Two Gold Wedding Bands In Two Weeks Reunited With Owners


Sr. Member
Dec 16, 2004
South Carolina
Detector(s) used
Teknetics T-2
Two weeks ago I was asked if I could help find a wedding band that was lost a week earlier in a yard while cutting up a tree that had fallen. A buddy of mine had looked for it and had no luck. I guess the luck was all mine because after about ten minutes I was on it with the xlt. Hit like a nickel Even though it was on top of the ground it was almost invisible to the eye.! Mr. C. had worn the ring for 42 years and was so happy to see it again that I thought he was going to jump up and down.
The second wedding band,which I found today, belongs to a man(Mr. B) who is terminally ill. We really wanted to find this ring because it means so much to him and his wife who have been married over fifty years. I was the lucky one again! She hit just like a nickel too! Mrs. B says she is going to buy a necklace to put their original ring on and wear it to keep it close to her heart!!
Detecting is rewarding in so many ways!!!

Mr. Barnes passed away Wednesday november 19th. Hearts and prayers go out to his wife and family!


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awesome job my freind love it when we can give those back to people its makes me prod of you :thumbsup:

Great Job Mike !!! :thumbsup:
You sure made a lot of people happy there.... It just doesn't get any better than that.

Great job X 2!!! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Good on you Mike :thumbsup: You're a great ambassador for the Treasure hunting community :occasion14:


What a great accomplishment *TIMES 2* BIG Congrats Mike!

You know this is really a WIN-WIN situation....the Joy of the hunt. the Joy of the loser getting it back...SUPER!

HH Joe

Wow Mike, that is awesome, WTG!!!
At the rate your going, you better start at the beginning of the alphabet, Mr. A, Mr. B, then Mr. C, and so on... ;D
Keep up the good work, & Happy hunting~

Fantastic thing you did there Mike. :icon_king: You should be extremely proud of yourself.
Great story and thanks for the pictures. I'm sure you filled two hearts with a lot of joy. :thumbsup:
Congrats & thanks for making us all look good. :icon_sunny:

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