WELL...my cruise trip was a total bust...


Gold Member
Jan 3, 2012
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All Treasure Hunting
in the detecting dept. Nigel made the waters way to rough to hunt at spots I had planned on. Weather was fine - We had sun and just lite winds but waves were huge at spots that are usually glass. I tried to go out and snorkel and that was impossible. Only ray of sunshine for me was that I was seated at lunch next to a Canadian couple by chance and i started a conversation with them. They were happy that both hurricanes had missed directly hitting Bermuda. I told them that though the weather was fine...my trip was ruined by the rough waters. They inquired "Why?" I told them i was a treasure hunter and came to metal detect in the water. I received surprised looks from both of them and his wife said "He does that too!" Her name is Helen - his is Ken.
Ken asks if i post on forums and i replied "Oh yea" He asked if i posted on the TNET at all..."Oh yea"
He told me he goes by Kenfrom toronto. I told them I go by CASPER. He got exited and told me and his wife "I know him" He used to go on older forums I belonged to as well as the TNET. He has read many of my posts for years and said to his wife "He is famous" - Then the treasure stories flowed from the both of us. Told them due to health issues my hunts have suffered over the last few yrs but was hoping to make a come back soon. That I'd only been posting to help, congratulate or possibly inspire others . Was able to share some of the rest of our trip together talking detecting which made the trip back more enjoyable. I'd like to thank Ken and his wife for spending time with me and my GF - It was a real pleasure and who knows maybe we will meet again down the road. :icon_thumleft:

Upvote 18
here are some pics of the waters
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in the detecting dept. Nigel made the waters way to rough to hunt at spots I had planned on. Weather was fine - We had sun and just lite winds but waves were huge at spots that are usually glass. I tried to go out and snorkel and that was impossible. Only ray of sunshine for me was that I was seated at lunch next to a Canadian couple by chance and i started a conversation with them. They were happy that both hurricanes had missed directly hitting Bermuda. I told them that though the weather was fine...my trip was ruined by the rough waters. They inquired "Why?" I told them i was a treasure hunter and came to metal detect in the water. I received surprised looks from both of them and his wife said "He does that too!" Her name is Helen - his is Ken.
Ken asks if i post on forums and i replied "Oh yea" He asked if i posted on the TNET at all..."Oh yea"
He told me he goes by Kenfrom toronto. I told them I go by CASPER. He got exited and told me and his wife "I know him" He used to go on older forums I belonged to as well as the TNET. He has read many of my posts for years and said to his wife "He is famous" - Then the treasure stories flowed from the both of us. Told them due to health issues my hunts have suffered over the last few yrs but was hoping to make a come back soon. That I'd only been posting to help, congratulate or possibly inspire others . Was able to share some of the rest of our trip together talking detecting which made the trip back more enjoyable. I'd like to thank Ken and his wife for spending time with me and my GF - It was a real pleasure and who knows maybe we will meet again down the road. :icon_thumleft:
Wow looks like surfing waters. And yes you are famous here in my book too. Glad to see you are getting better and able to get out. Not a total bust, you spent some quality time with your girlfriend. You also got some new friends out of it. Stay safe buddy. Don’t forget the offer still stands. Come see us.

Surfing waves-not for the snorkelling/hunting type waves
Sorry to hear that the surf was so rough.
There's always calmer seas ahead in the future.
there ended up being a few surfers - my gf tried getting pics but they kept taking sh#tters
even if i could get in - lifeguards only let people get in - in a 50 by 50 yrd section
I walked in knee deep and said to my gal "I cant get in this" - lifeguard was behind me and said "youre absolutely right" "not allowing any swimming out side the flagged area"

Wow looks like surfing waters. And yes you are famous here in my book too. Glad to see you are getting better and able to get out. Not a total bust, you spent some quality time with your girlfriend. You also got some new friends out of it. Stay safe buddy. Don’t forget the offer still stands. Come see us.
Well we were the dynamic duo for awhile - lot of the new guys dont know us
think Ken knows you too - he used to hang at the Depot
Hope youre still doing good - Rosa saw some of your Ringfinder posts
my legs are not good - cant walk more than 50 yrds on land - but in water buoyancy helps
going to Fla. in Nov. so hope I can get something then
Good Luck if you get out :icon_thumleft:

