Waiting To Dig A Deep Coin With Apex


Full Member
Jan 13, 2017
northeast Ohio
Detector(s) used
Minelab Etrac-Notka Legend
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
I have been using the Apex almost exclusively for the last month or so. I am a wheeler dealer and like to try every brand of detector I can afford. With that said, I always believe I can take any detector out and immediately get it dialed in. I remember some of the old timers telling me that you have to give any detector 50 hours or more to really know what it can do.

The Apex is your typical Garrett detector. Loads of one way signals that high tone, jumpy numbers, and overall just slightly different than some of the other brands. But, after 40 hours on this machine, I am finally use to the quirks of the Apex. I have come to recognize the tones and more importantly, the tones of coins. I can run the Apex through the extremely trashy parks that I hunt and pick coins out of the false tones of trash.

Yesterday, I was at one of these trashy parks and got a clear, concise, high tone which read 91 with hardly any variation of the numbers. I really don't trust the depth gauge on the Apex, but this time it was showing all depth bars blacked out. I was thinking deep rusty bolt, but when I checked it in iron audio there was no iron grunt. I kept digging and was at 9 inches or so when I knew I was touching it with the pinpointer. I stuck my digger under the target and gave a pop. Out flys a coin like object about the size between a quarter and half. I thought it was a clad Kennedy half, but it turned out to be a 1904 Worlds Fair token. I have no doubt the Apex could have heard this coin a couple of inches deeper. This dig really inspired my confidence in the Apex. Really nice coin detector for the money.

Most folks get on this site and bash Garrett.

Good post. Grats and thanks.

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