To Veterans

Try not to be bitter my friend, a very long time tradition = elder brother rules..... Goes back through all of human history.

My older brother believes he still rules me, and he ain't seen the things I've seen.

Well yes, that's true. But the theorem is that you are statistically likely to outlive your older brother, and if so you will have plenty enough time to badmouth him after he is dead.

If that's what you want to do. Chances are you wont.:thumbsup:

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I am a Vietnam vet and proud of it.. The time was anti war, your drafted, you went and served, when you came back your were a baby killer and a jerk. It was a no win for the us. The only people that considered you a hero was family. No fan fare, no recognition. That was then.

I am a Vietnam vet and proud of it.. The time was anti war, your drafted, you went and served, when you came back your were a baby killer and a jerk. It was a no win for the us. The only people that considered you a hero was family. No fan fare, no recognition. That was then.

Welcome home my friend. Please check out the veteran's forum here on TNet. It's all over now, and we are Senior Citizens! Good Lord how did we get so old!

Speaking of PTSD, my younger brother, a Navy LT. was assigned to a Delta river boat. He'd wait in the boat during the night, manning the radio, while others did their night (what he called) a Walk in the Park (recon missions); returning before dawn to their base. That affected him so much (hours alone on the boat) that he signed up for a second tour. Upon getting out, neither of us spoke in any detail of what we had seen or experienced; yet, even after 50 years, some memories will never be forgotten--good ones and bad ones.

PTSD? That came along after my time. We didn't have PTSD, we were just F'd up in our heads.

Absolutely accurate, DeepseekerADS! One was just "F'd up". As used in a sentence; "Yeah, the war really F'd him up!" Unfortunately, PTSD has been hijacked today by the media. Now, if a kid gets hit hard on the football field, he probably has PTSD and qualifies for some government subsidized "counselling". Everyone is a victim. Sorry for the rant.

I am a Vietnam vet and proud of it.. The time was anti war, your drafted, you went and served, when you came back your were a baby killer and a jerk. It was a no win for the us. The only people that considered you a hero was family. No fan fare, no recognition. That was then.

You are a Hero to me fort! All of You Vets are!

Thank You!


I am a Vietnam vet and proud of it.. The time was anti war, your drafted, you went and served, when you came back your were a baby killer and a jerk. It was a no win for the us. The only people that considered you a hero was family. No fan fare, no recognition. That was then.

As a double tour Vietnam veteran,, I'm proud to say, that no one who served in Vietnam has anything to be ashamed of. I never felt good about how we were treated when we came home. I lived in NYC and there were a lot of veterans up there who served in Nam.
In May, 1985, Mayor Koch pushed a wheelchair across the Brooklyn Bridge towards the Canyon of Heroes.
In the wheelchair was John Beehon. He lost both legs in Nam. He was awarded the Medal of Honor. Twenty Five Thousand Vietnam Veterans marched down Broadway through ticker tape and confetti. Tears in my eyes. 10 years late but finally a little respect.
Thank you Kace

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Good post Windman. Soldiers from all branches of the Armed Forces who serve their country during war time whether its popular or not is a HERO. Not some whiny kneeling Disrespectful ball player. Politicians can say what they want, but Vietnam was a War and not a police action.......but we All Know that. Anytime your country asks of its young service men and women to go and fight in its defense or interest, and risks being killed or seriously's WAR.

Good post Windman. Soldiers from all branches of the Armed Forces who serve their country during war time whether its popular or not is a HERO. Not some whiny kneeling Disrespectful ball player. Politicians can say what they want, but Vietnam was a War and not a police action.......but we All Know that. Anytime your country asks of its young service men and women to go and fight in its defense or interest, and risks being killed or seriously's WAR.


I was just a child during the Vietnam war but i was about as close to the war as an American kid could get. My family was stationed at Anderson AFB Guam from 69 to 72 and then again from 75 to 79. The B-52's taking off on missions with the black smoke trailing and the deafening roar of those engines were as much a part of my day as were the monkey bars on the playground.

I had no understanding of what was going on but i did know people were being hurt because buses with men on stretchers inside were always coming and going from the the clinic. That clinic was only a few hundred yards from my house and on occasion i would go over and talk to the men.

Most of the men were pretty nice, we never talked about why they were there or how they got hurt, just chit chat of where i was from and where they were from and that kind of stuff. I also remember Bob hope and his USO tour as well. It was a pretty big deal to see him in person and a bigger deal to see the hot women he had on stage!

Anyhow, my hat is off to all the combat vets. Some served because they were forced too by the draft and others served for personal reasons but all served their country and deserve more than what they got!

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As a double tour Vietnam veteran,, I'm proud to say, that no one who served on Vietnam has anything to be ashamed of. I never felt good about how we were treated when we came home. I lived in NYC and there was a lot of veterans up there who served in Nam.
In May, 1985, Mayor Koch pushed a wheelchair across the Brooklyn Bridge towards the Canyon of Heroes.
In the wheelchair was John Beehon. He lost both legs in Nam. He was awarded the Medal of Honor. Twenty Five Thousand Vietnam Veterans marched down Broadway through ticker tape and confetti. Tears on my eyes. 10 years late but finally a little respect.
Thank you Kace

That Made Me Cry ATW...

