This has become a VERY dangerous thing.

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Yeah, THINKING has almost become illegal. Anyone not spouting the party line on gun control is seen as bad because the folks for gun control don't have to think, they just have to follow the pack.

Who is the pack? The same folks who want to see us become more like other countries with skyrocketing violent crime, and no way to defend oneself.

Maybe they noticed the USA only has 446 violent crimes per year per 100,000 people and guns are no longer needed in such a peaceful country? :)

Maybe they noticed the USA only has 446 violent crimes per year per 100,000 people and guns are no longer needed in such a peaceful country? :)

That statement calls for----------


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Dano, Don't you think that having guns had some part in keeping that figure low And our crime rate is falling, where Englands is rising. Frank


Exactly what i thought when chadeaux posted his figures on it worldtalker! lol.

What i think has a part in keeping that figure low Frankn, is it's not x'd by 300 million, As the UK's is not x'd by 68 million.

This is what the Brits think,now that it is to late. GodBless Chris

Meh! Fox hunting. No time for that upper class savagery. Good riddance!

Tony Martin? Lol, he shot them in the back as they were fleeing, with an illegally help pump action shotgun. British law states you can only defend yourself with "reasonable force", which includes shooting someone dead if they're running at you with an axe etc....NOT when you disturb them, scare the crap out of them, as firing a gun at unarmed people usually does, and definately NOT in the back when they're running away!
Guilty as sin. :dontknow:

It's a very one sided view in that vid', but yeah, basically if you don't stand up for things a government WILL take them away if they want to. Much like they WILL take them away if they want to no matter what the great unwashed think or do!
Crime would still be as bad as it is in the UK now if legal guns hadn't been banned. Don't forget, most UK guns other than shotguns for farmers were for target shooting, not self defence! and had to be VERY securely locked away when not in use.
I lived in Britains 3rd largest city, and never knew 1 person who had a "legally owned" gun even before the ban!
Crime rates would be the same now whether guns had been banned or not!

Meh! Fox hunting. No time for that upper class savagery. Good riddance!

Tony Martin? Lol, he shot them in the back as they were fleeing, with an illegally help pump action shotgun. British law states you can only defend yourself with "reasonable force", which includes shooting someone dead if they're running at you with an axe etc....NOT when you disturb them, scare the crap out of them, as firing a gun at unarmed people usually does, and definately NOT in the back when they're running away!
Guilty as sin. :dontknow:

It's a very one sided view in that vid', but yeah, basically if you don't stand up for things a government WILL take them away if they want to. Much like they WILL take them away if they want to no matter what the great unwashed think or do!
Crime would still be as bad as it is in the UK now if legal guns hadn't been banned. Don't forget, most UK guns other than shotguns for farmers were for target shooting, not self defence! and had to be VERY securely locked away when not in use.
I lived in Britains 3rd largest city, and never knew 1 person who had a "legally owned" gun even before the ban!
Crime rates would be the same now whether guns had been banned or not! do you know that?How do you know that none of your "friends",had guns or not?Just like Piers,if you like Brits ways they go back and you stay there,dont tell us whats good for us,if we wanted to be helpless sheep,we would come join you do you know that?How do you know that none of your "friends",had guns or not?Just like Piers,if you like Brits ways they go back and you stay there,dont tell us whats good for us,if we wanted to be helpless sheep,we would come join you

Another one incapable of understanding a comment. Lot of you over there i see! So, when have i tried to tell you or anyone else what's good for you? (when it's not been tongue in cheek).
I comment on things, i have an opinion on things, i wind people up, i try to answer things thrown at me. I DON'T try to tell you what's best for you or what you should do! Do what the hell you like over there, doesn't affect me one way or the other at the moment. I just speculate on probable outcomes to some things as i see them. Sorry for having a free mind not "made in the USA!"

Another one incapable of understanding a comment. Lot of you over there i see! So, when have i tried to tell you or anyone else what's good for you? (when it's not been tongue in cheek).
I comment on things, i have an opinion on things, i wind people up, i try to answer things thrown at me. I DON'T try to tell you what's best for you or what you should do! Do what the hell you like over there, doesn't affect me one way or the other at the moment. I just speculate on probable outcomes to some things as i see them. Sorry for having a free mind not "made in the USA!"

Yea there is a lot of us,and WE WILL ALWAYS be armed,and that is why we are free,and not some other countries...

Yea there is a lot of us,and WE WILL ALWAYS be armed,and that is why we are free,and not some other countries...

That old chap be decided! ;)

Dunno why? I'm actually pretty "pro gun" myself! :icon_scratch:

Are you serious....don't tell us what to do? really?
Another one incapable of understanding a comment. Lot of you over there i see! So, when have i tried to tell you or anyone else what's good for you? (when it's not been tongue in cheek).
I comment on things, i have an opinion on things, i wind people up, i try to answer things thrown at me. I DON'T try to tell you what's best for you or what you should do! Do what the hell you like over there, doesn't affect me one way or the other at the moment. I just speculate on probable outcomes to some things as i see them. Sorry for having a free mind not "made in the USA!"

Dano, it was already decided long ago, even written down on something called the Bill of Rights. Don't you understand? :BangHead:
That old chap be decided! ;)

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