The TRUE story behind the Oak Island legend... (Finally revelaed)

You're going to let the government stop you from digging 3 feet and discovering a treasure? Is this near a national monument or something?

No actually it is in a grave in a National Cemetery. No treasure there only 58 Maps to the Depositories.

Robot, and Arc, you both paint a slmilar picture as I did,Both theories are fesable, but then so is mine.....
And my friend that is the point of this thread... All the theories share one common unquestionable truth... They all have ZERO actual evidence to back them up.....

True, but if one was to do that it would mean with almost certainty that there was no future need for them as retrieval would catch the attention of someone and make it darn near impossible.

Why was that map buried in a national cemetery?

That is a real good question? I have pondered over that one myself. As best I can evaluate what happened, this individual was beyond reproach for trustworthiness. He helped the prisoners all he could during the war. He also helped bury the dead and made markers for each and every grave. Also the graves in a National Cemetery are marked off by numbers and sections, would not be to hard to locate a grave. He was a Master Mason and a member of the Knight's Templar. As I have a letter written by him verifying this fact. Why he and no one else, was entrusted with the wealth of the KGC or the CSA Treasury is another difficult question to find an answer to also. But all I know is the fact that he was trusted and everything was laid in his charge. Ten of the treasure depositories are listed under President Jefferson Davis' name. Two are listed under General John Breckenridge's name and they are the local treasures in around Danville, Virginia. All of the other 46 depositories are listed under landowner's or sentinels names, most own the land where these treasures were buried. Whether they later recovered any of the large treasures is not known as they could have used them for reconstruction. But as of 1884 to 1886 most of these depositories were still there and still loaded with treasure. I do know that local depositories were visited by Jesse and Frank James in late 1879 and early 1880.

I am sorry about getting this thread off on to the Confederate Treasure instead of Oak Island but it seems at least to me all treasures are connected in one way or another.

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Being buried in an important cemetery provides some measure of permanence and protection ?

And complicates recovery quite a bit, apparently.

Also the graves in a National Cemetery are marked off by numbers and sections, would not be to hard to locate a grave.

True, but that's not the only way to locate a buried object of value precisely enough to be recovered later - if the treasure legends are to be believed, anyway. Oak Island would seem to suggest otherwise, but plenty of folks are convinced that they have the answer.

He was a Master Mason...

So is a good friend of mine. He's not guarding any treasure.

...and a member of the Knight's Templar.

No, he was not.

As I have a letter written by him verifying this fact.

I can write you a letter verifying the fact that the Ark of the Covenant is buried underneath the ex-USS Parche. I'm rather trustworthy. I can have a Master Mason attest to my trustworthiness if that would help. But would that make the contents of my letter accurate?

Why he and no one else, was entrusted with the wealth of the KGC or the CSA Treasury is another difficult question to find an answer to also.

It's rather easy to answer, depending on one's beliefs about the KGC and the CSA's chronic problems with lacking money, and treasure legends in general.

Ten of the treasure depositories are listed under President Jefferson Davis' name. Two are listed under General John Breckenridge's name and they are the local treasures in around Danville, Virginia. All of the other 46 depositories are listed under landowner's or sentinels names, most own the land where these treasures were buried.

Listed where? Who authored that list?

Whether they later recovered any of the large treasures is not known as they could have used them for reconstruction. But as of 1884 to 1886 most of these depositories were still there and still loaded with treasure.

So the treasures were certainly there, but they may not be now, and we have no way of knowing for sure because even though we have some important names attached to them, we don't actually have locations. So even if I were to dig in the right location, I might come away with absolutely nothing. Is that a fair assessment of this scenario?

I do know that local depositories were visited by Jesse and Frank James in late 1879 and early 1880.

Do you know, or do you suspect?

If you were involved in this KGC business in 1879-1880, why in the heck would you ever let a notorious robber near your secret treasure? What could possibly be gained from that, and what might possibly be lost?

I am sorry about getting this thread off on to the Confederate Treasure instead of Oak Island but it seems at least to me all treasures are connected in one way or another.

It's all good. I enjoy the discussion.

If you were to refine that comment to " seems at least to me that all treasure legends are connected in one particular way," I would be 100% in agreement with you, because most of them are.

Ovaltine sponsored the CAPTAIN MIDNIGHT radio programs in the 1940's and continued when it became an early television program.
Ovaltine would have tie in items in their boxes including stick on patches and of course the Official Captain Midnight decoder ring.

I begged and begged for that box of Ovaltine to get that decoder ring which had to be sent for by sending in something from the Ovaltine box, which my parents gave in and bought- the catch, I had to drink all that Ovaltine mix until it was gone.
Was not fond of the taste of Ovaltine, and NEVER asked for another box, no matter what Captain Midnight item was enclosed.

Red Rocks Star Closeup 2.jpg

Looks like Bacon was here........again


View attachment 1619339

Looks like Bacon was here........again

It looks like a rock to me.

I admittedly have not watched the video. I'm willing to, but only if it's not something that would only make sense with a healthy dose of confirmation bias. My own confirmation bias doesn't lean that way. If it can't provide proof without relying on the viewer's suspension of disbelief, I'd rather not waste my time. If it's showing something else, let me know and I'll take a look at it.

I'm hesitant to judge the validity of a video based on one still, but again, it looks like a rock to me. I saw weirder rocks today at Rialto, and I didn't consider those to be weird.

I admittedly have not watched the video. I'm willing to, but only if it's not something that would only make sense with a healthy dose of confirmation bias. My own confirmation bias doesn't lean that way. If it can't provide proof without relying on the viewer's suspension of disbelief, I'd rather not waste my time. If it's showing something else, let me know and I'll take a look at it.

I watched it ... well, right up to the hooked X bit. Don't waste your time Dave.

Not sure if this is more bacon, or just ham & eggs.


The trick is to wake up and smell them. ;-)

Well its a good thing we all have varying opinions of Oak Island and its treasure, just don't let it get out of hand and start a war ! :-)

October 8th I think I saw on The History Channel is the new season . Hopefully they will find some really good stuff ..

My first wife was a Jinn. She may even be the one you speak of. Today, she looks like one of those things that people hang in their front yards at Halloween.

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