The TRUE story behind the Oak Island legend... (Finally revelaed)


Bronze Member
Nov 14, 2015
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
I cannot believe this but finally I discovered the TRUTH about what was buried on Oak Island and Why…. I cannot reveal my source but 100% guarantee it is a true story……

Back in the crusades the Knights Templar come across an Ancient Tomb and being the thieves that they were they opened it to loot… The Tomb was covered in symbols of the Goddess TANIC. What they found in the tomb made the brave knights pee in their armor. There were inscriptions showing that a powerful Jinn had been buried there (It may even be the original Jinn that all future legends were based on). The got their expert on this type of stuff to decipher the inscriptions. It told them that if the Jinn was to awake the race of man would fall. That if this tomb was disturbed they had a year and 1 day before the Jinn awoke…. That only powerful magic could prevent this. That the remains must be buried under layers of Oak (a mystical would) and stone with a magical lock (code/spell) created by the goddess be placed facing down over the tomb

On consulting an expert on this stuff they realized that the sarcophagus needed to be buried in a safer place. So first they made a Granite coffin (the hardest substance known to man at the time) and inserted to mummified remains.. It was decided to carry the coffin to the end of the known world (Canada off course fitted the bill). The place would be chosen by the Gods by looking at star maps. The Jinn should be buried so deep that no one ever would EVER bother trying to dig that deep.

So they found Oak Island. Dug that 200 foot pit and put the Jinns coffin there. The Oak platforms were placed every 10 feet and the stone with the spell was placed face down at 90 feet. Artifacts such as lead crosses to the goddess were placed in the general area. It was also well known at the time that Jinns feared rhodolite garnet stones and so the brave knights had brooches of these stones made and wore them. Flood tunnels were dug to make sure the grave could never be disturbed….

All was well until some IDIOTS removed the Oak Platforms and Mystical stone… Since then the granite coffin has been slowly rising back to the surface. Driven by the Jinns mystical powers..

This I am afraid is what the Laginas hit in the second last episode…….

Soon he will be back to the surface and DOOM will befall us all…

I testify this is the true story of Oak Island as you can see all the evidence fits…..

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Hmm. Not too sure I buy that.....
If there really was a Jinn secured there , they ( the Good kNights) would have spread coconut fiber around the site so he/she would slip and keep falling down if escaped from the pit.

Question? If True and Happened Back When?...Why Were There No "Roots" In Their Shaft?


Any Shaft...Under 200 Years Old...Should have been covered in "Roots"!

Nice work Gazzahk!
I like it. Seems to tie in all the evidence they have found so far so I am a believer.
I am hoping they don't have a Season 6 now as that might mean the end of mankind.
Hey Laginas! Read this thread and think before you doom mankind!

Mankind is safe. The Ark of the Covenant is not on Oak Island. The Laginas will never find it.

Mankind is safe. The Ark of the Covenant is not on Oak Island. The Laginas will never find it.

So you believe there is an Ark? I am so so on that. Been trying to find evidence of its last "known" location.. documented not a story.
Have seen a few specials on it. Trying to remember the locations from those specials. I believe both were Middle East area.

So you believe there is an Ark? I am so so on that. Been trying to find evidence of its last "known" location.. documented not a story.
Have seen a few specials on it. Trying to remember the locations from those specials. I believe both were Middle East area.
It is in the Warehouse...

So you believe there is an Ark? I am so so on that. Been trying to find evidence of its last "known" location.. documented not a story.
Have seen a few specials on it. Trying to remember the locations from those specials. I believe both were Middle East area.

It may have been destroyed in the Mount Saint Helens, Nevada Atomic Test Site, or the Chernobyl templar vault locations I recently found....

So you believe there is an Ark? I am so so on that. Been trying to find evidence of its last "known" location.. documented not a story.
Have seen a few specials on it. Trying to remember the locations from those specials. I believe both were Middle East area.

No the Ark of the Covenant was brought over by the RC's and buried on Oak Island. Petter Admundsen has verified all of this with his research and work on the Sir Francis Bacon Ciphers and the books of Shakespeare. Really amazing the work he has done. The naysayers can post till the cows come home about Petter being wrong and no Historian has verified his work. I know what he has done is correct. It takes about a week to go over and over his work and there is no cause to ridicule the man or his work. Myself I think him to be a genius.

