UH OH! Here come da man!


Gold Member
Apr 9, 2012
South of the Mason-Dixon Line
πŸ₯‡ Banner finds
πŸ† Honorable Mentions:
Detector(s) used
Garrett AT-MAX
Garrett AT-PRO,
Garrett Groundhog,

Jack Hammer!
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
So, I'm out hunting a local school ground, a bit warm but I'm enjoying. Ya know?
I look up to check my "6", (habitual ;) ), and here comes two big men walking straight toward me. One,
in a suit, the other a police officer, in full regalia. I heard the theme from Dragnet. :(

When they got there I wasn't sure if I should have anything in my hands. So, I left my digger and detector
on the ground and stood to face the "music". ;)

The guy in the suit reached out his hand to shake and I took off my glove and returned it. He said,
"I was never so glad to see you out here!"

I said, almost out loud, HUH!?!?

He went on to explain how he lived over on the street that bordered the school and pointed it out.
There was a pretty big party going on. He said they were rehearsing a wedding and somewhere along
the way, they lost the ring!

My heart rate started back down. LOL!

"Could I POSSIBLY see my way clear to take a quick look?!?!?"

Of course I said yes and we went over there, tracing back the steps, asking where was the last time
they "physically" saw the ring. Then, when did they notice it gone.

Long story short, along the driveway, almost on top, a couple leaves lying next to it, there she sat! I almost saw it before
I heard it! LOL

I got glad handed from so many it became embarrassing! LOL

No reward but an offer to come search his property anytime I wanted to! :)
Sorry, no pics, I asked but they declined. Didn't care to have things on the net. :)

Thought you guys would appreciate. :)

No biggie. They're happy, I'm happy and so I went back over to the school.
But, I found myself too played out to get back into the humdrum of what I was doing. LOL

Here's the rest of the totals for today:

2015 (335).jpg
2015 (336).jpg

These four are all lead, but no clue if they're ammo. :dontknow:

2015 (337).jpg
2015 (338).jpg

Looks like EVERYbody was happier today!

Nice day!

Thanks for peeking!

Upvote 30
Nice return! Always good to make friends in the L.E. community.

I would have glad handled you as well...just sayin...

congrats on being at the right place at the right time!

Great story and glad to see ur hobby get some good recognition.

Hahahaha; Awesome story!!!!! Glad it came with a happy ending!!

You made me think of Flip Wilson, lol. Nice going Gary.

Wow I am reading a lot of stories like this lately. Look out or metal detecting will be mandated for everyone to take up the hobby. Good Job, Congrats!

Congrats on the ring rescue. :notworthy: I always like to read a post where the poster did the right thing. :thumbsup: I'd find it hard to detect after finding that ring.

You realize you saved the whole day for those people. Think how bummed they'd have all felt if you hadn't rescued the ring!

Ha! Way to go.
From thinking your going to get the boot, to getting thanked .
Your decision to go-a-detecting years ago sure has caused a lot of smiles since. In this case even more.
Congrats on the recoveries! Especially the return of the wedding ring.
Blingie and fishy gonna let you slide on returning that one for sure..
No mug shots to show them though so you'll have to sound real convincing.. :laughing7:

Now that is AWEOME! See what happens when you make Banner, there's no going back! Lol!
I vote GOLD! For that one, and you scored private property

I see you got a cross there...a sign perhaps? Nice finds you got too, even the one you had to give back!

When it rains it pours! I swear karma is connected. My neighbor came over asking if I still had my detector, her grown daughter wanted to use it to find a lost diamond earring, they are not sure where it was lost, it could have been at the granddaughter's school. I told her to call me I can look for it for her because it won 't be easy, plus I need to ask the same questions you did, to narrow down the search area.

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Very nice I'm always saddened when I find a wedding ring .lucky for me I've put on enough weight that it'd be easier to pick up Thores hammer than to get my ring off

Good job, hopefully that property turns out great

Nice work! Hoping good karma comes your way!

That's wonderful, and now they have a great wedding story to tell too! Good luck at the guy's house, hope you find something rewarding!

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