First Silver with Second Apex


Full Member
Jan 13, 2017
northeast Ohio
Detector(s) used
Minelab Etrac-Notka Legend
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
I have been using the Apex for the last month or so and I am really starting to like this detector. I have found Buffalo nickels and wheats, but no silver coins. But, today that changed. I was back at my favorite park and pickings were slim. Finally, I got a clear high tone that was reading 85-88 from all angles. I was hoping for at least a wheat when the depth gauge showed three bars deep. I dug a six inch deep plug and got a reading on my Propointer. I saw a silver rim in the loose dirt at the 7 inch deep range and sure enough it was a silver dime. 1953 Canadian dime. I was in jewelry mode, 8 sens, and was using the 8.5 x 11 coil.

I am digging some very small items like jeans rivets at six inches and more. I think Garrett is on the right track with their multi-frequency program. I have no doubt that they are working on a high end multi-frequency detector. Maybe they can use some of White's technology.

Congratulations on your first silver coin! It is always a big thrill to find the first of anything! Thanks for posting.

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