I have carried Petter's work further into our Founding Fathers and I have located where the Ark of the Covenant of God is today. May never get to see it but I will visit there in the very near future just to feel the presence of God.

Go to GoogleEarth and look at Independence Hall in Philadelphia and tell me what you see. The Ark is not there but it could have been at one time. There is a rose and cross in two diagonal lots just in front of Independence Hall. Run a line from the West towards the East, you will find that it is 53 degrees. All work of the RC. Run this line across the Atlantic and it will run you into Paris, France.

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No the Ark of the Covenant was brought over by the RC's and buried on Oak Island. Petter Admundsen has verified all of this with his research and work on the Sir Francis Bacon Ciphers and the books of Shakespeare. Really amazing the work he has done. The naysayers can post till the cows come home about Petter being wrong and no Historian has verified his work. I know what he has done is correct. It takes about a week to go over and over his work and there is no cause to ridicule the man or his work. Myself I think him to be a genius.

I have carried Petter's work further into our Founding Fathers and I have located where the Ark of the Covenant of God is today. May never get to see it but I will visit there in the very near future just to feel the presence of God.

Peter Amundsen verified nothing while writing his fictional material.....

Believe what you will.

Petter Admundsen has verified all of this with his research and work on the Sir Francis Bacon Ciphers and the books of Shakespeare. Really amazing the work he has done. The naysayers can post till the cows come home about Petter being wrong and no Historian has verified his work. I know what he has done is correct. It takes about a week to go over and over his work and there is no cause to ridicule the man or his work.

It would not be necessary to review his work. Just the image of him standing with his foot on the Arc and a thumb's up gesture will do. Because, short of that, there is no way to prove he is correct. Claiming to have found the Arc, or a can of beer for that matter, requires demonstrating it in practice. Like holding the can of beer or displaying the Arc.

I do not think you have a handle on the definition of the word "verified", and it looks like your version of "know" is off a hair as well.

I can say I paid you $10,000. But if you never see that $10,000 in the form of cash, check or deposit in your account you will not believe me. Verification is pretty straight forward. Receipt, cancelled check, bank statement. Auditors do it all the time. Most people do as well.

Petter has verified his work because he is in agreement with himself? No, Petter has played around with enough random combinations of letters to get them to work for him. Like: how many words can you make from the word "Pickle"? Just because you can spell "pike", "lick", and "pie" does not mean that is is proof someone wanted us to eat fish pies. Just circumstantial. There are only 26 letters and Shakespeare wrote a LOT of very verbose material. I'm sure if you took a few letters from each page of "A Midsummer Night's Dream" you could spell out the names of all Apollo 13 astronauts. So what?

Belief is not knowledge, and to verify is to demonstrate that something is true. We have seen the opposite demonstrated repeatedly on Oak Island: that speculation of anything buried now or formerly and having been later removed is unfounded at this point. There is no evidence of anything other than wood, rocks and dirt having been in the soil of Oak Island beyond the drops of visitors since the 1800's.

It would not be necessary to review his work. Just the image of him standing with his foot on the Arc and a thumb's up gesture will do. Because, short of that, there is no way to prove he is correct. Claiming to have found the Arc, or a can of beer for that matter, requires demonstrating it in practice. Like holding the can of beer or displaying the Arc.

I do not think you have a handle on the definition of the word "verified", and it looks like your version of "know" is off a hair as well.

I can say I paid you $10,000. But if you never see that $10,000 in the form of cash, check or deposit in your account you will not believe me. Verification is pretty straight forward. Receipt, cancelled check, bank statement. Auditors do it all the time. Most people do as well.

Petter has verified his work because he is in agreement with himself? No, Petter has played around with enough random combinations of letters to get them to work for him. Like: how many words can you make from the word "Pickle"? Just because you can spell "pike", "lick", and "pie" does not mean that is is proof someone wanted us to eat fish pies. Just circumstantial. There are only 26 letters and Shakespeare wrote a LOT of very verbose material. I'm sure if you took a few letters from each page of "A Midsummer Night's Dream" you could spell out the names of all Apollo 13 astronauts. So what?

