The Templars left a map to the treasure!

Smoke and mirrors! The real key to finding treasure is to disable the tunnels that transport sea water to the money pit... Otherwise no one will be able to dig it up to prove nothing is down there! It is like sour grapes! You can't reach it and it is right there... So it must be a rooze and no treasure is down there... It's under a stone or tree, anywhere but where everyone has tried to find it!

So true, the stone to look under is the "G" stone. The bad thing is that items to mark the way have been moved. The tunnels are easy to stop, recreate the coffer dams. But those flood tunnels are doing what they were designed to do, keeping people focused on that usless hole in the ground and away from the actual spot.

Okay, has anyone ever looked into the native american legends of "Glooscap"? The Mi'kmaq Indians talk of "Glooscap", giving them the game similar to today's Hockey. It said that Nova Scotia is the birthplace of hockey.
The ironic thing is that the "Scottish" had a similar game that pre-dated Christianity which was called "Shinty". [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, helv, sans-serif]Noogumee, a friend of Glooscap had a "Beard", which was strange because native Americans do not support facial hair. Legend also says that Glooscap and his people come from a place near the morning sun rising. I'm in belief that the Mi'kmaq Indians are speaking of the Templar's that had came to Nova Scotia. Would anyone have a idea as to what could have been considered as great Magic in Glooscaps belt. "FLINT"?[/FONT]

Okay, has anyone ever looked into the native american legends of "Glooscap"? The Mi'kmaq Indians talk of "Glooscap", giving them the game similar to today's Hockey. It said that Nova Scotia is the birthplace of hockey.
The ironic thing is that the "Scottish" had a similar game that pre-dated Christianity which was called "Shinty". [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, helv, sans-serif]Noogumee, a friend of Glooscap had a "Beard", which was strange because native Americans do not support facial hair. Legend also says that Glooscap and his people come from a place near the morning sun rising. I'm in belief that the Mi'kmaq Indians are speaking of the Templar's that had came to Nova Scotia. Would anyone have a idea as to what could have been considered as great Magic in Glooscaps belt. "FLINT"?[/FONT]
Indians had lots of flint, but not the steel that makes it spark so readily...

I'm in agreement that hockey's ancestors came over from Europe (or even possibly Iceland), but wasn't Glooscap more of a creation deity than a simple visitor or teacher?

Your right, Glooscap was a deity of the MI'kmaq Indians. Legend says that he was there before man and animals. He was twice as tall as any Mi'kmaq and possessed great magic in his belt. I'm wondering if a stranger to the land that was more advanced than the Mi'kmaq Indians could have been mistaken for a deity?

I suppose that it's possible, but Glooscap created lands and features, defeated giant monsters, fought with other deities, created the people and the animals, etc. This could have been a story based on a real person that grew in the retelling throughout the centuries, but this particular trope is one that's repeated throughout the religious beliefs of many cultures across the world - an interesting topic in itself, but probably not relevant here.

The other issue is that while Templars or their associates may or may not have made it to the New World, the Norse most certainly did. The only question is how far south they went. If evidence of earlier-than-expected European contact pops up in Nova Scotia, Norse explorers would be the obvious answer and would have to be ruled out before another theory could be formulated.

True, but i'm going to throw another coincident into this and you have to look at it. The Mi'kmaq legend of Gooscap says that when he and his people left they sailed away around the southwest point of Nova Scotia and into the bay of Fundy. How about a marker near the entrance to the Bay of Fundy dated to around 300 to 500 years old and not of Norse origin. Look at this.... And Notice the two points marked around the cross...

The one Mi'kmaq legend that sticks out to me is the description of Glooscap's canoe. It was something like his canoe was an island covered with rocks and trees and easy to control. I wonder if the were referring to a ship where the mast was the tree's and the rocks were the ballast stones.

We used to visit a small lake in my youth that had a floating Island complete with trees where wild cranberry grew... The island never seamed to come to anchor on the steep rocky shore but could be found in different locations near or one shore than another... We assumed it had been built on down timber that had not become waterlogged...

My studies show I have located the spot where the treasure was buried!


The builders of the Oak Island Money Pit used Celestial Stars and Constellations to set their markers on Oak Island.
They used an instrument called a Mercury Trough and this enabled them to cross triangulate each marker. Sort of an 18th Century GPS.
It was all based on previous clues left by Sir Francis Bacon.
Nolan's Cross was not a religious cross at all but Sir Francis Bacon's Goose (Swan) in the Constellation Cygnus.
All Markers, Star and Cross Triangulations point to the star Gamma Cassiopeiae in the Constellation Cassiopeia.
My Oak Island Map attachment shows roughly where the Treasure Vault would be located. It would be above the water table with the roof about 20 feet below the ground.
Sir Francis Bacon's clue stated it would be between the King (Cepheus) and the Queen ( Cassiopeia)
Anyone wishing to verify may down load the computer program free and view

The true treasure of Oak Island is fertilizer. There is so much bull-crap associated with that site it will grow everything but gold or silver for centuries.

The true treasure of Oak Island is fertilizer. There is so much bull-crap associated with that site it will grow everything but gold or silver for centuries.

Sir Francis Bacon said it best!

"There are far greater treasures than gold and silver and that would be knowledge".

Bacon said it best, cause he knew, and had the maps to the separated treasure caches. Bacon done his part, then the other part was done by forefathers of America, when a vault under the old Bruton Parish,in Va.Screenshot_2014-08-13-22-31-32_1.jpg there was a tunnel from George Wythe's house to the vault, fueling and giving hope to a vision. Most or all the caches were located, then relocated to a single place. Just my opinion thanks Justintime

Bacon said it best, cause he knew, and had the maps to the separated treasure caches. Bacon done his part, then the other part was done by forefathers of America, when a vault under the old Bruton Parish,in Va.View attachment 1038248 there was a tunnel from George Wythe's house to the vault, fueling and giving hope to a vision. Most or all the caches were located, then relocated to a single place. Just my opinion thanks Justintime

Thomas Jefferson was NEVER a Freemason; he WAS influenced by FRENCH Rosicrucians during his years in France. His circles, lines, angles designs in his various buildings at OLD UVA, various court-houses & OLD homes in Central VIRGINIA are CLUES & PROOF!

I agree Jefferson wasn't a Freemason, always in the company of masons, but not a mason himself, he had Bacon Vision...our country, the DOI, all Bacon Vision, Thanks Justintime13

I agree Jefferson wasn't a Freemason, always in the company of masons, but not a mason himself, he had Bacon Vision...our country, the DOI, all Bacon Vision, Thanks Justintime13

Most certainly agree; BOTH were GREATLY influenced by the ROSICRUCIANS across the "little pond"...

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Ok, well a short from "LastLeg" vote of confidence or vote of scepticism" i'm really not sure. On the north shore of the 2nd pennisula of Nova Scotia there is a stone that hold "Runic" writings whick are not complete. Remember Henry Sinclair was "VIKING"! In a bay that has over 300 islands find the one that looks like the map. TRhis should take a while, Oak island is one of the northern most islands. The stone tells you where to find the island, what do youy do when you have found the island. You find what the map says to find, the "TREE"!!!!!! From there you move 14 rods south to the compus

treasure 1822, what "Second Peninsula" are you referring to? I'm very interested about this information. I know of a "Second Peninsula" near Lunenburg. Is this the one, and if so, could you point me in the direction of where you found the information on the stone?

I'd appreciate any information you can provide.


Rowan, yes the stone is called the "Norabega Vinland Stone" and it is on the second peninsula near Lunu

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