I was too young to grasp what was going on at the time of the VW, but coming from a family of vets, I remember my Aunt and cousins coming to the house a lot and we put together Care Packages for my Mom and Dads family that were over there. Then we would all load up the trunk of the car and go to mail them.

For Every package sent to relatives, us cousins would write letters and put them into identical packages from each of us for servicemen who didn't get things from home and my Mom and Aunt told us that because of You All we were able to do the things we did. I Still Believe That.

Thank You

I cant say I had a bad time in Iraq. I got to shoot guns, blow stuff up and burn things. It was one of the craziest times I've ever had alot like full grown men beating the tar outta kindergarteners. Saw plenty of gore and tons of humans burned to a crisp but it never bothered me and all my buddies came home. I just wish it was really about freedom and I wish that they'd let us actually win a war once in awhile.
Other than that it was everything a 19 yr old kid would want to experience. I wanted to stay in but my wife had enough of the army life.
After seeing what's happened since in Iraq and Afghanistan and how weve fumbled those conflicts I'm glad I didnt stay in and she was right haha.
Now I understand the saying "the only thing that comes of old men talking policy is that young men die".

For Every package sent to relatives, us cousins would write letters and put them into identical packages from each of us for servicemen who didn't get things from home and my Mom and Aunt told us that because of You All we were able to do the things we did. I Still Believe That.

There's nothing left of my time there other than pictures I'd taken. I didn't get a lot of mail, Mom would write every couple of weeks - otherwise nothing from home.

Except the newspapers telling the world we were unforgivable.

My brother picked me up from the bus station in Greensboro and drove me home. At the time I was DT'ing from a heroin addiction - and suddenly I was free. Heroin was everywhere in Vietnam, the only sanctuary we had. Got past that horror and went on to live a life of freedom and Capitalism.....

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"If you are able,
save for them a place inside of you
and save one backward glance when
you are leaving for the places
they can no longer go.
"Be not ashamed to say you loved them,
though you may or may not have always.
Take what they have taught you with their dying
and keep it with your own.
"And in that time when men decide and feel safe
to call the war insane,
take one moment to
embrace those gentle heroes
you left behind."
Major Michael O'Donnell
KIA March 24, 1970 - Dak To, Vietnam

There's nothing left of my time there other than pictures I'd taken. I didn't get a lot of mail, Mom would write every couple of weeks - otherwise nothing from home.

Except the newspapers telling the world we were unforgivable.

My brother picked me up from the bus station in Greensboro and drove me home. At the time I was DT'ing from a heroin addiction - and suddenly I was free. Heroin was everywhere in Vietnam, the only sanctuary we had. Got past that horror and went on to live a life of freedom and Capitalism.....

Deep...If you ever got a letter written in a #2 pencil on Big Chief Tablet Paper in a package with good stuff, it might of been from me...The letter I mean...My Dad gave my Mom a list of stuff soldiers like to get. I doubt my letters would of been all that memorable...unless you liked hearing about my mini bike and dog Snoopy, which I couldn't of had either if it wasn't for you and all the guys with you and before you. I still have the mini bike...Because of you guys and the guys After you.

A new place opened pretty close to me called Headquarters....Its for Vets and First Responders to hang out. Lots of Vets who ride are involved in it. Im going to start taking my Vietnam era forward finds there. They use tags, patches and medals from guys to decorate with too. Along with other stuff plus .40 and .50cal Shells as shakers. They have their own wine line all named and recognizing vets and first responders. Sometimes I locate a family who doesn't want a tag from that era I find so it will go there too instead of the VFW. The old ones I find and can't locate family will still go to VFW. They also have a plaque that anyone's name can be put on who didn't make it back. Lots of nice things there.

The Best Part of the place is when you go in, you can write your name on a lite board and put on there however much money you want to spend on drinks/appetizers for vets. I think that's great. Buy Vets whatever they want to drink and eat. It's a Nice way to say Thank You and You Are Appreciated. I know a lot of guys that I didn't know for a long time that they were vets...Women too that were out of the Army/Navy bases in the KC area... it's still hard to tell most of the time. Unless someone is holding a sign at a stoplight saying they are a vet and then I don't know really how to tell if it's true or they are just saying that for money. Is there a question I could ask that would verify they are vets ot just posers?

Don't ever doubt Deep, no matter what some people said or was printed that there Are Still People Who Think You All Are Heros.


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The only mail I got was from Mom. I didn't even get to see Bob Hope and his crew. We'd get bands from Australia, small events, but they didn't come into the bush. We were kinda isolated, just day after day of boredom, and horror here and there. The times we were cold in fear. You kinda become a robot in that, occasionally we could bathe. All my friends, and me, couldn't hide we stank so much. In Cambodia at LZ Spearhead, we had a chair straddled over a hole in the ground to poop in, visible to all around = kinda humiliating.

Deep....Your signature says HUGE Scorpions....How big were they...if you can compare them to something?

Did you guys sleep on the ground or in tents? I'm assuming ground if your bathroom was a chair out in the open.


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