Belief is not knowledge, and to verify is to demonstrate that something is true. We have seen the opposite demonstrated repeatedly on Oak Island: that speculation of anything buried now or formerly and having been later removed is unfounded at this point. There is no evidence of anything other than wood, rocks and dirt having been in the soil of Oak Island beyond the drops of visitors since the 1800's.


It is in the Warehouse...

I set myself up for that one. Good answer! :occasion14:

It may have been destroyed in the Mount Saint Helens, Nevada Atomic Test Site, or the Chernobyl templar vault locations I recently found....

Sorry but the Chernobyl vault is out... half lifed till the year 6666.

No the Ark of the Covenant was brought over by the RC's and buried on Oak Island. Petter Admundsen has verified all of this with his research and work on the Sir Francis Bacon Ciphers and the books of Shakespeare. Really amazing the work he has done. The naysayers can post till the cows come home about Petter being wrong and no Historian has verified his work. I know what he has done is correct. It takes about a week to go over and over his work and there is no cause to ridicule the man or his work. Myself I think him to be a genius.

I have carried Petter's work further into our Founding Fathers and I have located where the Ark of the Covenant of God is today. May never get to see it but I will visit there in the very near future just to feel the presence of God.

Go to GoogleEarth and look at Independence Hall in Philadelphia and tell me what you see. The Ark is not there but it could have been at one time. There is a rose and cross in two diagonal lots just in front of Independence Hall. Run a line from the West towards the East, you will find that it is 53 degrees. All work of the RC. Run this line across the Atlantic and it will run you into Paris, France.

I have seen some of his work. Not saying I believe it all but I do like to follow along with OI theories unless they are totally off the wall.
I will check out what you have posted and see what I come up with.

No the Ark of the Covenant was brought over by the RC's and buried on Oak Island.
Petter Admundsen has verified all of this with his research and work on the Sir Francis Bacon Ciphers and the books of Shakespeare. Really amazing the work he has done...
The same can be stated about THE SIMPSON PAPERS as being really amazing. :laughing7:
It is really amazing that these unverified and unaccepted "works" by the legitimate academic have some believe in this fictional alternative history.

Where is the legitimate outside factual collaboration for either of these theories presented as fact?

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Listen ECS, If you would listen for a change instead of thinking you know information is unfounded you just may learn something. I once thought I was the sharpest tack in the box but now I find out I am way behind and I am just beginning to learn.

I have been ridiculed just like you are ridiculing Petter there is no call for it. I was double promoted from the 3rd Grade to the 5th grade. They wanted to double promote me again from the 7th grade to the 9th grade but I said no. I was getting too far ahead of friends my age. But anyone, I finished the 4th Grade History book in one night and I finished the 4th grade in one week. As I have stated before I can read from 3,000 to 10,000 words a minute. I was ridiculed for this because I only put out the "3" instead of 3,000. Does not matter. I could do math problems by sight only. I did not have to write them down on paper and work out all of the processes. Thing is I had a teacher that only gave us one half the problem correct for a correct answer, we had to write down all the processes. I told him I could not. He asked how could I know the answer and not be able to write it down. So he started showing me how to do the long process of getting the answer. That is the way knowledge is, it is a long process. Sometimes someone knows a short cut to knowledge but everyone is stuck in the long processes.

Why do you not waste a few hours of your time and watch some of Petter's documentaries with an open mind. You may see things a little differently that is if there is any hope at all for you to come to the light of knowledge.

Our society and our teachers really they do not know "knowledge" or the "truth" so they can not teach it to us, we have to seek it out. Just like the "Holy Grail" that has been sought after for hundreds of years. If you go to church or you do not go to church and have a Holy Bible, the Holy Grail is right there in that book. If you know how to find it and I have found it. And it will lead you to the Ark of the Covenant of God or to the "truth" But that is all up to you. You can spend year after year quoting the same rhetoric over and over and it will profit you nothing or you can study and come to the light.

Oh Crap! you mean everything i know about Oak island is made up? (Scratches head and sulks)

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