Weirdest thing ever happened today.

greydigger --I am "part" cherokee -- my grandmother on my fathers side was full blood cherokee -- she was highly gifted in matters spritual and was a natural herbist healer as well -- I am very in tune with the spirit world and can often feel if something "bad" has occured at a spot -- a battle, murder or anything having to do with strong emotions . --at times I "see" events in my mind as thought I'm watching a "movie" shown thru time of events occuring long ago (this is quite rare however) --its as if I looking back in time and seeing images of events from back then. -- quite frankly its not something I talk about very much to other folks -- those that have these things occur to them learn not to speak of it to those without the "gift" -- because these days folks will either mock you as a "nut"and might have you "locked up" or if they think your "legit" they will fear you and hate you, so its no win to speak to "non believier types" -- but many years ago if we were living among the cherokee indains -- we would have been thought of as "medicene men" or shamans (priests)

mind altering drugs --were often used to "open" other wize non used parts of the brain by indain shamans while exploring their spirituality -- your "animal guide" in the spirit world might be the "coyote" you are so fond of aka "the puppy" ( mine is the bear)---its well known that humans on a every day "normal" basis only actively use a very small % of their brains .

my animal guide or "totem" as it called came to me in a dream ( I dreamed of a bear )---you do not "pick it" --it picks you --

yes "seeing" things and "knowing things" that we should not according to "normal folks" rules of thought -- make us look "highly" suspect in missing folks cases , accidents and such -- you warned them -- lucky you were not "investagated" because of this warning -- as a "possible sabator type person" --- I tend limit my speaking to others on the subject to those who have had similar "odd" events occur in their lives and often they do not understand what going on in their "heads" --some folks simplely can not "handle" it and badly need someone to "explain about it somewhat to them" --if they do not properly "understand" it ---it can tend to drive some folks nuts over time.

texastee2007 said:
what if you dream of many animals....most common, hawk/eagle, large cat, snake, horned dreams are so vivid I can smell, taste, feel...the colors are always life like and thing often come to me that are very telling....wish I dreamed of numbers...LOL....but never do....they are always about life. Some are awful....I had a dream a very large wave hit California...nothing ever did but it was awful....there were people in the air and when the water pulled back everyone just stood there and I could hear children under the sand and started one would help....very scary for me.
You must be smokin' the good stuff.

I never thought of it as an 'animal guide' but can remember as a child dreaming of a dark
animal in deep forests that moved very quickly, but not knowing what it was. Years later I
saw a picture & realized it was a fisher. I went to the library & found all the books I could
on this animal & still to this day am fascinated with it. They have been spotted in the
mountains near my camp, but I have never seen one personally. With both sides of the
family being here since the mid 1700's, it's been said that there is Indian blood from my
oldest relatives, but so far cannot prove that.

When I was 10 I made it all the way to the front door ,when my mom asked what I was doing,and another time she caught me peeing on the furnace in the hallway. :laughing7:

Spirit Guide

Yes I believe that coyote chose to be my "Spirit Guide" on that day.
I don't know why, but I can "talk" to a lot of animals.
I was working under the hood of my truck once and something landed on my cap.
I calmly walked into the house and asked my wife what was on my head.
She laughed and said it was a pidgeon.
We were not in the city. That bird stuck around for a few days and then flew away.
Another time a dove landed on my shoulder.
I had gotten divorced and moved so it was not the location.
The dove who I named "Dove" stayed with me for 6 months.
Rode on my shoulder as I went to the store.
Then 1 day just flew away.
Have had many other strange animal experiences.


