligent decision regarding water management. They are all in lock step with the radical environmental wackos. The rain that falls there needs to be captured [dams]and managed. An obvious solution. Gov. Brown's father Pat, was a liberal ,however he built the infrastructure , dams, highways, aqueducts, etc. that the state desperately needed. Not much has been built since then. . And of course, there is a strong movement to tear down the existing water storage facilities . Makes a lot of sense.

BS propaganda This problem is not the work of one man, these problems go way back even when Reagan was governor, in fact water has been a problem in the early 1900's between the cities and farmers and everybody else.

As of the present condition we all know what we have to conserve water. There already is a 25% cut of usage for us, unless you want an outstanding bill. Although in my neighborhood I see too many people keeping the lawns green. Just this morning I saw somebody watering their whole section of plants. Conserving is what we need most right now.

Some of the problem we have in the East Bay is people have not experienced this terrible drought as much. Therefor many people keep the same habits.

You are correct AllenKeeton! The Arab countries figured that out a long time ago. Along with that would be to use the Cities waste water to water the farms. I have only heard that mentioned ONCE on the radio. And it turns out since it's for agriculture it requires less treatment than for Potable water. This is a no brainer folks but the libs ain't saying a word about it. I even saw Bill Gates on TV pushing the Libs dumb idea of treating waste water to the point of using it for human consumption,what an idiot!!

Since farms use 70% of the water and using treated waste water for agriculture is not that difficult wouldn't common sense dictate using this abundant resource rather than dumping the waste water into the ocean? :BangHead:

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BS propaganda This problem is not the work of one man, these problems go way back even when Reagan was governor, in fact water has been a problem in the early 1900's between the cities and farmers and everybody else.
Of course it is not the fault of one man. That's why I mentioned the Assembly and State Senate. The useless, ineffective. leaders in that state. The emptying of the dams is not B.S. or propaganda it is a fact. As I also mentioned , not much has been done to the infrastructure since Gov. Pat Brown.

Total propaganda video. The fact it hasn't rained! You can have all the storage in the world, but no rain no water.
Agriculture is 2 / of California's economy. You choose to grow water thirsty crops( almonds, walnuts.) in a desert don't cry when times get tough.
Kill all the fish, plumb the Sacramento right into the aqueduct . That will solve all the problems. Farmers are sucking down the aquifer at an alarming rate. And once an aquifer is collapsed it ain't coming back.
And using treated waste water
For drinking water is completely viable.

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desalination is very expensive as in energy to produce, and problems with the brine disposal

Australia built 8 de salination plants during one of their droughts. Only 1 is running now.
I also wondered about the waste stream. Because if the concentrated salt and other by products.
Solutions? In case the aqueduct with pipes. Very expensive but no more losing water through porous cement or evaporation.
Native plant landscaping, uses lot less water than lawns and was designed to survive droughts.
Micro emitters for agriculture. No new tree crops or vineyards.
Maybe instead of a giant XL keystone a water pipe?
Stop playing the blame game and work together..

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desalination is very expensive as in energy to produce, and problems with the brine disposal

So figure something out.
Raise brineshrimp in the saline solution and feed them to fish. Or extract sea salt from it.
Being dependent on a limited resource is not working.
West Basin has a demo facility in Cali.I,m no fan of R.O. systems but they would produce jobs for sure.
Don't know if West Basin worked with the Saudis at all but they desalinate heavy.
Solar heat could preheat water using oldest method of distilling .R.O. is becoming more popular though.

Cheap Water from the World's Largest Modern Seawater Desalination Plant | MIT Technology Review

Nation's largest ocean desalination plant goes up near San Diego; Future of the California coast? - San Jose Mercury News

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There's supposed lots of gold in ocean water. Maybe AU would be a by product. Mine the ocean!

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Trying to pretend that deliberate mismanagement in the face of a severe drought is inconsequential is pure denial of reality. The eco-Nazi dumping is REAL! Not propaganda. And, it is equivalent to stealing food from a starving child. Its indefensible, not propaganda. The left NEVER answers for its evil.

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