
Feb 10, 2014
Minneapolis, MN
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting

My name is Jed and I work for Committee Films out of Minneapolis, Mn. We are currently developing a treasure hunting show. I know, I know...everyone hates these shows and production companies will post this stuff from time to time. Anyways, here is my shpeel - we're looking for good characters who delve deep into history to pick their locations. You can learn more about us at: {committee_films}

If you are interested, PM me and I'll fill you in.

All the best - Jed

I will give one thing, you did your homework and you know our thoughts.

All I can say is that I hope this show is to portray the real history loving detectorists. There are quite a few of us who spend a LOT of time researching the history of the sites before we hunt and then more time researching the history of the items we dig up.

It would be refreshing if one of these shows would actually portray that kind of TH'ers, it would take some real talent to produce a show like that and keep it interesting.

No good for us or the hobby, but money in the pockets of producers from advertising dough. They brought "Diggers" back, and those guys act like they are ******ed in front of the cameras to try and "spice it up." Whatever works I guess.. :dontknow:

No good for us or the hobby, but money in the pockets of producers from advertising dough. They brought "Diggers" back, and those guys act like they are ******ed in front of the cameras to try and "spice it up." Whatever works I guess.. :dontknow:

This is what concerns me about the idea, also. I can't think of many "reality" shows that have anything to do with reality! Usually just a bunch of jerks acting like jerks to get mind numbed watchers for their advertisers. JMHO

Is your show going to be scripted or unscripted? Will the focus be on characters, or content? Will the show focus on the search itself and the story behind it, or manufactured drama among characters? Lots of reality TV shows are very profitable, but most serious treasure hunters are not into scripted, character based reality formats, that focus more on drama than the treasure hunt itself...

To head off any problems please remember Jedfilm is a member and is entitled to same benefits and respect as all other members.......

American by birth, Patriot by choice.

I would rather die standing on my two feet defending our Constitution than live a lifetime on my knees......

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