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in the detecting dept. Nigel made the waters way to rough to hunt at spots I had planned on. Weather was fine - We had sun and just lite winds but waves were huge at spots that are usually glass. I tried to go out and snorkel and that was impossible. Only ray of sunshine for me was that I was seated at lunch next to a Canadian couple by chance and i started a conversation with them. They were happy that both hurricanes had missed directly hitting Bermuda. I told them that though the weather was fine...my trip was ruined by the rough waters. They inquired "Why?" I told them i was a treasure hunter and came to metal detect in the water. I received surprised looks from both of them and his wife said "He does that too!" Her name is Helen - his is Ken.
Ken asks if i post on forums and i replied "Oh yea" He asked if i posted on the TNET at all..."Oh yea"
He told me he goes by Kenfrom toronto. I told them I go by CASPER. He got exited and told me and his wife "I know him" He used to go on older forums I belonged to as well as the TNET. He has read many of my posts for years and said to his wife "He is famous" - Then the treasure stories flowed from the both of us. Told them due to health issues my hunts have suffered over the last few yrs but was hoping to make a come back soon. That I'd only been posting to help, congratulate or possibly inspire others . Was able to share some of the rest of our trip together talking detecting which made the trip back more enjoyable. I'd like to thank Ken and his wife for spending time with me and my GF - It was a real pleasure and who knows maybe we will meet again down the road. :icon_thumleft:
I’m sure that you will be back in the calmer waters very soon and recovering those treasures that you are so so good to find.

Thanks for sharing this great post

in the detecting dept. Nigel made the waters way to rough to hunt at spots I had planned on. Weather was fine - We had sun and just lite winds but waves were huge at spots that are usually glass. I tried to go out and snorkel and that was impossible. Only ray of sunshine for me was that I was seated at lunch next to a Canadian couple by chance and i started a conversation with them. They were happy that both hurricanes had missed directly hitting Bermuda. I told them that though the weather was fine...my trip was ruined by the rough waters. They inquired "Why?" I told them i was a treasure hunter and came to metal detect in the water. I received surprised looks from both of them and his wife said "He does that too!" Her name is Helen - his is Ken.
Ken asks if i post on forums and i replied "Oh yea" He asked if i posted on the TNET at all..."Oh yea"
He told me he goes by Kenfrom toronto. I told them I go by CASPER. He got exited and told me and his wife "I know him" He used to go on older forums I belonged to as well as the TNET. He has read many of my posts for years and said to his wife "He is famous" - Then the treasure stories flowed from the both of us. Told them due to health issues my hunts have suffered over the last few yrs but was hoping to make a come back soon. That I'd only been posting to help, congratulate or possibly inspire others . Was able to share some of the rest of our trip together talking detecting which made the trip back more enjoyable. I'd like to thank Ken and his wife for spending time with me and my GF - It was a real pleasure and who knows maybe we will meet again down the road. :icon_thumleft:
Hey Casper, It was nice to meet you! Yes, I've seen many posts from you on the American forums, and quite impressed with your finds. We are landlocked here in Toronto, except for couple of freshwater beaches which are continuously hunted out by the many local detectorists.; finds are few to non-existent! The old stuff on land, are also gone in this big city; or being paved over. Coupled with health issues, it's getting tougher and tougher to swing for any length of time. This season, I probably have gone detecting only a handful of times for couple of hours each, and not finding much. Horseshoe Beach was really rough in Bermuda. We went to Tobacco Bay for a couple of hours , and I did the water a bit, very little, 4 quarters and bunch of bottlecaps and pulltabs that was it! Water was calm and beautiful. Likewise, it was great meeting you Casper, and I 'm sure we'll meet again in the next cruise; how about Coco Cay, and St Croix October 28 ? LOL

Hi Ken :hello:

Been many moons since we met up in High Park for a hunt.
You may recall my old postings on the other forum ClusterJim
Still chasing those dreaded brown disks? (pennies):laughing7:
Hey Jim, Wow ,it's been a while, time flies faster and faster with age! I believe it was 2010 or thereabouts we went to High Park? Nope, no more hunting for old coins as there are none left. The new guy in town has really dug everything the last 8 years or so, it's CLEAN and I mean CLEAN! Goes around with the newest detector like the Equinox, and the Manticore and 15" coil! I now do the occasional hunting on the beach, dry sand; even that is taken over by the Russian gang who are always there! LOL

Hey Jim, Wow ,it's been a while, time flies faster and faster with age! I believe it was 2010 or thereabouts we went to High Park? Nope, no more hunting for old coins as there are none left. The new guy in town has really dug everything the last 8 years or so, it's CLEAN and I mean CLEAN! Goes around with the newest detector like the Equinox, and the Manticore and 15" coil! I now do the occasional hunting on the beach, dry sand; even that is taken over by the Russian gang who are always there! LOL
Wow! It's been a few years ago, time does fly.
High Park treated me well.
400 acres, nobody can get it all.
Lawns maybe, but the off trails there's a chance.
Yes the years slip by quickly.
Great hearing from you again Ken.

Well surf, sand, beach, and friends is the treasure most are looking for so ya ... you did great !! Looked like a great vacation.

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