I can mimic animal sounds wonderfully most folks say -- three crow caws means "danger" to them and they will flee ( I hate crows) --- owls I call "call in" at night with hoot calls --did so many times at hunt camp to the amazement of others in the camp as the owls flew into near by trees --- I can call in deer, wild hogs and turkeys as well. --- most animal seem to like me animals like cats and dogs seem to love me --even dogs folks say "stay away" from ole meanies --the "he bites" folks type -- seem to like me. (have had folks say "old buster likes no one even me and I feed em daily " but dang it he likes you.)

many of the old shamans did "smoke" the good stuff to "open" thier minds --not to get high all the time like folks today do but as part of their spiritual acts -- modern science knows we only actively use on a regular basis about 10% of our brains -- some chemicals are know to "light up" the normally unused parts of the brain -- but one must know what one is doing when one does this --opening the wromg doors can turn you into a raging murderous madman or a vegetable for life -- it was the art of the shaman to know which "drugs" made which effects happen --like a modern pharmasist does --you take this drug for that sickness, or to cause this effect --- your body after all on a simple basis is just a bio chemically run machine . --adding or subtracting certain chemicals can and will cause it to do certain things.---no vitiman c --get scurvy and so on .

texastee2007 said:
jlb783 said:
texastee2007 said:
what if you dream of many animals....most common, hawk/eagle, large cat, snake, horned dreams are so vivid I can smell, taste, feel...the colors are always life like and thing often come to me that are very telling....wish I dreamed of numbers...LOL....but never do....they are always about life. Some are awful....I had a dream a very large wave hit California...nothing ever did but it was awful....there were people in the air and when the water pulled back everyone just stood there and I could hear children under the sand and started one would help....very scary for me.
You must be smokin' the good stuff.

actually never have.....never wanted to....never will......there is too much more to life then chemicals.
True, I never have or will either
Sorry, your dreams just sound kinda strange.

Are you taking any prescription sleep medication? Some will cause that. They even have to post this effect on the TV commercials.

CurbdiggerCarl57 said:
Are you taking any prescription sleep medication? Some will cause that. They even have to post this effect on the TV commercials.
I don't

My sister lives next door to my daddy, Her oldest daughter who was 12 at the time would always sleep walk. One morning at about 2 am, my daddy hears someone trying to get in his front door. He gets up and its my little neice standing at his front door in her pajama's, just standing there. He said, "What are you doing?" she didnt answer she just looked at him. He realized then that she had been sleep walking.
Thats scarey when a child does it.

The 'sleep driving' thing...i've done it twice!

The first time, when i was living in S. Texas. My mother, sister and me drove to central Texas to pick up my vehicle from my Daddys. My baby was i think 6 months old at the time. We get there, and had planned on turning around and going back the same day. Well it was like 3 in the morning before we left to go back to south texas. Im driving my car with my baby in the front seat (before infant carriers were the law) and im driving..the suns in my face, evidently i went to sleep, or had Highway Hypnosis, Next thing i know, i happened to look through my rear view mirror, and my mom and sister were flagging me down wanting me to stop. So i pulled over, my mother comes to the window, and she says, "TRISH! What Are You Doing?!" I had no idea what she was talking about, she said "You let me drive! We have been trying to stop you for miles!" Thats all i remember. I guess i woke up, i had no idea where i was or how i even got there!

2cnd time i did it, i was working 2 jobs, i was a single moma then. I had a part time job working 4 hours and from there i would go work full time doing a midnight shift.
I woke up one morning, looked at the clock and i could have swore someone had changed all the clocks in my house. So i get dressed, head to my part time job, i get there at about 12am, 30 minute drive, and im sitting there, and one of my co-workers walks in and asks me why i was there so early, and it wasnt until then that i realized no one had tampered with my clocks, i was still asleep!

Now when you sleep walk and get in a car...thats scarey!

I tried Ambien when I was still a smoker. Put a smoke out on the carpet and set it on fire! Cooked breakfast in my sleep at 2:00 in the morning and was making coffee in a dry pot when I woke up. Nearly caught the kitchen on fire. Woke up in my son's bedroom with my daughter-in-law wondering where I learned to cuddle so good! Threw those damn pills away and lived happily ever after! M :dontknow: nty

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