Walking the power line...


Sr. Member
Jul 9, 2015
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I found a number of these pole brackets while walking an old power line path. The slag copper rang in at a perfect 91 and I thought for sure it was a silver coin.
The copper culture artifact appears to be an earring but could be a tool to cut possibly (rang up as a '89' and was thinking it was a silver coin as well). The round brass ball is probably from a plow/horse set up. IMG_20180604_131402.jpgIMG_20180603_184712.jpgIMG_20180603_184755.jpg

Upvote 14
Congratualtions on the nice finds! :occasion14:

NICE!!! The hangers are great for a cool way to display your prized insulators when mounted on a plaque type piece of wood & hung on the wall. Make an unusual coat hanger too. BEWARE! making the coat hanger! Everyone you show it to will be begging for one.

How far down the line did you go? Looks like you hit a good stretch!!

NICE!!! The hangers are great for a cool way to display your prized insulators when mounted on a plaque type piece of wood & hung on the wall. Make an unusual coat hanger too. BEWARE! making the coat hanger! Everyone you show it to will be begging for one.

How far down the line did you go? Looks like you hit a good stretch!!

Hey! A coat hanger! I have been staring at these things and figured I could used them for something...but just could not think of what. I like that idea. I followed the line for about a dozen poles and found them scattered hear and there. I will clean them up this coming winter...when the snow is here and the detector is away for the winter. :)

Hi, nice finds:icon_thumleft:

Interesting finds! I assume you rechecked the hole after pulling these? Just to make sure you didn't have a Merc or Rosie laying in there signaling to you below the artifacts you pulled! In any case, nice hunt and finds - congrats! :occasion14:

WOW NICE INSULATOR you've found there ! I have a bunch of them from the early 1900's... AND they do make great coat racks. .... lol

Very cool. 🙌 Nicely done.

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