We Are Allowed To Laught At Our Personal Screwups



Last night, while batching it, I placed a heaping bowl of beef stew in the microwave...

The plan was to cook it for 2 minutes at high power, stir it, and then rehead for another 2 minutes...

While watching the news I heard a loud explosion....Hmmmmmmmmmmm

Yep! You guessed right...no cover... and the insides of the microwave looks like I tried drying the pet poodle...

An hour or so later, Cristina walked in, said hello and gave me a peck, opened the microwave to heat some food...

The scream is extremely hard to describe...although I did understand some of the words such as &^%$head, &%$#@gidiot, and dumb$hlt...

Suddenly, there was another explosion...yep, she was so upset she forgot to cover her dinner too...

We just laughted :coffee2:

Excuse me while I check the toilet lid... :laughing7:

Gotcha :icon_thumright:

Then I can use the public restroom and not worry if tfhe seat is up :laughing7:

Well, fool, you're lucky in a way. When I was datin Maria I fancied myself a cook, a master of Ramen noodles, anyway, so I cooked supper a couple of times for her. I thought I did pretty good. I did blow the spaghetti sauce all over the micro, but I cleaned it up. She said she would cook the next time, and she whupped out way more better stuff than I could have with what I had on hand. Finally I asked her where she learned to cook, and she told me she owned and ran a restaurant in Mexico for 12 years. I don't cook no more, except when we're camping.

HONESTLY!!! I don't know what is worse for you .Being left to your own devices or exchanging PMs
with me ..... Seems like you end up in a mess either way :tongue3:

i think i can beat that one year i was helping my mother with thanksgivivng dinner.. she has an elect. stove i dont

well i made a glass cake pan full of sweet pot. with brown sugar marsh mellows ect. all the sticky stuff. we had it sitting in the top of the stove until it was time to put it in the oven , my mother ask me to turn on the oven so i turned to knob that was in the middle well that was the knob for the burner under the coil i had the pan sitting on,,, a little while latter we heard a gun shot both of us hit the floor no kidding though some deer hunter was going wild when we looked up we saw no gun but thousands of peices of glass stuck to everything in the kitchen and sweet pot. frying all over the stove the glass mixed with all the sugar stuck very well we picked it off the floor walls celing every where there was a crack in the kitchen was sugar coated glass...

we where laughing for the rest of the day over that ..

i think i will always stick to gas stoves from now on.. :laughing9: :o ::) :laughing9:

In a hurry for a supper of ham and soup beans I put the raw ingredients in a 6 qt pressure cooker and listened to it chug away for what seemed like an eternity on the stove burner . Cooking time done
I killed the fire and pulled the pressure weight ..... Steam whistled out for a time and then there was just a small whisp escaping and I was hungry . The lid was a bit difficult to unlatch . When it broke free it blew toward me and bonked my forehead . The contents richocheted off the lid to the wall behind the stove .
Knot on my forehead and having to scrape my supper off the wall taught me a lesson about perssure cookers .

Bunch a dumb treasure hunters sigh I never make such simple booboos, I do it up right.

HI Maria que hay para cena? Me encanta Huevos rancheros para desayuno como lo hace me Senora, La Tigre.

( HI Maria, I love Ranchero eggs for breakfast as my Wife makes them)

Don Jose de La Mancha

Cooking Thanksgiving dinner one year for extended family of 25 or so, I made mashed potatoes from scratch, not realizing there is a difference in potatoes when you do this particular dish. Not sure which (wrong) ones I used that year, but after cooking, mashing, adding all the spices and milk, they just would NOT cooperate and fluff up. After messing with them for a half hour, my guests were surprised to find me flipping them, by the spoonful, up against the kitchen wall, where they stuck... and stayed. Judging by their consistancy, I knew they would not be edible. My (grown) daughter came in and asked, "Mom, what are you DOING?" I told her I didn't think the potatoes were going to be ready for the table any time soon. She giggled and agreed.

I made the graceful decision that we would just make do with dressing that year.

Well for supper tonight Real de Tayopa, we're having that fish I said I caught but went down to Safeway and bought, and then smoked outside. But lucky you, I showed Maria your post and here's her recipe she wrote down for Huevos Rancheros. I hope I spell it right. Se frie en aceite tortilla de maiz. Se pone el huevo encima. (or however many you want) Salsa: Se pica cebolla, jitomate y chile jalapeno al gusto y sal. Se frie en poquito aceite. That's it. Notice no cheese. Also, notice 'jitomate' instead of 'tomate'. I got in trouble in Spanish class for sayin jitomates. Also she says if you want frijoles refritos, you can add them. You can probably add anything else you might want, if you got it on hand, I suspect.

truckinbutch said:
HONESTLY!!! I don't know what is worse for you .Being left to your own devices or exchanging PMs
with me ..... Seems like you end up in a mess either way :tongue3:

This thread title should be changed to COOKING MISHAPS

Either way I'm screwed :coffee2:

And, yes, we are allowed to laught at our personal screwups when left to our own devices...the next thread will be entitled "Vasoline and It's 101 Uses" :thumbsup:

#1 RDT an RGIN you 2 are killin me here with my live in gringo girl who dont really like the food I could live on ....Mexican food

#2 thats cheating RTD lol

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