Jr. Member
May 7, 2018
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All Treasure Hunting
Hmmm - found this video from the legrand:

42 K + views - wow.

https://www.youtube.com [forward slash] watch?v=4ABT4KiA_8A

I wonder if he/she realizes that dropping a tarantula down on the mansion from atop (a superimposition) - the legs of the spider would correlate with the eight quoins (excluding the feeler legs) !

Beale = Poe stylometry ---> C1 identifies the tarantula ---> The Gold Bug.

Me thinks something cookin' here - I wonder if the legrand knows this?

The video is from Brad Meltzer's Decoded, and "Legrand" explains that he knows the Beale treasure is there, BUT is
It is always that way, when one states that he knows where a treasure is located, it is ALWAYS in a location that recovery is denied for one reason or another.
"Legrand" also claimed that Poe faked his death, went to France and worked with Jules Verne, but left behind his unfinished "Grand Diddle" which "Rosalie (or perhaps Muddy) in need of money...sold the gold secret and Poe's uncompleted "GRAND DIDDLE", concerning this gold secret to Charles W Button"-January 23, 2008
Charles W Button was John William Sherman's boss at the Lynchburg Virginian and Virginian Print Shop where the BEALE PAPERS were printed and advertised.
"Legrand" also stated that Sherman, James Beverly Ward's cousin, plagiarized Poe "to make the Beale Papers look like "THE GOLD BUG"...he wanted all to think that Poe created this mystery"- January 20, 2007.

While the influence of Poe's "THE GOLD BUG" is obvious, there exists no supporting evidence of Poe faking his death, working with Verne or of a Rosalie or Muddy possessing the "GRAND DIDDLE" or ever making contact with Button. *NOTE* Diddling was a 1800's term for the confidence trick of a swindler.
"NUFF SAID :thumbsup:

I don't kneeww - that Poe seems to me to have been a pretty clever guy. Realize too that simply lacking evidence doesn't mean to stop furthering pursuit of an investigative vector.
I'd sure like to know what a metal detector would do on the "quoins". Wouldn't you?
Smell test causes me to think somethings up with all this. Maybe it's a part of another whole?
Good response above Mr. ECS.

Hmmm - found this video from the legrand:


... I wonder if the legrand knows this?

What I wonder about, if according to the above video, why "Legrand" stopped with the first 16 words in the supplied "solved" C2 Beale code? Then, discovering using the last letter from those 16 words did not make sense, reversed the order to come up with this red knee tarantula theory that has nothing to do with Bedford county or Virginia, the narrative text of the Beale story or James Beverly Ward.
Why did "Legrand" not continue with the last letter of the C2 reversed to see if it revealed an additional grammatically correct message?
...Or maybe he did, and realized there was NO message beyond this that would fit or confirm the flimsy web of this tarantula theory.

I think you should watch the video again. He appears to be referring to code C1 - not code C2 as you state in your above post (twice). Pretty big elephant to miss in the drawing room? Also, I repeated the plain text (for the most part) from the first 16 numbers from C1 when i tried the exercise as described in the video. Just sayin'.

In the video , "Legrand" states that he utilized the "supplied numbered DOI" in the Beale Papers that was used by the "unknown author" to solve C2 in the story narrative, concentrating on the first 16 numbers of C1.
Appling the first letter from the supplied numbered DOI words resulted in nonsense, so he then used the last letter in which also reveled nothing- then reversing these letters he achieved his "ere fen red knee" eureka moment that the dime novel pamphlet had the involvement of Edgar Allen Poe.
From all appearances, "Legrand" decided to STOP at the first 16 numbers because his preconceived belief was achieved with this "ere fen due red knee" and had NO NEED to decode the remaining numbers of C1, building a very flimsy theory around this alleged mention.
It is indeed interesting to note that none of the professed claimed "solutions" of the Beale ciphers from that dime novel pamphlet contain the same message, but rather each "solution" claim does reveal the preconceived message expectations of the claimant.
Just sayin'

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Wasn't it "ere fen due red knee"?
Also, I'm to be convinced that "eenkdereudnefere" is not code by human agency? Not likely.
There's more to this than meets the eye. I'll keep looking, thank you.
Oh, and why the "last" letter of the word? Why not the second or third letter, etc.? Do you know, ECS? I think I do.

"Human agency" - this is everything. The clenching fact.

Oh, and why the "last" letter of the word? Why not the second or third letter, etc.?
Do you know, ECS?
I think I do.
...and why does one have to reverse the order to find this "ere fen due red knee" message?
"Human agency" or manipulating the letters to achieve the expectations of the amateur "decoder"?
There exists NO LEGITIMATE PROOF beyond the claims of "Legrand" that will validate this 10+ years promoted theory of his...
...now if you posses supporting evidence that will support "Legrand's" tarantula, Poe faking his death then working with Verne in France, Grand Diddle, Rosalie or Muddy, and present a connection to James Beverly Ward and John William Sherman, PLEASE, by all means, bring it forth.
Without that defining connection, the employed "Human agency" is but mere fanciful speculative fantasy lacking factual structural substance.
That is the actual "clenching fact", my friend.

