Virgin BLM land

I knew a "virgin" once.. :thumbsup:

Is there such a thing as virgin land in that area of the country anymore? Would love to see some pics of the type of nuggets you picked up. Sounds great.

What do you think, guys, head in the clouds noob, or piss poor scammer?

I always consult my three monkey advisors and pop some fresh corn for threads like this.

theres alot of that area that hasnt benn touched grew up there used to be closed to all types of mining but was opened up some years back

theres alot of that area that hasnt benn touched grew up there used to be closed to all types of mining but was opened up some years back

Tell us a little about yourself Neil! How long have you been gold prospecting, and what kind of equipment are you good with?

I've been finding gold since I was about 9. Went out once with metal detectors and got 12lbs of nuggets largest was 3/4 oz. Usally just be walking along and see it. Always looking when out even here in Phoenix found 2 1/2oz nuggets around here

Nice, sounds like you really have a gift. I spend thousands on toys to hunt with and I can't find a nugget if it was stuck to my eyeball.
All your nuggets are eyeball finds just walking around? I may be jealous.

Hello Neil... this is a very unusual thread that is bound to generate skepticism from your readers. The amount of gold you've found and your willingness to head off and share it with a complete stranger indicate that you may be very young and inexperienced... but enthusiastic. I'm also wondering if you've possibly mistaken gold for some other substance, such as iron or chalcopyrite.

Would you kindly put up a decent photo showing us a sample of your gold? Some of the men on this forum are experienced goldhunters and will be able to advise you if your samples look like gold or how to test them to confirm they are gold. All the best,


I've been finding gold since I was about 9. Went out once with metal detectors and got 12lbs of nuggets largest was 3/4 oz. Usally just be walking along and see it. Always looking when out even here in Phoenix found 2 1/2oz nuggets around here

I was raised in Phoenix, went to Alhambra High School. attended Maricopa County Community College, and graduated from ASU. I started gold prospecting at about eight-years old in the 1960s. I now run a gold prospecting school in Arizona Arizona gold prospecting, gold prospecting, gold panning Unless you were in Australia, or the Sudan when you found "12lbs of nuggets" on a single metal detecting outing, I would have some very serious doubts about your claims.

Maybe you need to cut back on the acid to say, once a month or so? Worked wonders for me! :laughing7:

It was a 4 day trip and we worked from sun up till well after sun down and pretty much made some of our own roads. It was me and a friend that has been mining off and on for years. his real profession is a lapadore cuts and polishes gems we were looking for specamens to make jewelry out of

Wow. looking for jewel specimens and stumbled on 12 lbs of those pesky gold nuggets. I've had some great days in the field over the decades, but nothing like that.

I'd love to see some pics. "I'll show you mine if you show me yours" ;-)

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It was a 4 day trip and we worked from sun up till well after sun down and pretty much made some of our own roads. It was me and a friend that has been mining off and on for years. his real profession is a lapadore cuts and polishes gems we were looking for specamens to make jewelry out of

Neil, between me, you, and the other 30,000 or so members here - if any part of your story was true you would not be on this forum looking for a partner. You would have brand new equipment paid for in cash or gold, and more help than you need or want. I'm checking out.

I'm a real amateur at prospecting, very little experience, and will admit it. Personally if I found 12 pounds of nuggets, I would not share them with anyone! I would keep the place a secret and visit it as often as I could.
I do have some beach front property in Phoenix, on the Pacific Ocean..................

when we found those nuggets I was with a buddy that has been mining for years so it was gold we were finding and I do know the difrence between pyrite and gold when in doubt whack it with a hammer puts all doubt out the window when it smashes and doesnt shatter.

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