Why? Because you reverse the method of encryption. Human agency. Coded message. What and why is it? That's the question?
Reversing methodology is NOT manipulation, ECS. It's decoding.
So you're a professional decoder? Only they would know an "amateur"?
I am not a cryptologist - only a person who agrees with the legrand.
Supporting evidence? I mentioned the superimposition of the tarantula onto the top of the mansion this legrand is lead to. That's a start.
I, myself, have supporting evidence for a lot. And, in response to your "bring it forth" request:


OK, Kace.



Displace two different numbers to arrive at the earliest future date possible. Wallah, you'll have your supporting evidence. "Grabbing the brass ring" - Kace?

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I am not a cryptologist - only a person who agrees with the legrand.
Supporting evidence? I mentioned the superimposition of the tarantula onto the top of the mansion this legrand is lead to. That's a start.
I, myself, have supporting evidence for a lot. And, in response to your "bring it forth" request: OK...

So you have evidence that explains why James Beverly Ward would put forth the effort and expenses to copyright and publish THE BEALE PAPERS dime novel pamphlet about a treasure in Bedford county, Virginia that is really about a treasure in a mansion in Pennsylvania.
You may with "Legrand" , but "Legrand" has NOT been able to establish a legitimate connection to James Beverly Ward, and without that connection, red knee tarantulas and mansions in Pennsylvania have no relevance to the Beale narrative story or to the two remaining unsolved ciphers.

What can be connected to James Beverly Ward are all the thinly veiled references to events in the extended Risqué family bloodline, beginning with Ward's grandfather James Beverly Risque's duel with Thomas Beale concerning niece Julia Hancock who later married William Clark, to the massacre of Ward's great uncle John Pickrell Risqué by Indians while inspecting gold and silver mines in Arizona 2 years before the dime novel pamphlet's publication. Combine that with Ward's wife being born and raised "4 miles from Buford's" and her relation to Robert Morris and his wife Sarah Mitchell Morris, Ward spending time in St Louis and the Shakespeare "Game is worth the candle" reference as a homage to his father, Giles Ward, a Lynchburg thespian and co -owner of Ward & Diggs Booksellers which sold several books which influence Ward, including Poe's THE GOLD BUG- all was apparent to the 1885 buying public of Lynchburg where the BEALE PAPERS was ONLY SOLD.
Then there is the review that appeared in the LYNCHBURG VIRGINIAN, April 10, 1885/PAGE 1,COLUMN 3, written by Ward's cousin and printer of the BEALE PAPERS-
"The BEALE PAPERS has just made its appearance in this city and contains what are said to be an authentic statement in regard to an immense treasure buried in Bedford county, near Buford's..." no mention of a Pennsylvania mansion.
And where did the HART PAPER state where the brothers searched for the Beale treasure?
Not in a mansion in Pennsylvania based on a speculative mention of an arachnid.

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Why? Because you reverse the method of encryption. Human agency. Coded message. What and why is it? That's the question?
Reversing methodology is NOT manipulation, ECS. It's decoding.
So you're a professional decoder? Only they would know an "amateur"?
I am not a cryptologist - only a person who agrees with the legrand.
Supporting evidence? I mentioned the superimposition of the tarantula onto the top of the mansion this legrand is lead to. That's a start.
I, myself, have supporting evidence for a lot. And, in response to your "bring it forth" request:


OK, Kace.

Hey ... I’m Not ECS... Ask franklin... Or any other Beale Regular... I just drop in on occasion! Now after these posts... ASK ME WHY.


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Displace two different numbers to arrive at the earliest future date possible. Wallah, you'll have your supporting evidence. "Grabbing the brass ring" - Kace?


STOP 81...Everyone knows the difference between myself and ECS.


...I am not a cryptologist - only a person who agrees with the legrand...
While we ae on the subject of "agreeing", with ALL the different statements made by "Legrand" over that last 10+ years concerning the Beale treasure story, of which do you agree?
All or just a few?
...or do you agree that "Legrand" looks real good in that coonskin cap on his Facebook page? :laughing7:

While we ae on the subject of "agreeing", with ALL the different statements made by "Legrand" over that last 10+ years concerning the Beale treasure story, of which do you agree?
All or just a few?
...or do you agree that "Legrand" looks real good in that coonskin cap on his Facebook page? :laughing7:

Which "legrand," ECS?

The with which you agree. The "Legrand" on the youtube video you posted starting this thread.
Do you know other "Legrands" who have postulated this arachnid Beale treasure theory?

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The with which you agree. The "Legrand" on the youtube video you posted starting this thread.
Do you know other "Legrands" who have postulated this arachnid Beale treasure theory?



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